I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

082: Thousands Of Horses Are Silent, Gu Qiu Goes Alone, Sharp Comment! The Game Is Officially On Sal

In the anticipation of players counting the days, "Assassin's Creed: Biography" has not announced the release date.

But "Survivor 2" is on sale in advance!

Players responded enthusiastically.

After all, "Survivor" is a recognized masterpiece.

This is a game about survival in the doomsday. The protagonist is a middle-aged uncle. In the doomsday, he lost his family, but accidentally found a little girl.

Through a series of things, he established a deep relationship with the little girl, and gradually, he regarded the little girl as his own daughter.

The little girl happens to have antibodies against the virus!

If the little girl's life is used as the price, it is possible to extract the medicine to save all mankind!

But in the end, the protagonist chose to fuck his mother, he wants all human beings, he only wants a little girl!

So he went on a killing spree, washed the blood of the people in the hospital, and finally took the girl away.

This ending, the players like it very much!

cool enough!

Manipulating the protagonist all the way down, the players have also established a deep relationship with the little girl, and naturally they don't want to see the little girl sacrifice.

Players are happy, and game sales will naturally go up.

And the characters have also stood still. Everyone is looking forward to the sequel, and wants to see what kind of new story will be between the uncle and the little girl.

After its release, the sales of "Survivor 2" kept rising.

Players' initial feedback on the game is not bad.

But while playing, suddenly, the players were fed a mouthful of shit!

The former protagonist uncle died suddenly!

A plot was devised by Neil, and she was killed, and she died in a humiliating way. The one who killed the uncle was the daughter of the doctor who was killed by the uncle in the previous generation.

What's even more disgusting is that the doctor's daughter was just saved by an uncle!

The players are about to throw up.

But the quality of the game is not bad, the little girls of that generation are going to get revenge, and the 450 players hold their noses and bear it.

What was the result? Immediately let the player control the doctor's daughter and tell the players that this game has two protagonists!

The players have already started to scold their mothers.

What's more, in the end, a generation of little girls killed many people, and before she was about to kill the doctor's daughter, she chose to forgive!

You can't choose to kill or not to kill, you can only choose to forgive.

The Holy Mother had to give her two kowtows when she saw it.

Player: "Hehe."

No choice? Labor and management spent real money to play games, not to listen to your lectures!

Make labor and management unhappy, right?

The entire Internet is full of denunciations against Neil, and every account has gone to heaven.

What's more, they expressed that they would send some local products to Neil, so that he could experience the truth, goodness and beauty in the world.

Neil didn't dare to show his head when he was being scolded, and chose to play dead.

Nest in the office every day.

The assistant ran over to him and said, "President, our recent online reviews are very bad. Many rating websites have seen their ratings plummet."

The assistant's grievances are not small. He can make a normal game, so why do he have to be different? Now he will be scolded, and he will also be implicated.

Neil waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, almost all the pre-sales are bought, and there are always some players who like us with in-depth plots, and our sales will not be too bad.

"As for the scoring websites, you don't have to worry about them. Those are player-led spam websites. Professional media dare not give us low scores, don't worry."

The assistant thought that it was true, the so-called depth of this game is full, and the media dare not give a low score!

Not to mention the media, even those reviewers who specialize in gaming, would never dare to give a low score!

The assistant (daai) is gone, neil is a little smug, what a genius he is!

Anyway, as long as the sales are passing, and then the media reviews are captured, he will take away the big prize that turns back!

He wants to see what Gu Qiu can argue with him!

Sure enough, as Neil expected, the anger of the players was almost burnt out. On the commenting website, the score of "Survivor 2" dropped from 9.0 when it was released to 32!

It's not over yet!

With everyone's persistent pursuit, the score is still dropping, it seems that there is no bottom line!

But professional media is not.

IGN Overseas Edition gave "Survivor 2" a 9.8 rating, almost perfect!

The comment is: "Perfect picture quality, excellent operating system, impressive plot, naughty cat has handed over a sequel that is almost impeccable!

Tomato.com also gave a high score of 9.7.

The comment is: "The rich exploration system, the impressive cold environment, vividly portray the atmosphere of the doomsday, if you don't play this game, it will be a loss in life!"

There are also many media that gave high scores before the game was released!

Who would believe that there is nothing tricky in it?

In addition to the media, some gamers who eat this food have also developed their opinions on this game.

They found various angles to praise the game, and said that those who did not experience the fun of the game did not play it seriously.

For the behavior of the protagonist, they also found the rationality of the motivation from many aspects.

