Gao Song is down!

This is the first time he has chosen to back down after so many years since his debut.

In the past, he had never been soft in fights with others, and he was famous for his mouth being tougher than...

Unexpectedly, this time he stumbled in front of the little-known Xinhuo Studio.

His fans were also dumbfounded, and they had no choice but to continue to resist.

After all, there are no flag-waving people, and if they charge again, they will be more or less brain-dead.

The game fans of "Book of Life and Death" suddenly felt elated, and their words were much tougher than usual.

Xinhuo Studio, Niubi!

I just said that the plot is not good, but the backhand is a set collection to slap my face!

The key point is that this setting set is too top-notch, and a novel is directly presented, which is still such a divine book!

The heat of this matter was already very high, and Gao Song's voluntary confession made the heat soar.

Out of curiosity, more people clicked on this "Journey to the West".

Zhang Ying is the editor of Huaxia Culture Publishing House, and he is also a die-hard fan of Book of Life and Death.

When he saw the game for the first time, he fell in love with this unique and treacherous game.

Moreover, he is also deeply obsessed with the deeply buried plot, and he never tires of digging out all the bits and pieces of information.

He was even more curious about the unrestrained and unrestrained Great Sage.

He wanted to find out the origin of the Great Sage, and what the so-called Lingming Stone Monkey was.

Everything seems to be magical, tempting him to keep swiping the level over and over again, just to have more conversations with the gods.

From that few words, infer what you want to understand.

When Gao Song slandered the plot, he also angrily stood up for "Book of Life and Death".

He knew that the plot that made him obsessed was definitely not without connotation, as Gao Song said, it was dismantled and pieced together randomly.

When Gu Qiu posted on Weibo, he immediately clicked on it.

He was very excited, the complete set was released, wouldn't there be Wukong's complete life in it!

With strong anticipation, he flipped through the pages non-stop.

Once I saw this, I couldn't stop.

His expectations were already high enough, but he never expected that the shock this book brought to him was ten times and a hundred times higher than what he had expected!

The bizarre stories in the book seem to happen right in front of your eyes!

Those immortals, Buddhas, gods and monsters, those ghosts and monsters.

Those dazzling magical treasures and elixir, those long-awaited exercises and realms.

It opened the door to a new world for him who has reached middle age!

It's like going back to my childhood, that child who likes to fantasize.

At that time, he could only fantasize about becoming a hero like Superman, or a grand thief like Zorro or Robin Hood.

When he got older, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Why do those images of heroes all have the face of a foreigner?

Don't they Huaxia have their own superheroes?

Gradually, he stopped thinking about it.

The burden of life is on him, and he looks at the figures of the mortgage and car loan all day long. He can only survive and work hard.

Those childhood wishes are also deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.

But when he saw "Journey to the West", he seemed to have returned to his childhood!

Became the little kid who put on his pants and pretended to take off.

Only this time, the stick he was dangling in his hand had a name!

Dinghaishenzhen, Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

Sleepless nights, sleepless nights!

He watched it for a day and a night, until the end of the holiday, before he ran to the unit with two huge dark circles under his eyes.

His appearance scared his colleagues enough.

Anyway, it is also a national-level publishing house, and these editors usually pay attention to their own image.

Zhang Ying, in particular, is always meticulous in grooming herself.

Like today, with a head full of chicken nests, even two buttons are missing, which is unprecedented.

"Xiao Zhang, are you okay?"

"I got sick?"

Faced with the concerns of his colleagues, Zhang Ying just casually brushed it off.

He didn't sleep all day and all night, but he didn't feel tired at all, he just felt extremely excited!

"Journey to the West" is a rare treasure!

He must not let this treasure be buried!

He wants more people to see that Huaxia also has such excellent novels!


He pushed open the door of their editor-in-chief.

The editor-in-chief of the publishing house is called Lu Guangping, who is 47 years old this year.

He was born as a literati, and he often published some articles in the past.

Compared with some literati who are always uncomfortable with their peers, his mentality is much better, and he especially likes to promote newcomers.

Many cutting-edge writers were discovered by him alone.

He was sipping his tea, when the office was pushed away with a bang, which scared him so much that he almost dropped his teacup.

Seeing that the person who came was Zhang Ying with this appearance again, he couldn't help but his heart moved.

"What's going on here?"

he asked with concern.

Zhang Ying didn't care about politeness, and went straight to the point.

"Editor-in-Chief, I found a good book!"

Lu Guangping suddenly became interested, how wonderful it would be to turn Zhang Ying into a book like this!

"Come on, tell me in detail!"

Zhang Ying was not too polite, and turned on Lu Guangping's computer in the past, and found the Weibo post familiarly.

Lu Guangping glanced at it, frowning slightly.

"The background story of the game?"

"Xiao Zhang, are you sure this is a book?"

"The author said it himself, it's just a set."

Zhang Ying was full of confidence: "You will know it after looking at it."

Lu Guangping blew on the teacup in his hand, and clicked on the first chapter.

As soon as he saw it for the first time, his hands trembled.

I even forgot to blow away the tea smoke floating away!

His eyes widened, staring at the screen tightly, he couldn't bear to move away even for a moment!

After twenty minutes, the tea in his hand was completely cold, and he still kept that action, without changing at all!

Zhang Ying secretly smiled and asked, "How about it, editor-in-chief, isn't this book good?"

Only now did Lu Guangping come back to his senses. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Ying with complicated eyes.

"This book...who is the author?"

"He cares about this, call it the setting set of the game?"

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