Granny Meschi looked at the player and said,"The Scarlet School originated from the Alchemy School. They are twisted creatures accidentally created by those crazy alchemists in pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone."

"They are a group of vampires"

"They enjoyed the power of the blood race, but also inherited their weaknesses."

"A long, long time ago, the vampires were also known as the night tribe, and they only moved around at night because they were born afraid of sunlight."

"This is their inherent weakness."

"The sun's rays can penetrate their skin and turn them to ash, but they will not fight us under the sun"

"So, you will be the one to tell the story next. As the old rival of the Scarlet School, you vampire hunters should know more about the vampire's weaknesses, right?"

Mother Meschi said to the man sitting in the first seat, wearing a white robe with a cross badge on his chest.

The man was the Holy Bishop of the Holy School and the former high-ranking priest of the Holy See.

His name was Waterman Biltz.

"Vampire, what a familiar name! Their inherent stench is hard to cover up without some garlic."

""Everyone, the weapons in your hands can't fight against vampires, including your crossbows that can spit fire."

A player raised his hand,"Our thing is called a gun."

Waterman Beards laughed,"Shouldn't a gun be a stick with a dagger tied to it? What a strange name!""

"But no matter what, your weapons are no match for vampires."

"Vampires are only afraid of three things: sunlight, garlic, and mithril."

"Sunlight can easily kill vampires, which is their biggest weakness. They are naturally aware of this."

"Garlic can only be regarded as an auxiliary means. The smell of garlic will make vampires feel nauseous and nauseous."

"Some low-level vampires will vomit and become weak after smelling garlic."

"It can make them lose their resistance"

"And Mithril, this is the second thing that can kill vampires"

"Mithril is sacred and is also the holy object of our school. Once a vampire's body comes into contact with mithril, it will not be able to recover from any injuries."

"If you make a weapon out of mithril and stab it into the heart of a vampire, you can kill the vampire."

"Some people also say that crucifying a vampire or driving a stake through the heart can also kill the vampire."

"But I want to say that this is just a rumor."

"The vampires that can be killed by this method are just low-level blood servants. You can easily kill them with any other method."

Mithril can kill vampires... then...

Mithril bullets!

" A player stood up,"Can the same method be used to kill Brax Rex?"

Waterman Biltz looked up,"No, after Brax Rex reached the Saint level, he almost lost most of the vampire's weaknesses."

"The sun can only weaken him, but it can no longer kill him."

"Mithril can harm him, but it can't stop him from regenerating."

"But we have used a method to harm Brax Rex, which is to inject mithril into our blood"

"Vampires feed on blood and raw meat. If our blood contains mithril, it will cause fatal damage to vampires after being absorbed by them."

"Even Brax Rex would be fatally affected"

"If they sucked the blood of light with mithril elements, these vampires would turn directly into ashes."

"Matthew, as the last seventh-rank master of the School of Light, your blood of light should be able to poison Brax Rex half of his life, right?"

Matthew frowned,"Will Brax Rex fall into the same trap twice?""

"To vampires, the blood of light smells rancid, and they are not interested in this kind of blood."

"Besides, injecting mithril into people's blood, this crazy idea, when will you give up?!"

"Mithril is highly poisonous, Biltz, you should know this better than anyone else, so why do you still want to tell us this method?"

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Waterman Beards laughed,"But this is the most effective method. You are going to die anyway, so why not make your death more valuable?"

"I always thought that our values were the same, Matthew."

Matthew was about to say something, but at this moment, a flash of blood suddenly appeared outside the door!



There was a sound of breaking wind, and a spike made of blood suddenly flew in and stabbed directly on the round table!

Seeing this scene, everyone stood up immediately!

"There are vampires!"

"Where is it?!"

Waterman Beards ignored everyone and pulled out the blood spike. There was a letter tied to it.

Waterman Beards opened the letter and showed it to everyone. It read:

Mice in the cave, your king is back. I hope you haven't forgotten what happened a thousand years ago.

I have been looking forward to this day day and night. Be prepared to face my wrath and then run away!

————Brax Rex


Everyone at the round table looked grim when they saw this.

The familiar tone in the envelope reminded them of the fear they had felt a thousand years ago when they were dominated by the bloody tyrant!

No one spoke, only the cold sweat on their foreheads expressed their anxious feelings.

"Is this... another formal declaration of war on us?"

"Can this be called a declaration of war? It can only be called a notification, right?"

Looking at the frightened crowd, Waterman Beards suddenly crossed his hands in front of his chest and said,"No need to choose, no need to hesitate, the war will give us the answer."

"Guys, I like war."

"Let the war begin!"

"Go to war with Brax Rex!"

"Let us use this war to turn this continent into hell!"

A group of players looked at Waterman with incredible expressions,"Is this guy really the bishop of the Holy School?"

"Did I get the wrong script?"

"Shouldn't this be the line of the School of War?"

"Meow meow meow, what happened?"

"So this is the great, loving, holy bishop, Waterman Beards, that the mentor was talking about?"

"Why does this guy have a villain face? It's scary.……"

"If you don’t understand, just ask, what is Mithril?"

"I don’t quite understand either. This is the first time I hear it. It should refer to silver?"

"You won’t let us use silver coins as weapons, will you?"

"Go away, don't mislead people here. I heard from the Hobbits that Mithril is their native ore, not silver."

"It is a highly toxic mineral. Ingesting about 10 grams can make people feel sick, and 200 grams can cause death."


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