"After death, I became a necromancer."

"In the endless life and eternal time, I gradually discovered……"

"Endless life has become the shackles that bind my soul, and eternal time has turned me into a dirty slave in endless time."

"Now, I am like a zombie trapped in a cage, unable to rest. I have long lost all my emotions.……"

"No longer human"

"As time goes by, I gradually become indifferent to everything, and people nowadays no longer understand why we exist."

"I can't understand the meaning and mission of our existence."



Seeing the skeleton in front of him suddenly speak, even if Nocturne had a strong psychological quality, he was still scared to death!

He stood there in a daze for a long time without coming back to his senses.

But just when he was stunned, the skeleton suddenly stretched out its finger and pointed at him!

"You, are you here for eternal life too?"

Hearing the words of the skeleton, Nocturne suddenly realized!

The skeleton in front of him seemed to be an NPC who had changed his job!

And it seemed that he had changed his job to a necromancer!

"Yes, that's why I came here!"Shadow answered without hesitation.

Hearing his answer, the soul fire in the skeleton's eyes flashed.

"Even if the price of eternal life is losing humanity, losing oneself, and becoming an inhuman monster, it doesn't matter?"

Nocturne nodded,"It doesn't matter, no matter what the price is, I am willing to accept it!"

Hearing Nocturne's answer, the skeleton suddenly let out a strange and hoarse laugh,"Haha……"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"You are just as stupid as I once was."

"Since you have thought it through, I will do as you wish."

As he spoke, three sheepskin scrolls suddenly appeared in the hands of the skeleton and floated directly into the hands of Nocturne.


【Get a potion recipe】

【[Necromancy School Volume 1: Death Potion]

Main materials: 10 ml of soul-eating beast's blood, 30 g of bone spirit flower powder, 50 g of undead ashes.

Auxiliary materials: 100 ml of clean water, 14 drops of rotten grass juice, 5 g of virtual crystal powder, 5 drops of Casparod python venom.

Production method: Use the soul of the undead as the guide.

Use the soul fire and the container contaminated with death to burn and mix, and integrate the pharmaceutical materials one by one in order. The powder of the virtual crystal should be added last.

If the powder of the virtual crystal is added first, and then the venom of the Casparod python is added, a highly toxic mist will be directly generated.

Instructions for use: After taking this potion, the person who takes the medicine will quickly lose consciousness. If he can wake up, it means that the potion has been successfully absorbed. Note

: Please think twice before taking the potion. Once the potion effect takes effect, the player's body will undergo irreversible changes!


Magic potion formula?!

Nocturne took the scroll with excitement,"This is the job transfer scroll. It seems that this is the greatest opportunity in this tomb!"

Nocturne looked up at the skeleton,"What should I call you?"

The skeleton's eyes flashed with a faint blue soul fire, and he actually lay on the stone seat with his hand on his head."People in ancient times called me the Sufferer Malthus."

Nocturne silently memorized the name, and then pointed at the parchment scroll and asked,"Sir Malthus, where can I find the materials above?"

Malthus stretched out a bone finger and pointed at Nocturne,"They are all on you, take those things out."

Nocturne thought of something when he heard it, so he quickly took out the materials that were previously meaningless!

"Are the things in these bottles and jars the ingredients needed for the potion?"

Malthus did not respond to him, but slowly stretched out his bony palm and saw a ball of dark blue soul fire burning fiercely!

"Travelers who are about to go astray, I give you a piece of advice, this magic potion is just the beginning"

"This is just the first level of magic potion. If you want to fully master a path, you need to take at least nine kinds of magic potions."

"Corresponding to the ninth level of the soul, this is the only way for humans to reach the gods."

Nocturne nodded,"Then how can I get the subsequent potion formula?"

The soul fire in Malthus' eyes flashed,"It seems that many outsiders have come to the seal, including you, you don't know what impact your actions will have on this world."

"In order to prevent the impending disaster, I need you to do a few things for me. After you are done, I will give you the subsequent potion formula."

"Remember, the first thing I need you to do is to kill one hundred people outside the tower."


【School Quest Activation】

【Malthus's Contract]

Mission Introduction: Malthus needs you to kill 100 players to prevent an impending disaster.

Mission Progress: 0/100.

Mission Reward: Two Volumes of Magic Potion Formula


It turns out that this game has missions!

Not to mention Nocturne, even Fang Ze and other first test players didn’t know that this game actually had such a thing as missions!

But fortunately, the content of this mission is not complicated.

In other words, the most difficult mission is never who to kill or how many to kill!

On the contrary, who to kill and how many to kill are the simplest tasks!

The really difficult task is to give you a string of meaningless information, and then let the players decipher, guess, and investigate it themselves!

But this mission of killing players is the first time Nocturne has heard of it.

"I understand, but I still have a question. If I become like you, how should I drink the potion?"


How should a skeleton drink the potion?

Wouldn't it flow directly down the bones to the heels?

Upon hearing this, Malsas immediately sneered in a hollow voice,"Haha, when you are like me, you don't need to take any potion anymore."

"Let's stop talking nonsense here. This body is just a backup I left outside the tower. The soul power remaining in this body will dissipate in a short time."

"Just like a candle, ten thousand years have already made my soul in this body run out of fuel."

"I will use the last bit of my soul to make this most basic corpse demon potion for you."

"Of course, my remaining soul power is only enough to refine this one."

Seeing Malthus began to burn the soul fire to smelt the potion.

Nocturne asked anxiously:"Then how can I see you again?"

Malthus was silent for a moment,"I don't hope that we can meet again, because you will never know what the price of our meeting is."

"You just need to do what you should do, and I will naturally find a way to send the rest of the formula to you afterwards."


In an instant, the huge soul fire instantly devoured everything!

And Nocturne also lost consciousness at this time. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the starry night sky.

"What is this?"

Nocturne slowly stood up, and saw a bottle of blue potion in his hand.

"The ancient tomb disappeared?"

"What about the things in the backpack?"

Nocturne looked back and found that the location of the ancient tomb had disappeared, and even the pit they had dug was gone.

"Fortunately, the things in the backpack are still there."

"Then... it's time to turn around."

Nocturne looked at the potion in his hand and suddenly showed a strange smile.


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