"Could this be an air wall?"

Lu Qing looked confused,"Is this the air wall they are talking about?"

"Forbidden sky barrier?"

"So far, no beta player has figured out the secret of the forbidden sky barrier. I guess they can't see this information at all."

"I can see these, it should be the credit of the Eye of Truth"

"It turns out that this thing is not an air wall, but a real barrier."

"The only way to unlock the enchantment is to conquer the sealed tower."

"From the perspective of the game, this setting means that the game map will expand as the player's strategy progresses."

"This will stimulate players' enthusiasm for the game, and it is also a growth mechanism for all players."

"But what if we consider all this from a realistic perspective?"

"Why is this black tower called the Sealed Tower?"

"Why is the gravekeeper called the gravekeeper? Why doesn't he call himself the manager of the Black Tower?"

"Since the hero left his legacy inside and wanted future generations to inherit his mantle, why did the outside world set up ninety-nine layers of barriers? Isn't this a contradiction?"

"Apparently, the gravekeeper concealed the truth here."

"The black tower is actually called the Sealed Tower, so there must be something sealed in this tower!"

"Moreover, this thing must be extremely terrifying, otherwise why would someone go to so much trouble to build a tall tower and set up a ninety-nine-layer barrier in the outside world?"

"In addition to what the gravekeeper said, he always guides the players to enter the tower to kill monsters and find the treasure inside."

"But what is the truth?"

"In fact, it becomes clear if you think about it the other way around."

"Why did the God of Creation summon players to this world? Combined with the guidance of the gravekeeper, there seems to be only one truth."

"That is to uncover the seal of the black tower!"

"For some reason, the God of Creation cannot do it himself, so he can only use the players to unlock the seal.……"

"Plus my mission to assist players in conquering the Sealed Tower, this further confirmed the possibility of my speculation."

"In this way, everything will be consistent."

The truth of the story hidden in the Sealed Land is not difficult to guess, but that is also based on having enough information.

Normal players have only two channels to learn about this information.

One is to explore on their own, and the other is to ask the gravekeeper.

But the gravekeeper will only spread wrong information, he will only continue to mislead the players and make them guess in the wrong direction.

Combining the above two points, it is almost impossible for normal players to find out the truth of the game.

Lu Qing thought of this and shook his head,"If things go as expected, when the players uncover all the seals, that will be the moment when the two worlds merge into one."

"Oh, that's really ironic."

"The players worked hard to complete the game, and when they were cheering collectively, the game suddenly came into reality."

"Those sealed monsters were all released into our world by ourselves, and we will all become sinners of the world."

"What will be waiting for us then?"

"Will we be annexed, enslaved, or simply destroyed?"

Lu Qing is a pessimist. No matter what happens, he will try to guess the worst.

This way of thinking is not necessarily wrong.

Because if you are an optimist, you should say it at this time. What if the other party thinks that our civilization is very good and is willing to establish friendly diplomatic relations with us?



All negotiations must be based on relative equality. In the face of unequal forces, you have no topic to talk about.

How can an ant agree with an elephant? If

God destroys the world, why do you need to ask for people's opinions?

It's like a sentence Lu Qing once heard.

What does it have to do with you if I destroy you?

"Just like true freedom is never about doing whatever you want, but about not doing what you don’t want.

If God says He will destroy you, He is not negotiating with you, He is just informing you.

And you have no right to refuse.

"Now my life and death are controlled by others. The only thing I can do is to accept death."

"No, maybe I can't even die now."

Just as Lu Qing was mocking himself, a player suddenly came out of the woods and saw Lu Qing.


The player was stunned for a moment after seeing Lu Qing, because he couldn't see Lu Qing's ID.

In the game, there is only one type of character whose ID cannot be seen.

That is NPC.

For example, the name of the gravekeeper cannot be seen.

So the player mistook Lu Qing for an NPC the first time he saw him!

""Hello?" the player asked tentatively. Lu Qing came back to his senses and looked at his clothes.

He was dressed differently from the other players. He wore a white robe with gold trim. Nowadays, most players wear fur coats and various wooden and bone armors.

In addition, it rained frequently recently, so their shoes and pants were always covered with mud.

Lu Qing was spotless, and he didn't look like a player.

""Excuse me, what's your name?" the player asked again tentatively.

Lu Qing almost subconsciously said that his name was Lu Qing and he was a modern man!

But he soon realized that his identity must be kept secret.

So he had to have a new identity.

And, what was his name ?

"You can call me your guide."

"I remember I was exploring a ruin with my teammates, but suddenly came here. May I ask where is this place?"

Lu Qing tried to calm himself down and spoke in the tone of a scholar.

He could see the player's ID and most of the information about the player. I think this is also the credit of the Eye of Truth.

The player's ID is Chengxian, and he is also one of the first ten players in the internal test.

This brother once supported a large number of people with his ability to identify wild vegetables.

Old players call him Brother Xian.

Unlike other first-test players, Chengxian does not like fighting, but is keen on collecting strange plants in the game.

In the game, Chen Ye created many plants that do not exist in reality.

And each plant has different effects, but the specific effects still need to be discovered by the players themselves.

For example, a herb that Chengxian once discovered, crushing it and applying it to the wound can quickly stop bleeding.

That plant is called hemostatic grass by players.

At present, this herb has become a must-carry material for entering the tower, and the demand is very high.

Many people in the market are selling this herb.

Chengxian also made a small profit with hemostatic grass.

But he is not satisfied with this.

His ultimate wish is to make pills!

""Guide... May I ask what abilities you have, or what skills you have?" Cheng Xian asked curiously.

The game announcement did not mention adding NPCs, but a guide suddenly appeared at this time. Could it be... a hidden NPC?


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