I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

094: Taking Stock Of Gu Qiu's Achievements, Shocking Boss Ma's Family!

Liu Ping is the president of Penguin Games. It sounds nice, but he is actually a worker.

Up to a few more shares than others.

When you meet a real high-level person, you have to kneel!

For example, the penguin's little pony.

He is the real one.

After Lin Leyin heard that Gu Qiu did not intend to supply the Nebula engine to the penguins, she was very angry!

She doesn't blame Gu Qiu, but Liu Ping!

She has seen everything Liu Ping has done these years. She actually didn't support those insidious methods, but there was no way, Liu Ping's rank was higher than her, and her qualifications were older than her. Even if Liu Ping was the best, she couldn't say anything.

What's more, Liu Ping's shady methods have indeed brought Penguin a lot of benefits!

In the business field, all morality and even the law must be put aside, as long as you can make money, you are a qualified boss.

So Liu Ping has been as stable as Mount Tai.

Until this time, he kicked on the iron plate!

After seeing Gu Qiu's press conference, he felt a chill down his spine!

His face was pale and there was no blood at all!

He is also an old gamer, so he naturally knows the importance of the Nebula engine. Gu Qiu cut Penguin's path from the root. If the quality of the 3A game is not as good as others, if the gap is too big, how many players will be lost!

The loss of "Zero Zero Three" is due to!

Gu Qiu's move was too ruthless, it directly threw his lifeblood away!

Liu Ping gritted his teeth and let out a roar!

"How dare he!"

He really didn't expect that Gu Qiu would make such a cruel move!

If it were him, holding the intergenerational technology of the Nebula engine in his hand, he would never share it, and he would definitely hold it tightly in his hand just to close the money.

But Gu Qiu actually chose to take a commission!

A twenty-year-old young man has such a vision and pattern.


He naturally doesn't understand Gu Qiu, a nebula engine is nothing to Gu Qiu.

As long as his popularity is raised, he will continue to obtain updated technologies. When new technologies that are truly far ahead of the times come out, the whole world will tremble!


Liu Ping kept smashing things, and all the expensive decorations on the table were smashed to pieces by him.

impotent rage.

In his heart, he was not as angry as he had shown.

He knows that he has lost!

Big loser!

In front of a young man in his early twenties, he was completely defeated!

Even, there is no chance to stand up again!

Endless regrets devoured his heart, making him hate his former self even more!

Why do you want to fight against Gu Qiu with all your heart? If you can let go of your figure, maybe

There are not so many ifs in the world!

His secretary stood outside tremblingly.

It wasn't until Liu Ping gradually calmed down that he came in timidly.

"Mr. Liu, the boss is looking for you."

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat!

A heart like falling into an abyss, straight into the bottom of the valley.

In Penguin, the boss only refers to one person!

Brother Ma!

Waves of panic appeared in Liu Ping's heart. It's over... Xiao Ma would never look for him easily. This time, just after this incident happened, he was found on his head. One can imagine how bad the impact will be!

His footsteps were sloppy, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

All the way to Xiao Ma's office lightly.

The 39th floor of the Penguin Building is the floor with the best Feng Shui in the building.

Brother Xiao Ma in Legendary specifically asked the master of Xiangjiang to calculate, and this place is the most prosperous for him. Since he moved in, the development of Penguin has indeed been smooth.

Among all the companies in Huaxia, the ranking has been advancing by leaps and bounds, leading all the companies at one time, ranking first!

Among all the income of Penguin, the game is a thing that cannot be bypassed.

Someone has calculated that Penguin is the most profitable game company in the world!

It's a pity that the most profitable game company doesn't focus on how to make a good game that can be played, but does everything possible to get money from players.

Brother Xiao Ma sat on his boss chair, with a trace of anger on his gentle face.

He is not a person who likes to lose his temper, but today's incident is indeed too infuriating!

As the helm of Penguin Games, Liu Ping actually did such a thing!

Lin Leyin is also here.

In Qingcheng, after the press conference, she immediately wanted to remedy the relationship with Gu Qiu. She asked someone to invite Gu Qiu to have a light meal together, or to meet and chat.

Gu Qiu didn't give her this chance at all, she refused it mercilessly!

Lin Leyin is a well-known beauty producer in the circle, and also the vice president of Penguin Games. Her family background is also quite good.

Where did she get this angry?

She was so angry on the spot that she almost gritted her silver teeth.

It's all Liu Ping's fault!

She couldn't take it anymore, bought the ticket for the latest trip on the spot, and returned to Shencheng, the headquarters of the Penguin Building, on the same day.

Report it to your boss!

Brother Xiaoma's recent thoughts have been on competing with Ali Group for community group buying deals.

Anyone who can master this channel can immediately enjoy a huge customer base. As for the interests of those small vendors who buy vegetables for a living, how much damage they have suffered is not within the scope of Xiao Ma's consideration.

