Outside the sealed tower, at the entrance of a cave.

Zhou Li looked at the five people joking with each other in front of the cave and slowly walked over,"Just... the five of us?"

Qiu Fengdu's image was a red-haired middle-aged man with a rough voice,"No, Brother Zhou, your character is a little immature, why is it all white hair?"

Zhou Li's mouth twitched,"Aren't you red-haired too?"

Qiu Fengdu laughed,"Okay, it doesn't matter, the ones who came this time are all my trusted brothers"

"I didn't dare tell anyone about this. Including you, there are only six of us. But let's make a deal in advance. After all, I discovered this relic, and I'll take 40% of the proceeds."

A man smiled and said,"What are you talking about? Isn't this what I should do?"

"If you explore on your own, it won't be a problem for you to get 100% by yourself. We are satisfied to share a piece of the pie."

"If you have no questions, let’s go. By the way, Brother Zhou, you don’t have any weapons yet, right?"

"This is the sword I used before. Now it is obsolete and no longer in use, so I give it to you."

Qiu Fengdu said as he threw a copper sword to Zhou Li. The price of a copper sword is not high now, only about 20 to 30 copper coins.

The main reason is that the merchants on the second floor sell copper weapons too cheaply.

After receiving the weapon, Zhou Li couldn't help but sigh that their three years of high school were not in vain.

Otherwise, how could they bring him, a newbie, to explore the ruins.

Everyone walked into the cave. There were people holding torches in front of them. Although there were traces of flames burning on the torches, it was not the flames that really emitted the light.

Instead, it was the shining stone at the top of the torch, which was embedded in the wooden stick and wrapped in cloth.

In other words, it was the flash bomb that Fang Ze and others used to fight the snake lord.

Everyone walked along the way, chatting from time to time,"By the way, have you all chosen your camps? I see that many big guys have gone to the second floor to stand in line."

"I heard that the Holy Light boss chose the White Emperor’s camp?"

"Not only Holy Light, many T1 teams chose Baihuang's side. Yanwang and Shixuan were also on Baihuang's side."

"The story collection has been updated online. The story of Bai Huang is quite exciting, but it seems that no one has ever seen Bai Huang's true appearance."

"Well, it is said that the White Emperor is discussing how to defeat the Black Emperor. A player drew a portrait of the White Emperor. Have you seen it?"


"The drawing is okay, but why not just take a screenshot?"

"Hmm... to preserve the mystery?"

"What a neurotic idea"

"I want to join the Black Emperor"

"Why? I heard that there are not many players on Black Emperor’s side?"

"Yes, that’s because there are not many players!"

"The threshold of Black Emperor is very high. Those who can't fight are not accepted, and we human players are particularly excluded."

"Nothing is difficult in the world if you are determined. Just watch me, I will join the Black Emperor's camp!"

"Good man, he is born to be a rebel."

Zhou Li was a little confused by what they said, what the Black Emperor, the White Emperor, and what choosing a camp meant.

What does it mean?

Zhou Li had heard of the Holy Light boss. After all, he is very well-known and has an account certified by the official website.

It can be said to be a top-tier and well-known IP.

Soon, they came to the end of the cave.

What came into view were two huge white stone doors.

There was also a string of strange characters next to it.

Qiu Fengdu, I have taken a picture of this string of characters and asked the guide to look at it."The meaning of these characters is roughly translated as gargoyle maze."

Zhou Li was a little puzzled,"How did you figure it out?"

Qiu Fengdu said,"Find an NPC to translate it. Let's go. Be alert. There are many mechanisms and monsters inside.""

"Please note that all the monsters in the game are stone statues, so it is not certain which stone statue is the monster."

"Let's hide as much as possible, don't fight head-on, understand?"

Everyone nodded, and finally pushed open the door and walked into the gargoyle maze.

The first thing they saw was a very long staircase going down. After walking for a while, they came to a flat floor.

This is indeed a maze. The walls around are all white, and there is a stone statue in armor almost every few steps.

Qiu Fengdu I have been exploring here for two or three days, and I have already figured out the route.

"Follow me."

Qiu Fengdu I walked skillfully through several detours. From time to time, the eyes of several stone statues suddenly turned red!

They swung their swords to kill the players. Qiu Fengdu I took the lead and ran.

"If you can't beat me, don't fight me, just follow me!"

The stone statue moved very slowly, and everyone dodged it all the way, and finally came to a dead corner.

Qiu Fengdu pushed the wall of the dead corner directly, and saw that a wall suddenly turned over, which was obviously a secret door.

"This is the second floor. There will be ground spikes and arrow rains on the road. I will remind you then."

"Just be careful to hide. If you can't hide, there's nothing you can do. This maze has three floors. Just follow me."

The man next to him smiled,"Brother Qiufeng is still so skilled that it makes people feel distressed. A lot of people have died, right?"

I laughed,"That's nonsense, how can there be less deaths?"

Everyone continued to joke with each other and went to the lower level. There were many mechanisms on the way, but I, Qiufeng, informed them in advance.

But some people were still injured by the mechanisms, but it didn't matter.

It's okay as long as they didn't die.

Then came the third floor, which was almost entirely made up of stone monsters.

You can't stop here, you have to keep running. Once you can't run anymore, you will be chopped to death by the stone statues!

In this way, everyone ran into a palace breathlessly.

There are many murals around, and a uniquely shaped door.

There is a gargoyle's head on this door, which looks like a bat's head and a long-eared demon's head.

"Here we are."

"I've been stuck here for a day and can't open this door"

"Note that this door is alive. It will ask questions from time to time. If you answer incorrectly, you will be teleported to the trap room."

"If you are teleported to the trap room, you will die. Come one by one."

A man walked directly to the door, and saw the gargoyle on the door suddenly opened his eyes,"Do you also want to find the treasure left by Brax Rex?"

The man nodded,"Yes!"

The gargoyle continued:"Behind this door is Brax Rex's treasure house."

"But if you want to pass through me, you need to answer four questions. Only those who answer all the questions correctly can enter the treasure house."

"Anyone who answers incorrectly will be cursed by Brax Rex.

The man nodded,"Go ahead."

Gargoyle:"First question, what kind of king is Brax Rex?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he called Luoye Qiufeng to the side and said,"I didn't pass the first level."

"I answered before,"A greedy king", I was wrong. I answered before,"A benevolent king", I was wrong. I answered before,"A wise king", I was wrong."

"I answered the tyrant, which was also wrong."

"Look, I'm really at my wits' end."


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