I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

111: Rumor Has It That Sister Zhou Was Bullied By Mr. Gu And Cried!

Teacher Park watched helplessly as she was carried back to the camp by a few red pandas.

The task has not failed.

According to Gu Qiu's design, each task can die twice, and there are three chances in total.

Teacher Park was very confused at this moment.

He touched Yuanyuan's head in doubt, and asked in a very puzzled tone.

"Brothers, those few just now were mobs?"

"The mobs in this game are so fierce!"

The epee smashed for a long time, but in the end it didn't even touch a hair?

The little monsters are more agile than other game bosses in jumping around. The most important thing is that the movement of the epee is extremely slow and powerful, and it is completely uncontrollable!

Teacher Park is uncomfortable.

My heart was filled with panic, and I was out of breath.

When did he suffer this kind of grievance?

"Come again!"

This time he was a lot more careful, and he deliberately got a few bottles of medicine from the supply box and took it with him.

Returning to the place where the mobs appeared again, those little mandrills hid again.

It's just that facing Teacher Park who came prepared, their hiding places are clearly visible, and they can't catch the teacher's eyes at all.

Teacher Pu touched it carefully, and while the little mandrill was not paying attention, he walked around behind one of them!

Draw your sword and chop!

If the epee is in a restrained state, the first cut will be very fast.

Teacher Park did a good job of hiding this time, and the little mandrill didn't find it at all.


The blade is gone in a flash!

The epee struck the little mandrill's body straight, splashing a lot of blood!

At that moment, the cool teacher Park's scalp went numb!

He almost roared out, followed closely, and he took advantage of the situation to receive a sweep, and the epee swept across, flowing like clouds and flowing water!

The little mandrill wailed and fell to the courtier in a pool of blood.

Mission completion, 1/3!


"It's so cool!"

Teacher Park is so elated!

Is really happy.

This is the case with playing games. If it is a goal that is too easy to achieve, there is often no sense of accomplishment.

The goals that can be achieved through your own efforts will make you remember deeply.

This is the case with "Beast Hunter".

It may be more difficult to compare with other games, but as long as it is successful, the refreshing level is far more than some fast food games on the market.

Teacher Park didn't master how to use the epee just now.

Now, he finally found a way.

Keep the knife back first, adjust the position, and then strike out with a sword!

It can not only guarantee the power, but also ensure the sensitivity, very easy to use!

After killing two mandrills in a row, Mr. Park felt that he was addicted.

Especially the kind of hand feeling, let the teacher can't stop!

Great sword too!

When he strikes a monster, the strong feedback makes every time he strikes with the sword, there will be a faint anticipation!


Teacher Park can assure you that there is absolutely no game in the past that can be compared with "Beast Hunter" in terms of action!


Another slash, and the three mandrills were all killed!

Teacher Park feels that she has a sense of accomplishment!

"Brothers, am I handsome~.!"

He was as happy as a two-hundred-pound child.

"This game is so cool, I'm going to sleep all night today!"

At the same time, sister Zhou was almost beaten to tears by the mandrill.

What she faced was not a little mandrill.

It's the Mandrill King!

Unlike Teacher Park, the weapon she chose was a short knife recommended for beginners.

The combination of short knife and shield not only ensures defense, but also ensures flexible mobility.

The little mandrill's task was not difficult for her, but she was chopped off.

At this time, she was still happy and confident.

"Brothers, this game is not difficult.

"It's said to be a hardcore game, but that's exactly what it is."

"I think it can't help me at all."

The water friends are also very confused.

Even Teacher Pu was sent home by these little mandrills, why is Miss Zhou so brave today?

Until, Sister Zhou took over the task of the Mandrill King confidently.

She began to scan the map, looking for the location of the Mandrill King.

After searching for about five minutes, just as she was getting restless, she found traces on the ground..

A large footprint, oval in shape.

She was happy then.

"Could it be that I have the talent to be a hunter?"

"It must be, when I played other games before, it was not so smooth!"

Following the footprints, she walked to the side of the cliff.

Just when he was wondering, a huge mandrill rushed from the opposite direction and knocked her off the cliff!

Sister Zhou was confused.

After the water friend reacted, he was also stunned.

Some people are laughing at Sister Zhou, but some people are already doubting life.

Who designed the AI ​​in this game?

Are you sick?

A monster even sets traps!

Let no one play!

Fortunately, falling off the cliff is not fatal, just to run again.

An exasperated sister Zhou made an oath!

"Wait for me, I will take your skin off!"

She returned to the cliff with the dagger in her hand, only to find that a giant mandrill king and three or four small mandrills had already lined up and waited for her.

She is stupid.

The little mandrill is already struggling to fight, how about another mandrill king?

Bullying people!

Finally, she bit the bullet and rushed forward.

As a result, the mandrill king immediately taught her how to be a human being, with several claw strikes in a row, coupled with flexible positioning, sweeping and then falling, and finally even sat her down with his butt, and farted hard!

Died in situ.

The water friend laughed.

It’s okay to be smoked to death by farts!”

"See if your mouth is still hard.

"Aren't you a genius hunter?"

Amidst the barrage of ridicule, Sister Zhou became even more angry and furious!

Keep up the challenge!

It's a pity that the monster will not lower AI because of anger. After killing Sister Zhou three times in a row, the mission decisively fails.

Sister Zhou's eyes were red.

Keep up the challenge!

It has to be said that in terms of game comprehension, Sister Zhou's level of action games is still a bit behind that of Teacher Park.

She didn't know how to dodge, she only knew how to attack blindly. After dying several times in a row, she just started to dodge the attack.

(Leaving Zhao) It's a pity that the Mandrill King is the first rookie killer.

Not so easy to pass.

The Mandrill King is fast and has a high attack power. The only weakness is that the interval between attacks is relatively long. If you are familiar with the moves, it will become easy to dodge.

Sister Zhou memorized the moves, but unfortunately, her brain couldn't keep up with her operations.

for an hour.

Sister Zhou showed a hundred fancy ways to die.

Killed by mobs, slapped to death by the mandrill king, killed by fart collapse, and killed by sitting on the buttocks.

Her complexion became increasingly ugly.

Lips are getting tighter.

In the end, she couldn't take it anymore.

Wow cried out.

"woo woo woo woo!"

"Bully me, everyone bully me!"

"Gu Qiu is too bad, the last game, writing that kind of plot, makes people sad after watching it.

"This game is too rare to die, woo woo woo...I don't want to play it anymore!"

The water friends all laughed.

"It got out that Sister Zhou was bullied by Mr. Gu and cried!".

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