I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

273: Mummy Mutation, Ancient Tomb Reveals Its True Colors

"We just turned around and were in the Yang Zhai, right above it. The Yang Zhai is the place where the living live, and the Yin Zhai is the big tomb. The yin and yang are connected end to end, so the door of life in Master Huang's room just now is the door of death.

Tuanzi looked at the old horse with admiration.

"Master, you are amazing. Although I didn't understand what you said, your tone and movements are very handsome! Do you know how we should go out?"

The old horse looked at the barrage full of complaints that he used his skills to deceive his apprentice, but he still smiled complacently. Could it be that his line skills are not good enough.

Finally, he couldn't hold back any longer and told his apprentice the truth.

"Hehehe, this is all the information given by my skills. I didn't understand it just now, and then I realized that this skill is very powerful, but it still needs to cooperate with my superb comprehension ability."

Tuanzi carefully savored what Lao Ma just said, and finally realized it.

"Ah! Master, are we in the tomb now? But it's not like here at all!"

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to move around, and stayed close to the old horse~.

The old horse patted her and comforted her: "It's okay, apprentice, everything is under the master's control-!"

He pointed out the door again, and said: "The real door of life is in the room of Mr. Huang in this yin house. We should be able to find the home of the weasel by following the door of life and get the mushroom back." !"

Tuanzi was greatly encouraged and felt that victory was just around the corner, and he was finally about to leave this ghostly place.

The two started looking for Master Huang's room according to their previous memories, and soon found the familiar corridor.

Tuanzi pointed to the corridor and said: "Master, the layout here is really the same as that of the house just now, I remember this corridor is like this.

Lao Ma led the group along the corridor and quickly found the small courtyard where Master Huang's room was located.

The two walked into the small courtyard, hesitated for a while, and then pushed the door and walked in.

The audience who hadn't recovered from the ugly "squeak" of the door were startled by Tuanzi's screams and wailed.

"Damn it!! This soprano is amazing!"

"Quick! Suxiao Jiuxin Pill!"

The dumpling screamed in fright as soon as he entered the door, and the old horse was also slowed down by her shock before he pulled up the dumpling that was scared to the ground.

In the middle of the room was a dead man kneeling, with a thick iron chain around his neck, and his body had already dried up.

The old horse pretended to be calm and analyzed: "Looking at the appearance of this corpse, it should be about the same time as those mummy corpses outside.

Tuanzi grabbed the old horse's clothes tightly and hid behind him.

"Master, I'm so scared, this place is scarier than the scariest haunted house in the world."

The old horse puffed up his chest and said: "It's okay, I will walk ahead as a teacher, just follow me.

The barrage frantically swiped up again.

"Just get used to her."

"He really! I cried to death!"

Tuanzi's mentality had obviously begun to collapse, and he followed the old horse closely.

Suddenly the phonograph creaked and creaked: "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for the gold."

Tuanzi let out a "wow" and almost cried: "Wh-whose voice is this? Where is the gold? Master, I don't want to play anymore!"

Not to mention that Tuanzi was about to collapse in fright, the audience in the live broadcast room were also howled in horror by the hoarse voice from the phonograph.

The swallow was also quite frightened, and asked them in a trembling voice: "We are not still in hallucinations, are there any living people here?"

Old Zhao took out a shotgun and held it in his hand and said, "I can't do anything about this ghostly thing. If there are real people alive, I won't be afraid!"

...0 for flowers...

The hoarse voice continued to come from the phonograph.

"You will be rewarded for singing for me every day, and I will reward you with a golden comb."

"Thank you, Master Huang, I use this comb to comb my hair every day!"

Tuanzi gradually got used to the sound of the phonograph, and patrolled the room with a flashlight when there was nothing abnormal.

The audience unconsciously followed the light of Tuanzi's flashlight and continued to decipher. After all, they came here to find the way.

There seemed to be something looming behind the curtain, and Tuanzi moved the beam of light over.

The audience in the live broadcast room screamed with her.

Behind the curtain stood a stiff figure in front of the dresser, holding a Gold comb.

Coupled with the sound from the gramophone, the audience in the live broadcast room will be scared away.

"Fuck! Why is there a dead man!"

"Isn't this still a hallucination? When you say comb your hair, a dead man combing your hair will come out!"

The old horse heard Tuanzi's screams, and turned around to find that Tuanzi had gone to the inner room.

"It's okay, apprentice!"

With a trembling voice, Tuanzi said, "It's okay, master, there is also a mummy in this room, which shocked me.

Just as the old horse was about to go in and have a look, he suddenly asked a strange question.

He wrinkled his nose and sniffed and asked, "What's so stinky?"

Old Zhao also frowned: "I smelled it too."

The old horse shouted at the dumpling in the back room: "Apprentice, did you smell it?"

Tuanzi looked back blankly and asked, "What did you smell?"

As soon as the old horse met Shang Tuanzi's blank gaze, the door suddenly closed with a "bang", shutting Tuanzi into the back room.

Lao Ma anxiously slapped on the door and shouted Tuanzi's name, but she didn't respond San. .

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