I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

229: Butterfly Lock, Blue Paper Figure

Teacher Park remembered the operation of finding the scissors to open the door at the beginning, so he began to try to observe the furnishings in the house to see if there were any hidden clues and tools.

First of all, on the chair in front of him, the black and white photo of the couple.

On the photo, a pair of old people are smiling and looking at him steadily.

"This thing is too evil. How could such a good person suddenly become a posthumous photo?"

He plucked up the courage to come to the portrait, trying to see the photos on it clearly.

Suddenly a low and hoarse narration sounded.

"This is Momo's parents. As far as I remember, they passed away one after another last year."

The narrator suddenly becomes panicked.

"Then who was sitting across from you during the church visit just now!"

"No, no, I must be hungover and hallucinating!"

The audience was crying and howling.

"Damn, what the hell is this narration too "zero three seven" sudden, it scared me to death!"

"Although, this little big brother has a nice voice!"

"You didn't pay attention, the bride's parents are dead, so what happened just now!"

"It must be a ghost!"

Lao Pu was startled by the voice of the narration that suddenly sounded just now. He watched the discussion on the bullet screen and forcibly calmed down.

"Hangover hallucinations?"

"I don't have such hallucinations even if my brain is drunk!"

"What kind of dog setting is this! I remember this dog studio!"

He looked at a candlestick with White candles on the table, and a wooden box next to it.

The shape of the box is simple and simple, Mr. Pu picked up the wooden box and shook it,

"There is a sound, could it be the key to get out or something."

This box feels too real, as if there is a barb on it, it will really hurt your fingers.

There are two butterfly-shaped grooves on the front of the box, which should be the mechanism to open the box.

The water friends in the live broadcast room watched Lao Pu fiddling with the box in his hand, but there was no rush for the next move.

"Don't touch it, don't touch it! The box is covered with pulp!"

"You can't grind it with bare hands, don't struggle, hurry up and find the butterfly!"

"Sooner or later, you will have to face it! You should be sober!"

"When I first turned the camera, everyone saw the compartment next to me! Go pick up the ball!"

After being punctured by everyone, Mr. Park had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to the door of the cubicle.

This compartment is really scary, the dark room can't see the pattern,

Only a candlestick was placed on the table in the middle, and the faint flame flickered as if it would go out at any time.

He took a deep breath and walked in.

After walking in, I realized that there were plates of meals on the table, the colors were bright and the plates were exquisitely arranged.

Seeing the food, Lao Pu's eyes lit up, and his steps became brisk.

The barrage immediately burst into laughter.

"I see the pig is hungry!"

"What's the haunting with good food!"

"I'm so scared that I'm sick! Old Pu has a good appetite!"

Teacher Park glanced at the barrage, "I'm here to find clues! You guys are superficial!"

Feeling his way to the table, he bent down excitedly to see the dishes on the table.

The unusually bright colors, the sharp and angular ingredients, the food on this plate is obviously made of paper!

"My God! This is all made of paper!" Old Pu took a step back in shock.

The water friends were also taken aback,

"Isn't Mr. Gao Neng saving me? Look at the hairs on my arms!"

"What kind of tooth stutters to eat such a hard dish!"

"Good craftsmanship! It's so realistic!"

The gloomy candlelight flickered, making the paper-wrapped meals on the table flickering even more weirdly!

"Why is there a broken notebook on the corner of this table!"

"This underworld game! I suspect he just wanted to scare me to death!" Lao Pu tremblingly picked up a book on the corner of the table.

After opening it, it says "One son, two ugly, three Yin, four Mao..."

"What kind of password is this? I will remember this." As he said, Lao Pu put the notebook into his arms.

"Fuck! What kind of action is this? I didn't do it myself!"

"This is because the system automatically collects useful clues. This ghost game is just doing some underworld operations to scare me!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were overwhelmed by Lao Pu's sudden movement.

"Hahahahaha" Oh boy, so you are a robot cat!"

"If you want to die laughing, how much do you have to carry!"

Old Pu cursed and continued to search the house, but when he turned around, there was another miserable scream, and he fell down firmly on his buttocks and squatted down!

"Damn! Old Pu, you are sick! You scared me to death!!!"

"Nimma! The screams of pigs are scarier than games!"

The water friend didn't see what was going on, but was frightened silly by Lao Pu's screams!

"People... figures! There is a figure behind that screen!"

Teacher Park raised his hand tremblingly, pointing to the screen... 0

But the shape of a human figure looms behind the screen. If you look carefully, you will find a corner of Blue's clothes leaking out of the screen.

Dim lighting made it difficult to see whether it was a person or clothes hanging there.

"Go up and see Old Pu!"

"This is definitely a clue, don't be afraid to follow!"

"Come and have a good time!"

"Don't be afraid, if it's really a ghost, you'll have killed you for being a ghost!

With good mental preparation, the water friends in the live broadcast room can't wait to see the tragic scene of Lao Pu bumping into a ghost!

"You people, you thought I would be scared! I'll go up and catch a ghost and scare you to death!"

"I know ghosts are called ghosts every day!"

Teacher Park deliberately said this loudly to make himself stronger, and walked to the screen.

"Who's there?"

It's a human or a ghost! Speak!"

He said and pushed a screen violently!

Suddenly, with a strange laugh, a man in blue came out from behind the screen, a pale face under Black's hat.


"There are ghosts! There are ghosts!" Lao Pu screamed and jumped three steps away, hugging his head and crouching down on the spot.

The live broadcast room was full of wailing,

"Nimma, the mental preparations are for nothing! I'm scared to death!"

"What the hell is this voice 1.6, it's laughing in my ears!!"

"I'm numb! I can't move, brothers!"

Old Pu shivered for two minutes, and the surroundings became quiet after the weird laughter disappeared.

He raised his head and found that the man in blue was still crooked behind the screen, motionless.

The water friends also calmed down,

"It looks like a paper man."

"It's okay, it doesn't seem to be aggressive."

"Go and see, I just saw something fell."

Lao Pu stood up, shaking his legs as if they were a little numb.

"Did you drop something? Let's go and have a look, brothers."

The friends in the water said friendlyly that no one wanted to accompany him, and asked him to be strong and brave!

Old Pu moved over with heavy steps, there was indeed a small thing on the ground, he closed his eyes and quickly picked up the thing on the ground.

The paper figurine of Blue seemed to move slightly. .

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