The broadcast room is boiling

"What is the situation that the real scene of this game is more real than the promotional video?"

"Crazy goosebumps, how can this NPC respond?"

"Tuanzi, you're not playing games, you're just time travelling.

"This is the only world financial center in Asia in Legendary, and it is too prosperous and beautiful."

Tuanzi walked into a store in front of him in surprise. The store was luxuriously and exquisitely decorated and displayed a wide range of products.

"What does this lady need?"

A man in a suit walked up to the dumpling, and a gentleman smiled at the dumpling.

"Ah... let me see..." Tuanzi was at a loss for words.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

The dumpling swayed and began to look at the products in the store

"Oh my god, this little Western clock is too cute, I really want to own it!"

"Brothers, I don't seem to have the money of this era, what should I do?"

The barrage was full of hahahaha.

"President Tuan, you are playing a game, why are you still shopping?"

"What kind of shooting game, how did this become an exploration world!"

"It's so real, this picture is amazing, you can really trust the picture quality of Xin Huo forever!"

"Hey, something's not right, the painting style seems to be starting to fade."

The audience in the live broadcast room became puzzled.


Suddenly there was a violent explosion, and the group almost couldn't stand still.

She looked in surprise at the street full of traffic that had just returned and was riddled with holes.

The explosions one after another and the cries of people were intertwined, which made her unable to react for a while.

Suddenly, a shell exploded at the door of the shop!

The glass of the window was shattered in an instant, and the dazzling array of products in the store fell all over the floor.

Tuanzi felt that his body had been cut by the broken glass.

A man rushed over and stood in front of the dumpling.

"The hateful Japanese have started bombing, this place may collapse, go to the air-raid shelter to be safe.

Tuanzi immediately stood up and rushed out of the shop following the figure of the man.

The moment you step out of the door, the screen changes suddenly!

The group found themselves behind a pile of sandbags, and there seemed to be a sickening smell in the air.

"What's the matter~"?"

The audience was as amazed by the changes before their eyes as was the dumpling.

"That was just CG?"

"Guys it seems like the real game is only officially starting now."

Tuanzi looked at everything around him calmly.

This is an intersection, and the surrounding shops have long been empty.

Looking at the crumbling signboard, compared with the bustling scene when he just entered the game, Tuanzi's heart ached and tears almost flowed out.

Under the merciless bombing of the Japanese Empire, this prosperous and beautiful metropolis has been turned into ruins.

Only the smell of mud mixed with blood remained in the air.

The originally beautiful city was shrouded in gunpowder smoke, with no daily life in sight.

"Damn, I'm already getting angry, these Japanese devils, damn it!"

"Why is it so bad, it's too hateful, give me back that beautiful city just now!"

Tuanzi angrily patted the bunker in front of him, raising a cloud of dust.

"These little devils, wait for me!"

As she spoke, she raised the gun in her hand, as if she could really feel the cold touch.

"After playing the game for so long, this is the time when I have the strongest sense of substitution. The female sniper is online!"

Not long after entering the game, Tuanzi felt as if he had come to another world.

No, to be precise, it traveled back to decades ago, to the China that was trampled by the Japanese invasion.

Everything in front of her eyes and the gun in her hand reminded her all the time that all of this happened in real life.

Now she is a Warrior, not a Common game character.

May fall in the battlefield of bullets at any time.

The fans in the live broadcast room have exploded!

"This shit isn't playing games, it's time travel!"

"Is there really technology that can make games to this level?"

Suddenly, a roar came from Tuanzi's earphones.

"Hold on, brothers, we can't retreat anymore! We must hold on!"

"As long as we have a breath, we can't let this group of dogs go one step further!"

Tuanzi immediately came to his senses, this is the battlefield!

It is the most real, cruelest battlefield like a meat grinder!

From the gap in the bunker, Tuanzi saw the soldiers of Yi Kingdom not far away.

They were dressed in khaki clothes and had hideous faces.

These are the dogs that blew up our homes and killed our fellow citizens!

The hands of each of them are stained with the blood of our compatriots!

The sound of bullets flying past his ears instantly ignited the anger in the hearts of Tuanzi and the audience.

"Kill, kill these beasts!"

"Tuanzi, don't be afraid that we are with you! Come on, kill these bastards!"

"Ah, I really want to enter the game and kill these bastards with Tuanzi!"

The leading Japanese military officer in front drew out his saber from his waist.

As he raised the long knife high, he let out a hoarse voice.


The devils behind him immediately echoed loudly, shouting in unison: "々Attack!!!"

Their voices were shrill and piercing, and there was an inexplicable nausea in my ears!

The atmosphere suddenly became anxious, and everyone in the live broadcast room felt their hairs stand on their heads, as if they heard their own rapid heartbeats!

As soon as Tuanzi got excited, he was ready to get up and shoot.

He was suddenly thrown down by a person!

The tuanzi who fell down seemed to have eaten a mouthful of dirt, and felt that his arm was hurt by the gun.

"You don't want to die, just stand there stupidly!"

An angry shout rang in his ears.

"Take cover! Take aim and shoot! Every bullet we take is Precious!"

The rough and hoarse voice calmed down the beating heart of Tuanzi.

She has begun to get used to the dense gunshots and the bullets whizzing past her head.

Even, she felt that the tip of her nose was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The Japanese soldiers found a cover and started shooting.

Tuanzi found a safe place, set up his gun, and the method of using the gun appeared in front of him automatically.

In the ever-changing battlefield, there is no time to familiarize yourself with the (good) method of using guns. In order to allow players to get started immediately, the operation methods of guns are simplified.

Tuanzi is an old shooting game player, so this thing is naturally a no-brainer.

She followed the prompts, opened the scope, and aimed.

Every time she makes a movement, she can get subtle feedback.

It's like, actually manipulating a gun.

Tuanzi had never fired a gun before, but now she felt that shooting should be like this!


The scope was aimed at the head of a little devil.

She has killed many enemies in the game before, but she is not as nervous as this time.


She took a deep breath and held her breath!

Pull the trigger.

Feeling the feedback from the fingers, the bullets whizzed out!

As if in slow motion, the air is cut by a bullet to create a white wire lug!

That cold bullet, like the finger of death...

Straight, it pierced into the little devil's head and smashed it!.

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