For example, the former protagonist, Uncle, is also not a good person, he kills people like hemp, he deserves to die. Or the little girl does not want to forgive the enemy, but to forgive herself. This is a redemption of life.

Neil's plot is so well written and so profound that people who play want to cry, but sunspots are all because they don't have a serious experience.

Players are even more angry!

what's going on

You gave me the money I paid for the game I co-authored?

The 2.8 rating on the game on the official website wasn’t made by paid members?

You take my money and deprive me of the right to speak?

None of these media people dare to speak up!

At this time, a game media in Huaxia approached Gu Qiu, and they wanted to hear Gu Qiu's opinion.

Everyone knows the conflict between Gu Qiu and Neil, and the media will not miss the sales.

Gu Qiu accepted the interview generously.

"Mr. Gu, what do you think about the word-of-mouth incident of "Survivor 2" recently? Do you think it's a good game?

Gu Qiu didn't even think about it, and said flatly: "Excluding the plot, the quality of the game is acceptable, and the gameplay is also well polished. The colleagues of Naughty Cat have indeed put in a lot of effort.

"But I want to say that Neil doesn't deserve the effort of the staff!"

The media is in the mood for an instant!

I still have to look after Mr. Gu, it's not in vain!

"The whole game is full of Neil's arrogance and arrogance!"

"He wants to use his way to teach players how to play the game and how to experience the plot he arranged.

"He doesn't deserve to be called a game producer!"

The media is excited!

"Mr. Gu, please elaborate.

"A qualified producer must first ensure that the game he makes is playable, not a pile of rubbish with a beautiful skin."

"Secondly, and more importantly, respect Wanjia!"

"Unless you are making a free game, if others like to play it or not, if you ask them to pay for it, you have to be worthy of their wallet!"

"In my opinion, a game with a linear plot, with such a low degree of freedom in the final so-called ending, is disrespecting the player!"

"As I said before, Neil's game is rubbish compared to mine.

"I was wrong."

"He is also trash!"

The media was stunned and excited. They never expected that Gu Qiu would dare to speak so much!

The hot search is about to be booked!

This game media worked overtime on the same day to edit Gu Qiu's interview news into an article, and released it together with the video material!

In order to let many people see it faster, they also bought a lot of placements.

As expected.

As soon as the news was released, it exploded immediately!

Players who have been disgusted by many game media will be overjoyed when they see Gu Qiu!

New Year's Eve!

Finally someone dared to stand up and speak the truth!

And it makes sense!

It doesn't matter if you think about it or not!

"It's still Mr. Gu!"

"I won't accept anyone, but Mr. Gu. How dare I say that."

"That's really good, this game just doesn't respect me, you can give me an option at the end, co-authoring is to kill or release, can you let me choose?"

“No refund, disgusting!”

"Isn't this a double act! If you have the ability, cut these things into the promotional video before you start selling them. See if I will buy them or not.

"From now on, I will be Mr. Gu's die-hard fan. There are not many people who dare to speak the truth these days."

"What a curse! Neil is a piece of trash!"

"Boss Gu is awesome!"

Soon, someone carried the news out.

Foreign players who have been suffering from various media for a long time, finally found the flag!

"Gu, my hero!"

"I'm already looking forward to "Assassin's Creed: Biography", and his speech now makes me even more impatient.

"That's a good scolding, you said what's in my heart!"

Players frantically retweeted Gu Qiu's remarks, which further raised the expectations of "Assassin's Creed".

When Neil saw Gu Qiu's words, he was instantly outraged.

The nose is almost crooked.

"Gu Qiu, how dare he!"

Neil couldn't take it anymore, he was so angry that he lost his mind, and couldn't wait to face Gu Qiu.

He called out Gu Qiu directly on social media.

"If you are a man, you should use your works to speak, not talk about it."

Gu Qiu's response was more direct.

The official Weibo of Xinhuo Studio released a new message.

"Our company's latest masterpiece "Assassin's Creed: Biography" has been produced and is scheduled to be released tomorrow!"

"I hope that the majority of players will like this magnificent and magnificent Warring States world!"

Once the news was released, the players immediately rejoiced!

None of them expected that "Assassin's Creed" could be completed so quickly!

When they saw the trailer before, they all thought that such a game should not be made for two or three years?

It turned out to be a year in the making!

Mr. Gu is a real man, he will do what he says!

Say it will be released this year, it will be released this year!

Just go for this, and you must buy a copy to support it!

On the cloud platform, the number of pre-orders of "Assassin's Creed: Biography" has skyrocketed, and soon reached more than twice the previous pre-orders of "Survivor 2"!.

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