I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

165: This Is A Battle Destined To Be Recorded In The Annals Of Game History!

This night, the number of people in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room reached a historical peak!

Gifts keep coming, like flowing water.

The beast tide that the audience has been looking forward to, which is expected by everyone, has finally arrived

In addition to Miss Zhou standing in front of the city wall, there are many players behind who have entered Sister Zhou's illusion. In their field of vision, a black line slowly appeared on the plain in the distance!

The black line rushed in like a tide, and slowly got closer, finally revealing its true colors!

Blockbuster blockbusters!

A tiger with wings and sprouts protruding from its body. The vulture hovering in the sky has three heads protruding from its neck.

Disgusting in appearance.


Sister Zhou gave an order, and all kinds of weapons densely packed on the city wall burst into flames!

The battle begins!

Flesh flying!

The players shouted excitedly, as if they had descended on the battlefield!

This kind of beast horde is a scene that has never appeared in any game. It is realistic and grand. This level of 30 battles has never been simulated by other games!

What's more, this is still a VR game!

Realistically makes people feel like they are there!

All players in the illusion, including the audience outside the screen, feel their blood burning.

This battle in Sister Zhou's Illusion is an exception among countless players of "Xumi Illusion".

Many people have analyzed that the world generated by "Xumi Illusion" is dynamically balanced, that is to say, the strength of monsters in the small world is closely related to the strength of players.

The stronger the player, the more life and death the monster will be.

Sister Zhou pulled in a thousand players this time through the card bug, which greatly strengthened the strength of the monster in disguise.

It was too early, the overwhelming tide of beasts was like the end of the world.

Players don't know whether this kind of card bug behavior will be fixed by Xinhuo. If it is fixed, maybe such a grand scene will never be seen again.

So everyone cherishes it.

The vast majority of players have already turned on the recording function, and they want to record this unprecedented battle that will never be seen in the future.

Outside the shelter, it seemed to have turned into a huge meat grinder, with blood and minced meat everywhere.

The strange beasts in the beast horde don't know life or death. They brazenly hit the city wall, even breaking bones and tendons. Only when the flesh and blood collapsed can their impact be stopped.

Fortunately, when the players built the city wall, they added meteoric iron and fine gold into it, otherwise the ordinary city wall would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of this level!

It has already collapsed!

Sister Zhou had already prepared, she specially invited the master commander of the battle game, and set up the team in the voice software.

"Nancheng Gate, the muzzle of Shenwu Heavy Cannon is deflected!"

"The Psychic Cannon starts charging!"

"Get ready, shoot together!"

Sister Zhou waved her arms excitedly: "Fire the guns, fire the guns!"

In a battle of this level, the power of the individual has been infinitely reduced. If you want to win this battle, you must rely on the whole!

There are also countless strategic materials that have been stored before!

Boom boom boom!

White's beam of light and Red's flame exploded in the crowd of monsters, and there was a large blank space in the mass of monsters!

All the players and audience gasped in unison.

It was also the first time for them to see the scene where thousands of mighty heavy cannons exploded together with spiritual cannons!

It's like a war of annihilation!

Usually, if you want to build a heavy artillery, you need at least half a day of hard work by a player.

At this time, a thousand cannons were fired, and the light, shadow and sound effects alone made the players' eardrums roar, and they couldn't remember it for a long time!

And this is just the beginning!

"The second column is ready, start throwing thunderbolts!"

"People from the west city gate, command the NPC to shoot!"

In addition to the players, there are also a large number of NPCs. They cannot accept high-precision commands, but they can still shoot.

The dense thunderbolts were thrown out, like tens of thousands of dazzling fireworks blooming in the dark night.

Under the fireworks, there are gunfire falling densely like raindrops.

Countless blood spots exploded among the herd.

Wails, roars, and the roar of artillery fire interweave into a cruel battlefield symphony.

The strength of the beast tide was beyond everyone's expectations.

Hundreds of rechargeable cannons have been fired for nearly seventy or eighty rounds, but Zeng still shows no sign of stopping!

four or five hours have passed

The bloody mud on the ground has been refreshed. Obviously there is no smell setting in the game, but all the players seem to be able to smell the strong and lingering bloody smell.

Everyone was red-eyed.

Sister Zhou's noise was already hoarse, and the conductor she invited was completely broken!

But everyone wasn't tired at all, on the contrary they were even more excited, each and every one of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood!

Isn't it just four or five hours, even if it takes another day and night, the players can still resist!

The monsters that hit the city wall at this time are already elite monsters.

The city walls that have been added with meteoric iron and fine gold have even been damaged, and I don't know how long they can resist...

The power of the beast tide is beyond everyone's imagination!

The commander gritted his teeth, and he keenly judged that it might not be possible to fight like this.

If the city wall collapses, they will fall into infinite passiveness... The resurrection point is inside the city, if monsters rush in to guard the corpse, it will be completely over!

Compared with monsters, players have one of the biggest advantages, they can be revived infinitely!

Before the thousand players, they all spent a lot of effort to improve their 437 equipment, and now everyone is a Divine Adornments!

Their combat power is not at the same level as the NPCs who can only shoot.

It's just that this is a VR game after all, the degree of realism is too high, players have the courage to ask...

After all, there are many people who will break out in a cold sweat after seeing this horror game.

"It's too late."

The commander quickly made a judgment, and he turned on the microphone and told Sister Zhou: "You must charge, otherwise the city wall will fall!"

At this time, sister Zhou broke out with unprecedented courage. She who is usually not very courageous, now showed the momentum of seeing death as home.

"Brothers, follow me! The city is in the presence of the people, and the country is in order!"

Sister Zhou takes the lead in the charge!

Many players also jumped off the city wall screaming!

Many people have long wanted to go on a killing spree, and the rest, infected by this atmosphere, rushed out one after another!

With the addition of players, the offensive and defensive momentum is instantly reversed!

The attack of the beast tide was quickly contained, but the players suffered heavy losses!

A face-to-face meeting of thousands of players, nearly one-fifth of them fell...

Fortunately, the resurrection point is very close, and the players gradually became red-eyed and fearless of death!

The tide of beasts slowed down visibly with the naked eye. After nearly three rounds of death of all the players, a colossal monster suddenly stood up in the dense crowd of beasts!

Beastmaster, appeared!.

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