I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

047: Take Advantage Of The Trend To Harvest Overseas Players!

The best-selling list of mobile games has always been free krypton gold games.

For the stand-alone paid category, it is barely possible to reach the top 30.

But now, "Happy Kitchen" has rushed to the first place!

Still in a sweeping gesture!

Crushing the national-level "Glory of the Overlord"!

Miracle, this is a miracle in the history of Chinese games!

Countless gamers were all shocked beyond restraint!

The Xinhuo studio that can make "Happy Kitchen" is regarded as a god by many people!

Dong Chaohe's words of thanks during the interview also became popular.

Firewood, Gu Qiu!

Everyone knows that Mr. Gu who can hold down a group of fierce people in Xinhuo is named Gu Qiu.

Now, people are even more confused.

Isn't Mr. Gu specialized in traditional literature, calligraphy and writing?

How do you know how to cook?

Can a normal person really achieve success in so many fields?

This is genius!

Netizens were amazed.

"How many surprises are there in Mr. Gu that we don't know?"

All of a sudden, Xinhuo Weibo fans skyrocketed!

In a short period of time, it broke through five million!

These are all live fans, and every Weibo of Xinhuo is worth 100,000 plus if you put it casually below.

Everyone expressed that they wanted to see President Gu show his face.

See what a genius in Legendary looks like, and get a taste of it.


Not only is the domestic speculation getting hotter and hotter, but even foreign media have begun to stir up this matter.

After Dong Chaohe won the championship of Chef King, people all over the world noticed the amazing Chinese food.

That miraculous knife technique, as well as amazing imagination and creativity have conquered many foreigners.

After "Happy Kitchen" was discovered by foreign media, it quickly became popular.

Different from domestic players, foreigners buy this game because they want to experience the delicious Chinese food recipes in Legendary.

But in the process of playing, many people's focus gradually drifted away.

Still the baby-faced guy Evans.

As a loyal fan of "Book of Life and Death" and an iron-blooded fan of the Giant Spirit God, he has long been a fan of Xinhuo.

In the latest video posted on Youtube, he said regretfully.

"Because of my mistake, I almost missed a perfect work of art!"

"Fans who are familiar with me know that I love the game "Book of Life and Death" very much."

"I spent most of the first two months on this game."

"The stick-to-flesh hitting feeling makes me addicted and makes me crazy! I must say that Xinhuo is the best game maker in the world to design actions!"

"Of course, the protagonist of this video is not "Book of Life and Death", but Xinhuo's latest game, and the recently popular "Happy Kitchen"!"

"I bought this game as soon as it was released, but I sadly found that the configuration required by this game is too high for me."

"It needs a friend."

"As it happens, I don't like cooperative casual games very much, I like hardcore ones."

"So I gave up on it. But recently, it became popular because of a very strange reason, food."

"I'm not saying that food is bad, I also like delicious food, but compared to a derivative of a game, we should pay more attention to the game itself, I think this is the respect for the creator."

"With this purpose in mind, I opened this game again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this game...actually has a single-player mode!"

"Only need a keyboard, plus key settings, you can control two characters at the same time to play the game!"

Evans is in the video, showing his operation.

This hard-core handsome boy with a baby face actually uses key settings to allow his left and right hands to control two characters at the same time!

"At first, I wasn't used to it, let alone a full three-star, even a one-star pass was difficult."

"But slowly, my operation gradually became proficient."

In the video, his left and right hands are extremely fast, flying back and forth on the keyboard!

And it's very rhythmic, every step is accurately calculated!

Two small animals kept walking in the screen, making a series of exquisite dishes!

"During the game, I found that every level in the game has been carefully designed! It is full of endless fun!"

"It also reflects the genius level design ability of the producer!"

"Even, I also understand a truth."

Evans said with emotion: "I think, this is like our life, isn't it?"

"When you face most of the difficulties in life, you are really alone."

"What you want to think about should not be to escape, but to overcome it!"

"This, perhaps, is what the producer taught us."


Gu Qiu also saw this video.

Show him stupid.

He didn't expect that the hardcore players of foreign players would be so fierce.

He knows the game he designed himself. He made many levels very dark, and it is very difficult to pass through cooperation.

Now there is one person doing it alone!

Fighting each other left and right belongs to yes.

Zhou Botong had to call Big Brother when he saw it!

This kind of high-quality video naturally became popular on YouTube.

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