I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

238: Go And Return, Ghost Hits The Wall

The audience who were still laughing at Lao Pu just now were also furious.

"Damn it, I live in 901!"

"Fortunately, I live in 902! But I'm also afraid of what to do!"

"The ninth floor is unlucky!"

Old Pu snorted.

"Aren't you very arrogant just now, don't you know how to be afraid!"

"Watch me operate!"

He was complacent and felt that he had regained a little bit of ground-.

But after taking a step, he stopped.

The safety indicator light on the stairs glowed green.

The dark corridor, coupled with this green light, is particularly permeating.

He stood silently at the stairs, hesitating.

This ghostly place is not safe at first glance.

But Niubi has blown it out, he doesn't want to lose face?

In the end, he still took heavy steps with difficulty.

Simulating the operation of going up the stairs was quite tiring, so Teacher Park walked up the first floor and stopped to take a rest.

He glanced around, suddenly horrified.

Cold sweat came down my body.

"Brothers, something is wrong, here...why... the same as Zhang Zhang just now!"

The barrage immediately began to mock.

"Isn't it an excuse, you're not sure if you only climbed one floor!

"Okay ah."

"Which building is not like this!"

But while talking, Mr. Park changed his perspective, and the audience exploded.

"No, shit, why is there a mailbox on this floor?"

The mailbox that was exactly the same as before stood in the distance, as if it had never left.

Teacher Park only felt the cold sweat on his back.

How did this climb a floor and return to the original place!

He didn't believe in evil, and climbed another layer!

"Damn it, why is it still here!"

Is this the ghost hitting the wall in Legendary!

Old Pu climbed three times in a row, and each time he returned to the first floor, he was already so tired that he began to pant heavily.

"It can't be done, I can't climb anymore!"

He sat down where he was, and he was not scared to death after playing a broken game, but now he is going to exhaust him to death!


?????Suddenly, a series of weird laughter sounded,

Old Pu stood up abruptly and stood up on the spot.

"Nimma, just take a breather and break the law by sitting!"

"It's not right, why does this laughter sound familiar."

"I seem to have heard it somewhere."

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he could recall it instantly.

"Isn't this stepping horse the dead old man?"

"That's right, it's his voice!"

"Is this here to ask for his beautiful BMW?"

Old Pu stood up in shock, holding his bracelet and looking around in a panic!

The bracelet was his only consolation.

"Grandson, are you human!"

"I promised you to burn it for you, why are you still trying to scare dad!"?

"I can't find what you want in a while! Give me some time, please!

The laughter was getting closer and closer, as if something had stuck to his face.

Old Pu didn't dare to look, closed his eyes in fright and rushed out!

"Damn it, I almost scared my father to death!"

He patted his chest in panic and gasped.

"young people.

The sudden voice from behind made him scream again and again in fright.

Looking back, it was the old Taoist priest who disappeared just now, appearing behind him.

"The garbage game is endless, right?"

Teacher Park is a little disgusted with fright now, and she can't be angry.

He had never found old men so annoying!

"How did you find a spell?"

The old Taoist still asked calmly.

The voice-over sounded in panic.

"I seem to have seen a ghost, I have been trapped on the same floor, what's going on!"

The Taoist said calmly.

"This is a ghost hitting the wall. The poor boy sees that the little friend's evil spirit is getting worse and worse. If this continues, his life will be in danger. Why don't you tell me what happened?"

The male lead told the old Taoist exactly what happened just now.

"Well, that's what happened."

The old Taoist nodded and stroked his beard, as if he was thinking.

Everyone was at a loss, and the old Taoist began to talk on his own.

"You two are married with your fingertips, according to the tradition here, the one who will marry you should be this elder sister.

"Her horoscope is pure yin, once she becomes a ghost, she must be a ghost!"

…0 for flowers……

"The day you get married is the day when the gate of hell is opened again, so...she came back to take revenge!"

When Lao Pu heard the word "Li Gui", he trembled with fear!

"It's nothing to do with me, right? You have to be reasonable when you're a ghost!"

The old Taoist asked the horoscope of the birthday and began to calculate it.

He is decent, very elegant.

Old Pu felt that he saw hope.

After some operations, the old Taoist spoke again.

"Your horoscope is too light, and it is easy to attract evil things... Hey, it's all fate, and the poor can't do anything about it."

Old Pu stared, ready to spray on the spot.

Fortunately, the old Taoist priest changed his style of painting.

"I have an exorcism talisman here, you go upstairs and look around again, if you can find the talisman paper that Pindao lost, draw another one like the gourd painting ladle."


"Stick one on the left and one on the right side of the door, and the female ghost will not be able to get in. Let's make a long-term plan."

After speaking, the old Taoist disappeared again.

"I draw myself and you are kidding me!"

Old Pu was really mad, how could he be crazy.

I feel like this game is very confusing.

"Hahahaha that's fine too, Old Pu can change careers in the future!"

"Play a game and become a monk!"

"It's okay to draw symbols by yourself!"

Teacher Park felt a pain in his head.

He held his head and felt that he might need antihypertensive drugs and Suxiao Jiuxin Pills.

"Now not only do we have to burn paper figures and horses, but we also have to draw talismans ourselves."

"This is not a game, this is learning art!"

He stood at the dark door again.

He clearly knew that there was a ghost inside, should he come in or not?

Touching the bracelet on his hand, and the ghost exorcism charm given by the old Taoist just now, he felt a little more confident.

Isn't it just a ghost, once you close your eyes and bite your teeth, it's over!

He walked into the building again, looking back and forth nervously.

Suddenly, he was stunned. He found that the haunted mailbox just now seemed to have changed a little.

He immediately walked over, touched the mailbox lightly, and the mailbox immediately opened with a creak.

Did something fall out? .

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