Yes, the goblin clan originally mastered three chapters, but now there is only one left.

Listening to the high priest's unwilling words, the player can infer that the power of the other two chapters is the strongest.

One is a method used to summon some kind of ancient existence, and the other is a method used to create some kind of monster.

It was with these two chapters that they defeated the Titan clan.

The remaining one is neither strong nor weak.

It is said to be strong because if all these powers are gathered into one person, then a seventh-level person can be created.

But if they are dispersed, it cannot be called strong.

Although this has improved the overall strength of the goblins, it is not worth mentioning under the player's hot weapon offensive and various unrestrained playing methods.

Soon, the player went underground and bloodbathed the goblin clan.

The goblin cubs kept begging for mercy, but the player ignored them and still ruthlessly wiped them out.


It doesn't exist, just a pile of silver coins and soul life.

"You are a bunch of cold-blooded executioners, despicable and shameless humans!"

The Goblin High Priest Gulande was extremely angry when he saw the players surrounding him from all sides,"One day, God will punish you for your evil deeds!!"

"Everything you have done will be retribution!!"

"You want to find the door, don't you? I tell you, the door is right under the stairs of the abyss, do you dare to go?!"

A player grinned,"Why not? But we have to kill you, the elite monster, first!"

The high priest Guland finally collapsed,"You can kill me, but you can't destroy my goblin clan!"

"Don't you even let the children go?!"

At this moment, a player suddenly smiled and said,"We don't have to completely wipe out the goblins, but you have to sign an agreement first."

【Slave Agreement】

After the system is turned on, players have opened up many functions, such as vassal states, initiating wars, accepting immigrants, unequal treaties, slave agreements, etc.

Of course, most of the following content is unlocked because the player chooses to expand outward.

Among them, the slave agreement represents absolute loyalty.

Once the slave agreement is signed, the goblin tribe must unconditionally obey the orders of the human union and cannot attack the player!

This is an extreme means of war for outward expansion.

But the goblin tribe has no choice. They have been killed in their hometown. If they continue to resist, there is only one way to die.

In order to continue the race, Guland can only sign a slave contract and let the goblin tribe become a slave race of the human union.

After completing this, the players also made a new discovery.

That is, an idea emerged in the human union power panel.

Aggression and war!

The progress bar for outward expansion is also accumulating, and it has now reached 25%.

After reaching 100%, you can choose the next progress.

The four stages will provide players with four stages of experience respectively. The first stage is 10%, which will provide players with 10% extra rewards for killing monsters.

The second stage is 25%, which will provide players with 25% extra rewards for killing monsters.

The third stage is 50%, which will provide players with 50% extra rewards for killing monsters.

The fourth stage is 100%, which will provide players with 100% extra rewards for killing monsters.

This effect will be applied to the whole, and all players can enjoy this effect.

Not only will there be more money for killing monsters, but also more soul lifespan, and even the drop rate has increased!

Secondly, there are some rewards for outward expansion.

For example, players can get special rewards for conquering other countries, making other countries sign unequal treaties, annexing other countries, and enslaving other races. You can also accumulate the progress bar for outward expansion.

It took only twelve days in the game to recapture the goblins.

The players were happy because this was their first time to fight a comprehensive crushing war!

After that, the goblins directly and unconditionally shared all their secrets with the entire players of the human alliance.

And the players finally got the information they wanted to know!

About the location of the fourth-level portal!

The underground city of the goblins was built on a huge mine. The mine was like an abyss with no bottom.

The portal to the fifth floor was just below it.

Under the guidance of the goblins, the players took a day to reach the deepest part.

It was very hot here, but there was no light. There were only two huge stone doors standing in front.

"The boss guarding this level should be behind this door, right?"

"How to say?"

""Go in!"


The player pushed open the huge stone door and saw darkness in front of him. A huge vertical pupil looked at them in the darkness.

Then, a message appeared.

【Earth Star Dragon God·Kan Gong!】

Not a golden frame, not a red frame!

Not a boss or a disaster!

But a dazzling nine-color frame, a frame that players have never seen before!

Among those present, only one person recognized this frame.

That was Ye Qiu.

This frame means God!

If only combat power is used to rate, God can destroy a planet, or a world, with just a flick of his finger.

Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion.

We can't beat Him.

Ye Qiu held down Jiang Chen who wanted to make trouble, then walked over alone, and then knelt down respectfully.

"Great Dragon God, Lord Kan, your existence created this planet. As a small human race, and the people living on this planet"

"I feel we need to offer you our loyalty, respect and appreciation."

"Your greatness is worthy of our praise, and your existence is worth everything we give!"

"We were conceived on this planet, we are your children!"

For some reason, after hearing Ye Qiu's words, the dragon eye that was full of anger in front of everyone gradually became lighter.

Ye Qiu knew it.

Lord Kan was very happy to enjoy the flattery of mortals, which was his biggest weakness.

Simply put, he was happy to listen to people flattering him.

And it was for this reason that he was imprisoned here by a cunning race.

Lord Kan was originally a god wandering in the galaxy, until one day, a race on a planet began to climb the highest mountain and worship him.

This made Lord Kan very happy, so he descended to the mortal world and turned into a giant dragon, enjoying the worship of these lives on the earth.

After nearly a few years, Lord Kan fell in love with this feeling.

And it was at this time that the group of lives that worshipped him presented him with the most precious and rarest crystal on the planet.

And bluntly said, only you are worthy of this extremely gorgeous crystal.

That group of lives made this crystal into a huge crown and presented it to Lord Kan.

Lord Kan accepted it, and he put the crown on his head.

But soon, he discovered that all this was a conspiracy!


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