Zhou Li followed the path of a single curse school.

His melee combat was not as good as the war school, and he did not have any particularly outstanding abilities. He relied purely on the reversal curse and the little bonus provided by the curse of the reversal ring to survive until now.

It is worth mentioning that he has already obtained the potion formula of the second volume of the curse school.

But now he is still short of a few materials and cannot collect them all.

So he can only wait.

This also caused Zhou Li's situation to be a little awkward.

You say he is strong, but he is very slow to kill a small monster, and he can't kill a few small monsters in a day.

You say he is weak, but he can deal good damage to any boss with a chain of resentment!

This gives people the feeling that he is neither high nor low, and he can fight anyone on equal terms.

Zhou Li is also very distressed. His school ability is not for dealing with small monsters.

Various abilities have strong performance in dealing with bosses and some elite monsters.

It can be said that the stronger the enemy, the greater the effect of his ability.

Put a most basic weakness curse on the enemy, directly reducing the enemy's damage by 10%.

Suppose the boss has 10,000 attack power, this can directly reduce 1,000! But it is useless to apply it to small monsters.

Suppose a small monster has only 10 attack power, then reducing 10% means only reducing 1 point of attack power.

This made Zhou Li wonder, did the production team define the Curse School as a profession dedicated to fighting bosses at the beginning of the design?

Excluding the curse that Zhou Li obtained through potions.

Most of the curses he can learn are single-target, and usually have no substantial damage.

The same is true for some large-scale curse skills.

For example, turning a group into frogs.

It can only have a control effect and no damage.

On the other hand, ordinary professions such as the Atmosphere School, the Water School, the Fire School, and the Geomancer School.

They have both single-target skills and group skills.

And the damage is not low, and the efficiency of group monster clearing is very high.

Compared with them, Zhou Li felt that the hidden profession in his hand suddenly didn't smell so good.

"How about getting a gun?"

I don't know which big guy got the generator, and then they climbed the technology tree all the way, and all kinds of simplified modern industrial machines were also made by them.

Rifling is naturally no exception.

Now most of the shooter players have switched to hot weapons, and they have directly risen to become the hottest in the version!

In a word, the shooter players have been epically strengthened!

Combined with the bullet time ability of the sharpshooter school, almost all of them are sharpshooters, and they are very powerful! They fully enjoy the bonus brought by players climbing the technology tree.

Zhou Li thought, why not get a gun himself and get a wave of version bonuses?

But after thinking about it, it seems that this has nothing to do with his profession���!

Should he completely abandon his favorite chain of hatred and use curses to control and take the long-range output route?

This is definitely not possible. No matter how strong the output of a shooter is, it is not as good as true damage!

As the only profession with true damage skills at present, the future of the curse school is still very promising.

On the other hand, Brax Rex is a good example.

One person overwhelmed the twelve schools, which is enough to see how strong the curse school is in the later stage.

Coupled with the curse of resting nowhere, the ability of almost immortality makes Zhou Li not want to give up this path!

Each school has its own period of development, but it is not yet the period of development for the curse school.

However, there is also a saying that each generation of version has a new god, and each generation of version plays a warrior.

As the well-deserved son of the version, the war school can be matched with almost all schools.

There are even more crazy people who have integrated the strongest shadow school and the archery school in the current version.

Directly three-pronged approach to enjoy various version bonuses.

Among them, the fly of the Holy Light Guild is highlighted.

He chose the dual schools of War and Shadow.

These two schools are the only two schools that can be reclassified at present, and naturally they are also the strongest schools in the current version. If you are proficient in both, you can get into a T2 team even if you play with your feet.

If your own skills and equipment are better, it will be easy to get into a T1 team.

Zhou Li thought hard for a long time, and suddenly an idea flashed!

"By the way, I can pair it with the Summoning School!"

The Summoning School is also a school that is neither high nor low. Its position in the current version is very embarrassing.

The main reason is that it does not have any outstanding abilities, and any position it can play can be easily replaced by other professions!

You said you would summon a few beasts to be the front row, so why don't we find the strongest warriors in the current version?

You said you would summon a few goblin pitchers to be the back row, so why don't we find the strongest shooters in the current version?

Yes, why?

The front row has the always strong War School, and the back row has the newly rising army of hot weapon shooters.

What's the use of having a Summoning School from you?

You have no strong control, can't play auxiliary, and your output is not as good as other professions. What's the point of having you in the team?

Countless summoner players shouted, designer, why don't you delete the summoner!

However, no matter how much they shouted, there are still many players who play summoners.

After all, in a sense, this is a lazy profession.

Summons can kill monsters automatically, and you can go on vacation and sleep by brushing some monsters, and the summons will help you make money.

Besides, who doesn't like the feeling of having a group of younger brothers behind you?

Zhou Li wanted to join the summoning school at first, but halfway through, Brax Rek suddenly showed up.

Now it seems that maybe the Summoning School is a good match for the Curse School?

If you think about it carefully, the disadvantage of the Curse School is that it lacks attack methods, and most of its skills are to buff the enemy. So how about combining it with the Summoning School?

Using curses to weaken the enemy, according to the theory of relativity, isn't it equivalent to strengthening the summoned creature?

Slowing down the enemy, isn't it equivalent to speeding up the summoned creature?

Smashing the enemy with armor, isn't it equivalent to adding damage to the summoned creature?

Smashing the enemy with damage reduction, isn't it equivalent to adding defense to the summoned creature?

Summoners have no control skills, no output of their own, and their only attack is to The means is to rely on summons.

And the output of summons is somewhat unsatisfactory, which is the most fatal problem!

But if it is combined with the curse school, the problem of insufficient output of summons can be solved!

Zhou Li directly gave his opponent a curse that exposed his weakness. Is he still afraid that the summons have no output?

Later, the curse school also has some curses with positive effects.

For example, the two curses of death wish and immortality wish.

One is to make you immortal in a short period of time, and the other is to make your damage higher the less blood you have.

Give these two buffs to the summons, and everyone will be a god of war, which is perfect!

"I’ve decided. I want to change my job to a summoner!"


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