In the first floor of the Sealed Tower, there are three areas in total.

The first area is the core area in the center, but there is an invisible barrier on the edge of the area.

The second area is the mountain area outside the core area.

The third area is the plain area at the edge.

"Without solving the mystery, the player can only reach the second area at most, and cannot see the guardian of this level."

"There are many mines in the second area, including salt mines, iron mines, copper mines, lead mines... and some rare ores that few people have dug up."

"However, players have limited conditions. If they want to dig deep and use these ores, they can only find the smelter Hobbit sleeping in the armory."

"Once the player sees the Hobbit, they will be able to find out the answer to this riddle."

"Solving this series of puzzles is both easy and difficult."


The first thing is to have a deep understanding of the information of Hobbit and Larrick, and combine their stories to solve the puzzle and find the location of the three lock beasts.���This puzzle was solved by the Holy Light, who is known as the Supreme God of Law.

That is Fang Ze.

Thinking back to this name, Ye Qiu couldn't help but sigh,"That guy is really scary. It's understandable that he is proficient in six schools of thought and is called the God of Law."

"Whether in the game or in real life, the more potions a person takes, the greater the risk of losing control."

"Many players choose a single school route, or at most two school routes for stability."

"But Shengguang mastered the six schools of fire, atmosphere, water, geomancy, nature, and lightning."

"Moreover, in reality, all schools have been upgraded to the sixth level. It is really scary."

"If I can join forces with him in this life, I am confident that I can take down the first floor of the Sealed Tower within three months."

"However, we have to solve the puzzle of the first floor first."

Ye Qiu thought of this and stepped directly into the teleportation array to the first floor of the Sealed Tower.

Now the border area of the first floor has been occupied by players, and most of the monsters have been driven to the second area.

Players have built a lot of fortifications in the third area, including trenches and shelters surrounded by wooden walls.

Most players spawn monsters in this area, one is safer, and the other is convenient for supplies.

And there are players in the shelter who are responsible for recycling materials.

This allows combat players to trade things out as soon as they get the materials and empty their backpacks, so as not to affect the battle.

And some teams with strong combat capabilities have already penetrated into the second area.

The targets of those teams are no longer low-level monsters, but mid-level and high-level monsters.

For example, Fang Ze's team, they are almost always at the forefront.

And Ye Qiu naturally did not come to the tower to spawn monsters this time.

Because he has nothing on him, although he has rich combat experience, it is difficult to play his advantages without suitable weapons.

"Before the first floor of the Sealed Tower is conquered, there are two opportunities, one inside the tower and one outside the tower."

"The inheritance of the School of Necromancer outside the tower has now been found. I wonder if the Molten Fire Weaponry inside the tower has been found."

Yes, this is the purpose of Ye Qiu's entry into the tower this time.

Handmade weapons are really difficult to use. Those who can use these weapons well are all very powerful players.

Because those weapons cannot be considered weapons, even the system will not generate corresponding item information.

Only when the weapon reaches the metal level will the system generate information.

And evaluate this weapon.

And there is such a place on the first floor. It is the forging room of the dwarf craftsman Hobbit, which is called the Molten Fire Weaponry by players.

Hobbit is sleeping here.

Players will find that there are many weapons here when they enter for the first time, and there are all kinds of copper and iron styles!

Enough to arm more than 30 people!

If anyone can find the weaponry at this time, they can easily make a fortune by taking out two of them and selling them.

However These are not the most precious things in the arsenal.

In the Molten Armory, there is actually a priceless treasure!

At this stage, that weapon is already worthy of being called a divine weapon!

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu set out alone to the middle area.

Many old players saw him, and some came forward to remind Ye Qiu that it was very dangerous here and asked him not to rush in.

Needless to say, they could tell at a glance that Ye Qiu was a new player.

After all, those who dared to enter the tower without even a weapon were simply fools.

Ye Qiu didn't say much, but after thanking them for the reminder, he walked towards the second area without hesitation.

Some old players shook their heads when they saw this,"Don't worry, they can't be persuaded. Some players will never know the preciousness of their soul life unless they die once.""

"Isn't it you? Even eight bulls couldn't stop you. You had to die once before you behaved."

"Get lost, didn't you go with me?!"

"I don't want to see you die in vain."

"So you choose to die together?"




On the other side.

Chen Ye was also watching Ye Qiu's every move in the game.

After all, he was a reborn person, so Chen Ye was also very curious about how he would act.

At this moment, Lu Qing outside the tower suddenly raised his head with a look of horror.

The sky suddenly fell into darkness, and a huge and bloodshot eye was suspended on the dome, looking down at everything!

The eye was evil, cold, and covered with tentacles, like an indescribable thing!

Lu Qing knew what this thing was.

Because the Eye of Truth had told him!

That thing was the Eye of the God of Creation!

He had never seen such a thing before!

But today, he saw it!

He also knew the specific reason!

That was that his Eye of Truth had been upgraded!

This was a qualitative change after his Eye of Truth was upgraded to level three!

He had the ability to directly spy on God!

But when Lu Qing saw the Eye of God again, he only felt a chill rushing to his bones!

You told me that this was the Eye of the God of Creation?

What kind of god is this? The Evil God of Creation?

Lu Qing didn't dare to think too much, let alone look at it.

Other players can't see anything, because that is not the area they can spy on.

Obviously, what is the God of Creation observing?

Is it them?

Or himself?

It doesn't seem like it.

But Lu Qing didn't dare to speculate too much, because his life and death only depended on the God of Creation!

Lu Qing, who has the eyes of truth, sees more than the players.

In the eyes of the players, this world is beautiful, a perfect utopia.

But in his eyes, this world is an evil, mysterious and indescribable weird place!

Just at this moment, the huge eyeball in the sky suddenly turned!

It actually stared at Lu Qing directly!

The next second, an interface popped up in front of him!

【The Creator God has issued a task to you】

【Accept/You can't refuse]

Lu Qing's palms turned cold when he saw this,"I don't have the right to refuse at all……"

"I accept."


【[Task Obtained: Role Playing]

Introduction: From now on, you will play a person with a monster in his body. Please note that there is really a monster in your body. The specific story introduction and character information have been passed to your mind. Please play this role well.

And tell the player a corner of your story at the right time, so that the player can inadvertently discover your story.


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