Make money, not shabby.

He didn't pay attention to public opinion recently, who knew that Liu Ping would make such a big deal!

After Lin Leyin filed the complaint, Xiao Ma immediately browsed the public opinion on the Internet.

Looking at it, his face changed.

"What does the Public Opinion Department do!"

"If such a big thing happened, can't we handle it?"

"What about the public relations department, why don't you find someone to delete posts and control comments? They are supported by so much money every year, and they can't even do this little thing well!"

Lin Leyin said helplessly: "Boss, it has been deleted, but there are too many people who can browse the speeches.

"Coupled with so many university institutions speaking out at the same time, it is not easy for us to go too far."

Brother Xiaoma pondered for a while, and set his eyes on the energetic young man on the screen.

"Gu Qiu...what on earth does it do?"

"Why have I never heard of it?"

There was a hint of appreciation in Lin Leyin's eyes!

"Gu Qiu is very powerful."

"Last year, when he was just 22 years old, he made an independent game called "Book of Life and Death: A Wipe Out"."

"It didn't take a few days for the cloud platform to become popular."

"This game has created a brand new meat pigeon mode, and has a unique style of painting, especially the action design, which is world-class. From my point of view, no one can surpass him!"

"Then, Gao Song questioned him on the Internet, trying to rely on him to hype, questioning that the games he made had no connotation, and were not as good as many foreign works."

"As a result, he posted the game's setting collection on the Internet the next day. It's a novel named..."Journey to the West"!"

Brother Xiao Ma suddenly showed a look of surprise!


"Journey to the West was actually created by this young man?"

Brother Xiao Ma still knows the title of "Journey to the West"... 0

A good book cannot be hidden, let alone such a classic handed down from generation to generation!

After more than a year of fermentation, "Journey to the West" has become completely popular both at home and abroad!

Many writers at home and abroad are constantly promoting this book, and there are even rumors that this book will be nominated by Noble Bell!

In Xiao Ma's circle, there are many people who are fans of "Journey to the West".

For example, Boss Ding of the pig farm, and Boss Ma of the Ali Group, who has retired, all highly respect this handed down work.

Brother Xiao Ma never expected that "Journey to the West" was actually produced by Xinhuo Studio!

Simply incredible!

Brother Xiao Ma's interest was aroused.

"And then, what else did he do?"

Lin Leyin was a little ashamed, and said softly: "At that time, Xinhuo Studio had just emerged, and we had sent people over to discuss the acquisition.

"Acquisition!" Brother Xiao Ma was excited: "How did the talk go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful and overly excited. If the negotiation was successful, how could today's incident come about.

Lin Leyin was even more angry.

"There is an idiot named Lin Zhongsheng, who went to talk about acquisitions, offered an extremely low price, and tried to gain the dominance of Xinhuo. He even wanted to hold the copyright of "Journey to the West" in his hands. Why didn't he go to heaven! "

Looking back, and looking at Lin Zhongsheng's operations a year ago, you will understand even more how stupid he is.

"That's how it turned out, offending Gu Qiu."

"Unfortunately, Lin Zhongsheng didn't know how to repent, and Si Ping, who went back to join the Atom, copied a game with four different characters based on the "Book of Life and Death". What is it called "Dante's Inferno"!"

"The production and promotion together cost tens of millions. We want to suppress Gu Qiu, but what's the result?"

"Gu Qiu not only developed the mobile terminal of "Book of Life and Death", but also developed another double-terminal game "Happy Kitchen". He chose to directly fight Si Ping in the ring, using two prongs to attack 2.5 Si Ping!

"Naturally, it goes without saying that at that time, "Happy Kitchen" was a stand-alone paid mobile game, and it was on the best-selling list for more than a month, leaving no scum left!

"Sales are dying, tens of millions is such a big deal!"

"What about Gu Qiu? Not only did "Happy Kitchen" become a big success, but he also published a large number of Chinese food recipes on Weibo, which swept across the country and abroad, sparking a wave of Chinese food craze!"

"Boss, did you know what people called him overseas at that time? Gu Xuanfeng!"

Brother Ma was completely shocked this time!

He couldn't keep the calm look on his face, his facial features were so shocked!

"Gu Xuanfeng? I've heard some, but it's Gu Qiu? This young man!"

"That's right!"

Lin Leyin's tone was firm, with a hint of regret.

Brother Xiao Ma's heart was turbulent, and a huge wave was set off!

Chinese food is hot, he has a little understanding, but he doesn't like Chinese food very much, according to his personal taste, he prefers Western food.

But many of his friends are obsessed with Chinese food!

Since the rise of Chinese food, even their family eating habits have changed!

Brother Xiao Ma never expected that this thing, which is enough to change most of Huaxia's habits, was actually made by Gu Qiu!

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