"The third layer is the background of the Qin Dynasty, including the twelve cities and twelve ghost generals."

"That's very strange."

"I always feel like something is missing"

"Since there are generals, there should be an emperor, right?"

"Yeah, I said so too."

"Yes or no……"

"Missing Qin Shi Huang?"

"Is Qin Shi Huang the final boss?"

"I think it’s possible!"

"Maybe it's the same as the first level, you have to defeat the previous boss before you can fight the final boss."

"So the previous boss is the twelve ghost generals?"

"Damn, Shadow Escape is so disgusting"

"That Shadow Step is also very confusing, it's impossible to guess its movement!"

"Isn't the most disgusting thing the infinite summoning of ghost troops?"

"Damn it, yesterday the Martial God Group destroyed four of my equipments. They are so cruel!"

"Wushen Group, are you going to fight Bai Qi?!"


"Awesome bro, you are really brave"

"Before, any guild was almost wiped out by Bai Qi."

"Any guild?"

"The one built by the Holy Light boss"

"Oh... I didn't know their guild was called this, it's so damn random"

"Isn’t it...Zhao Gao is dead?!"

"Who killed him?"

"Who is Zhao Gao?"

"Hasn't he always been dead?"

"This time Zhao Gao was really stabbed by the player!"

"Which great god is this?"

"It's...Midnight Sonata"


"By the way, what on earth was Nocturne doing some time ago?"

"I don’t understand it. I don’t know what it’s doing. Maybe it’s some hidden mission?"


The third level.

In a city.

Countless players shuttled through the city, moving around all the way. The leader was none other than

Cheng Haixing.

"Sima Cuo, you are familiar with this."

Jiang Quan stretched his muscles after hearing this,"Yes, I am familiar with it. Fortunately, I don't need to use corpse oil to take off the mask this time. I don't want to recall that feeling again."

Putting corpse oil on your hands, to be honest.

It is really disgusting.

Not only physically, but also in every sense!

Cheng Haixing waved his hand and motioned the people behind him to follow,"Pay attention, if the other party can communicate, then everything should be based on communicating with the other party first!"

"We need information, about here, about reality, no matter what kind of information we need!"

Jiang Quan thought for a while,"Master, do you think there is a possibility that the information you want may have been posted on the forum?" Jiang Quan directly forwarded a post to Cheng Haixing.

The content above is a summary of all the known information about the third layer.

Cheng Haixing flipped through the post and read it from beginning to end.

The content above is very detailed, from the popular science of the known background of the Qin Dynasty to the origin of the twelve masks!

There are also some personal speculations of the poster, for reference only.

Then there is the information of the twelve ghost generals, as well as their abilities, including the types of abilities of their ghost shadow corps, all recorded!

It is written in great detail, it is not an exaggeration to call it an official introduction!

And it is also mixed with many of his own unique insights!

For example, as to why a certain general was chosen to become a ghost general, he will give a joint explanation based on his own understanding.

If there is no explanation, then make a guess. Test, so that all this can be explained.

There are many people like this in the sealed land.

They are jokingly called the brain emperor and the brother who knows by other players.

For Cheng Haixing, who never reads posts, this post simply subverts his understanding of game posts!

Bai Qi: Also known as Gongsun Qi, is...

Ability: It is currently known that he has abilities similar to invulnerability, but it may be that our current weapons are too scratchy.

But other ghost generals do not have this kind of defense, so let's classify this as an ability for the time being.

The second ability is that beheading is ineffective.

Any attack on Bai Qi's head has no damage.

Including the neck, so don't think about a critical hit on the head, a fatal hit, it's useless!

Then his own fighting skills are very superb, and he is also one of the ghost generals. One of the best.

I believe everyone has felt it, so I will not elaborate here.

In addition, Bai Qi also has the ability to change weapons and can pull out weapons out of thin air. It is not certain whether this is unique to Bai Qi.

At least other ghost generals have not used it.

Bai Qi is good at using long-handled weapons with a wide attack range. Most of the weapons he uses most are similar to halberds and spears.

All of Bai Qi’s weapons are currently known to have a decapitation effect. They can chop off our heads one by one!

So please protect your head.

The rest of his abilities are unknown.

Bai Qi’s various values are on the high side, but they are very balanced, without any outstanding...

No, it should be said that all values are outstanding, whether it is strength, speed, defense, or burst, they are all amazing!

In summary, Bai Qi’s ability belongs to comprehensive Combined, there is no obvious weakness!

His Ghost Corps is the God of War Corps, and it is the strongest individual among all the Ghost Corps!

Each of the shadow soldiers is similar to a weakened version of Bai Qi, which is the most difficult to overcome at present!

Take the known information as an example.

If an ordinary Ghost Corps is a normal person, then almost all of Bai Qi's Ghost Corps have values ten times that of ordinary people!

In summary, Bai Qi is the strongest in terms of martial arts and values among all the ghost generals.

The Ghost Corps under his command are all elites, so the boss that is least recommended to attack is Bai Qi.

As for why Bai Qi can become a ghost general, I won't say more about this. I can only say that those who understand will understand.

As one of the peak combat forces of Daqin, it is unreasonable if Bai Qi does not exist among the ghost generals!


Cheng Haixing fell silent after reading the post."Who is the person who wrote this post? Send him to the Investigation Bureau!"

Jiang Quan quickly grabbed Cheng Haixing and said,"Master, calm down. I know you are anxious, but please don't be anxious. Listen to me first!"

"There are many posts like this. This is the intelligence network between players. You can just take a look at it, but don't really drag them into the investigation bureau!"

Cheng Haixing frowned,"Really? It seems that I really underestimated the ability of players to collect intelligence."

"But you've enlightened me. Since these players are so good at collecting intelligence, why not set up a new department?"

"Specially used to record the messages sent by players in the forum, and to integrate and record all the information mentioned by players in the forum!"

Jiang Quan's mouth twitched,"You... forget it, maybe it can be used one day?"

Cheng Haixing turned his head to look at the palace behind him,"Sima Cuo, the Ghost Shadow Corps is a combined army. Its individual capabilities are not strong, but when combined, it is no less than a ghost general."

"It may even be stronger, we already know this"

"Next, it depends on whether we can get more information from Sima Cuo!"


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