Lu Qing was very confused at the moment.

What are these people going to do?

Are they going to... dig graves?

Didn't I say that the bone spirit flower is very dangerous? Are you listening?!

Chengxian called seven or eight people with one sentence, and a group of people set off in a mighty manner with various bone weapons.

Seeing this, Lu Qing couldn't help but reflect,"Is this a player... If I were to log in to the game like them, I would probably enjoy it too."

At this moment, Lu Qing has regarded this place as the real world, so many things that seem normal to players.

In his opinion, that is courting death!

There are really ghosts in this world, and if they dare to touch the dead, they are courting death.

Lu Qing shook his head and walked away,"Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with me, just don't come to me if something happens."

With that, Lu Qing walked directly in the direction of the black tower.

There is a saying that is very good.

No matter how shocking someone describes a thing, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you will never be able to experience that shock.

And Lu Qing, who was really under the sealed tower, finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Is this the Sealed Tower?……"

Lu Qing looked up at the huge black tower that towered into the sky.

At this moment, he seemed so small, just like a speck of dust in the endless sea of sand.

At this moment, many players were entering and exiting the Sealed Tower.

Some players saw him but didn't care, while others noticed something and came forward to talk and ask.

Looking at the player in front of him, Lu Qing suddenly felt dazed.

Because he recognized the player in front of him.

He had seen this figure in the news and in various videos.

Holy Light!

One of the first ten beta players.

At this moment, he was walking towards him with four teammates. Fang Ze went straight to the point and said,"Are you the guide?"

After Chengxian set off, he posted the news of the discovery of the new NPC on the forum.

Fang Ze also left the Sealed Tower as soon as he saw the post. It can be said that he came here specifically to find Lu Qing.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qing actually ran directly to the front of the Sealed Tower.

"I have learned about your situation. I guess you are in need of a place to stay, right?"

Fang Ze said tentatively. This NPC is different from the gravekeeper. He is a wanderer who strayed into this place.

He cannot live in the tower like the gravekeeper, which means he has no place to live here.

Fang Ze figured out this news in the shortest time possible!

This is why he came to find Lu Qing in such a hurry!

You know, if they can keep the NPC in their guild, they can directly monopolize the NPC!

And Fang Ze's guess was not wrong. Lu Qing did need a place to live.

But living in a player's house always feels a bit wrong.

"Although I am very grateful for your invitation, I will not use it. I will find a piece of land to build a residence for myself."

After hearing Lu Qing's answer, Fang Ze smiled and said,"Don't worry, you may as well come and visit our residence first, it's right there."

Fang Ze pointed directly to a building not far away.

The building was made of blue bricks and was the largest and most stylish building in this building complex.

Just looking at the floor area, it is 25 meters long and wide, and it is the closest building to the Sealed Tower!

Lu Qing was very surprised when he saw their residence again. You know how long has the game been launched?

Other players only have one or two pieces of land, but Fang Ze and his team directly got a territory of 25 meters long and wide?!

You know.

The initial land that players can circle is only ten square meters, and even bronze adventurers only have fifty square meters!

In fact, all of this was planned by Fang Ze.

He made up his mind from the beginning to occupy this piece of land closest to the Sealed Tower!

Before that.

We need to know one thing first, that is, around the Sealed Tower. A circle with a diameter of 100 meters cannot be enclosed.

The second is the road in front of the gate of the Sealed Tower, which cannot be enclosed either.

Therefore, players can only enclose land on both sides of the road facing the gate, and Fang Ze chose to enclose land on the left side of the gate.

Excluding the unbuildable area in front, this area and the right side opposite are the areas closest to the Sealed Tower!

Others naturally know this.

Therefore, these two pieces of cake have actually been coveted by others for a long time.

But even if Fang Ze and others are the most efficient and fastest-progressing team, they can't eat this piece of cake completely.

In the final analysis, this is thanks to a player named Qian Daoren.

That guy is really a rich man, and he directly recycled copper coins at a high price in the game!

Even at the highest time, the price of copper coins was once hyped up to a godly ratio of 1:100!

100 cash for 1 copper coin, who wouldn't be tempted?

At that time, that super rich man almost monopolized the currency in the entire game by his"coin-throwing technique".

But unfortunately, even if he acquired so many copper coins, he could only circle a territory of ten square meters.

Because he was not good at fighting, even if he paid someone to lead him to kill monsters, the efficiency was still pitifully low.

So naturally he didn't have enough reputation to upgrade to a bronze adventurer.

Fang Ze saw the opportunity and directly proposed a plan to convince the super rich man to join forces with them.

First of all, if they want to eat this piece of cake as quickly as possible, there is only one way!

Shared territory, plus only circle the border!

Shared territory is just as the name suggests. Different players will circle the same piece of land, and then they will open permissions to each other, Allowing the other party to pass through can combine into a piece of land.

Including this super rich man, Fang Ze and his group are a total of six people!

That is to say, they can only circle a piece of land of 60 square meters at most.

But this is still not enough, so another trick is to use, that is, circle only the border!

What is circle only the border?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, do not fill the central area, only circle the territory around the edge!

In this way, if other people do not have permission, they cannot come to the central area!

Because the outer area has been circled to death!

Except for them, no one has the right to pass, so naturally they can't circle their central land!

Fang Ze and his six people ate the cake on the far left by this method.

Naturally, there were others who followed their example, but unfortunately most of them failed.

Because there was no super rich man behind them to support them.

This super rich brother was quite domineering and directly threatened to recycle copper coins indefinitely, causing all copper coins to fall into the hands of Fang Ze and others.

Although others got cash, they had no copper coins to buy land.

In the words of this super rich brother, if you want others not to compete with us, the best way is to make it impossible for them to compete!

The sky-high price of recycling copper coins, can you not be tempted?

Selling 10 copper coins casually will get 1,000 yuan, this is only now, there will be no such price in the future!

Most people want to make a fortune now, so they sell copper coins one after another.

And when they realize that they have no money to buy land... it's too late.

This acquisition method of the rich brother is almost impossible to be replicated.

Because no matter how much money others pay for it, he will buy it at a higher price!

After that, it was just as Fang Ze and the others agreed.

Fang Ze no longer spent money to circle the land, but seized the time to brush up his reputation!

And concentrate everyone's funds to let one person be promoted to a bronze adventurer!

In this way, the territory they can circle will be directly expanded to 110 square meters!

According to their original plan, Fang Ze and others directly circled a 25×25 territory around the edge of the territory!

With the support of the rich brother behind them, copper coins are not a problem for them at all!

In this way, the most golden section of the sealed land was directly divided up by Fang Ze and the other six!

After that, they invited an architect and invited him to invest in the construction of the buildings in the territory.

Some old players followed their example and opened a brick factory.

The rich brother made another move and directly purchased unlimited quantities to monopolize all bricks.

But bricks alone are not enough, there is no cement in the game!

However, some players soon discovered that there was a white mine on the first floor of the Sealed Tower. The white powder in it was very similar to mortar after it came into contact with water!

This white powder was named Xiran by the seller, and began to be taken out of the Sealed Tower by players in unlimited quantities for construction.


The territory of Fang Ze and others was built with high walls on four sides, leaving only a door facing the main road and a trading window.


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