I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

268: The Birthday Must Be Fully Celebrated, And It Is Rare For The Old Horse To Be Alert

The old horse shivered violently.

He remembered the horror movies he had seen before.

Monsters use illusion to turn snakes, insects, rats and ants into food, and turn dilapidated houses into mansions to deceive passers-by.

At night, when people are not prepared, they will be eaten.

It is so similar to the scene in front of me!

"Apprentice, it's broken!"

He hastened to stop Tuanzi.

"We met a monster. Everything around here should be fake. It's a monster that conjured up to deceive us."

He told Tuanzi his reasoning.

The group panicked too

She swept around in horror, too frightened to move.

"Then what should we do, master, let's run quickly!"

"Isn't this surrounded by ghosts?"

The old horse pondered for a while.

"No, we can't run around yet!"

"As long as you don't eat here, you should be fine.

"Running around now may be even more dangerous!"

The old horse comforted.

"It's okay apprentice, at worst, let's play again!"

"A game, at worst, die."

Tuanzi nodded, and he was right.

The two started to act separately, wanting to search first to see if there were any clues.

The old horse plucked up his courage and went to check the guests around him.

He wanted to try again.

After looking around, no one paid any attention to him. These people just mechanically stared at the performance on the stage.

It looks weird and stiff.

The old horse moved his eyes to the stage again. There were two actors on the stage, singing.

A man and a woman.

The costumes they wear are normal, but the makeup on the faces of the actresses is strange.

Her mouth is pointed and small, and Red's beard is drawn around it.

Not like a person, but like an animal.

Looking at it makes people feel cold all over.

She held a sword in her hand and kept waving it at the actor.

The actor kept stepping back and bowing in apology.

Suddenly, the actress turned around and brought up a guillotine.

The guillotine fell to the ground with a muffled bang.

A dull smile suddenly appeared on the actor's face, he moved slowly, knelt down in front of the guillotine, and put his head on the guillotine.


The guillotine crashed down!

The old horse's heart skipped a beat.

No matter how you look at this picture, it feels weird and scary.

Fortunately, the guillotine was lifted, and the actor was unharmed.

He still maintained a sluggish smile, but a paper head appeared out of thin air in his hand.


He threw the head through the guillotine.

Drip yo

The paper figurine head rolled all the way down the stage and stopped at the old horse's feet.

All the hairs on the old horse's body stood up all at once.

This feeling is too strange.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also frightened by this weird scene.

"How can anyone sing this kind of play on their birthday!"

"Mom, I'm so scared. The expression of the aunt behind the old horse has not changed, and the frequency of applause has not changed!"

"This head is terrifying."

"Too thin, why don't we withdraw!"

"Guest, guest?"

The call awakened the old horse from his panic.

He turned his head abruptly, only to see that strange housekeeper appeared behind him at some point.

With a weird smile on the front, she stared at him closely.

A thin voice came out of the butler's mouth.

"Guests don't mind, this show is our tradition.

"The plays are all written by ourselves, don't be afraid."

"By the way, the weasel you are looking for has been found, please follow me.

The old horse hesitated for a moment, but followed the butler.

…0 for flowers……

Although this butler looks like he has no bad intentions.

They left the hall and descended a flight of steps into a hallway.

On either side of the corridor were lifeless rooms.

It seems that these should be guest rooms, or the master's bedroom.

The housekeeper glanced back at the old horse, and continued to walk forward.

"Before I return the weasel to you, I need to trouble you to do one thing for our master.

The old horse followed the butler all the way, turned around a round courtyard gate and came to an exquisite small courtyard.

The housekeeper went to the door and knocked lightly, pushed the door open and led the old horse in,


This is a gorgeously decorated suite. There is a floor-to-ceiling screen between the living room and the bedroom, and a person can be vaguely seen standing behind it.

The housekeeper graciously introduced: "This is our master."

He pointed to the far wall.

"Guests, please look, there is a birthday character on the red paper, but it is missing a little."

"You are a feng shui expert and fortunately came to the Huangfu. I trouble you to celebrate your birthday."

The old horse looked in the direction pointed by the butler.

There is a couplet hanging on the wall facing the door of the room, and a blank red paper in the middle of the couplet.

If the housekeeper hadn't pointed it out, he wouldn't have seen a word on the red paper.

He almost went blind, and only saw a cloud of cloudy ink.

After taking the writing brush brought by the butler, the old horse narrowed his eyes and moved forward a few steps.

The light in this room is very dim, and I still can't see the word clearly.

"Oh shit!"

The old horse cursed secretly.

"The pilot's eyesight can't see!"

"It's not right, I always feel that there is a conspiracy!"

Ma's intuition told him that there must be a problem.

This is a fire game.

How can it be so easy to enter!.

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