"Such a heavy yin energy, it seems that there are many evil spirits around here."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from behind Chen Ye.

After hearing the word evil spirit, Chen Ye was completely stunned.

"Evil spirit?"

Upon hearing this, several policemen behind him raised their guns and pointed them at Chen Ye's head,"Be careful, the other party might be a sorcerer who raises ghosts!"


Raising ghosts?

Are they talking about the Ghost Corps?

It's strange, where did this group of people come from.

Just as Chen Ye was thinking, an old man in the same uniform had already come in front of him!

Then he saw the old man suddenly stretched out two fingers and directly grabbed Chen Ye's throat!

"The yin energy here is getting stronger and stronger, and has reached the critical value of a super-level ghost infestation. How many evil ghosts do you have?!"

This old man... this group of people.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Why is it related to yin energy and ghost infestation again?

Could it be that this parallel world he traveled to really has ghosts, and there is a group of people who specialize in catching ghosts?

Is this the SCP Foundation version of the Taoist priest going down the mountain?

In Chen Ye's memory, the code names of such organizations seem to be generally We Contain, We Lose Control, We Run Away

"Tsk tsk, comrade, a gentleman does not speak of strange things, yet you come here and say there are ghosts here. Then I want to ask, what is the……"

"Are there really ghosts?"

Unexpectedly, the old man suddenly sneered,"Of course, aren't those the things you drive?"

"Young man, raising ghosts is detrimental to one's virtue and, of course, is also illegal. Moreover, you drive evil spirits to kill people. Do you really think the law can't control ghosts and gods?"

"Then I would like to ask, who did I kill?" Chen Ye said.

Upon hearing this, the old man took out a photo. The photo showed an abandoned building.

"At 7:05 am the day before yesterday, five bodies were salvaged from the Donghai City Wastewater Plant, and all five bodies were filled with a heavy yin energy."

"This was clearly the work of a ghost. We traced the source of the evil spirit and found this abandoned building."

"The remaining Yin Qi here is very strong. We searched along this Yin Qi for three whole days and finally found this place."

"I almost couldn't breathe just by staying here and talking to you. I'm really curious about how you survive in this environment?"

This answer really left Chen Ye speechless.

He thought he had done a perfect job in killing the drug dealers.

First, he had dealt with all the witnesses.

Second, he could move directly in the shadows, and there was no possibility of surveillance cameras capturing him.

Third, he asked the Ghost Corps to clean up the crime scene to ensure that no trace was left.

But he had calculated everything, but he didn't expect that there was a group of policemen who specialized in catching ghosts in this world!

They didn't even need evidence or investigation! They could come to the door as long as they smelled the smell!

And his Ghost Corps happened to be ghosts in this world!

Isn't this a coincidence?

"System, I told you to figure it out, but you actually sent me a bunch of evil soldiers and generals."

Chen Ye easily pried open the old man's hand that was pinching his neck,"I think you must have made a mistake. I am just an ordinary game planner."

"He is a staunch materialist and never believes in ghosts and gods, so how could he raise evil spirits to hurt people?"

Seeing this scene, the old man was stunned.

The other party actually broke his hand open so easily?

This strength!

At least 260 kilograms!

Is he a martial artist?

While the old man was stunned, Chen Ye stepped forward and grasped the muzzle of a gun. He bent the muzzle with just a little force.


"Sorry, my hand slipped"

"By the way, do you usually play games?"

The old man looked at Chen Ye with a serious expression,"If you have anything to say, you will have plenty of time to explain it in the interrogation room."

Chen Ye's eyes flashed with blood, and the air in the room suddenly dropped several degrees."Comrade police, I am a good citizen who abides by the law. Under normal circumstances, I don't want to attack the police."

"Unless you can't help it."

However, after all, he is a policeman.

If he accidentally kills one or two, it will be troublesome.

But if he kills them all, it won't be troublesome.

However, it is not a long-term solution after all.

If the other party can find him once, they can find him a second and third time.

Although they may not threaten Chen Ye, flies don't bite people but just annoy people.

We need to think of a permanent solution.

Otherwise, we should use the Infinite Tsukuyomi and hypnotize everyone together, which will save a lot of trouble.

"System, unlimited monthly reading"

【Withdrawal failed】

【Insufficient index】


"Forget it, I'll go with you guys. Where is your nest...well, your base?"


In an underground facility,

Chen Ye entered the interrogation room under the escort of four guns. The person in charge of interrogating him was a middle-aged man with a square face.


"Chen Ye"


"twenty four"


"It can't be a dog, right?"

"I suggest you think carefully before answering, because every answer you give now will affect our subsequent judgment on you."

"Family status"

"I have an 80-year-old mother and five or six three-year-old children."

"You're lying. You're not married, you don't have any children, and your parents are under 60."

"Since you have checked it so clearly, why are you still asking me?"

"This is the program"

"Too long-winded, I suggest abolishing it directly"

"It's not your turn to abolish it."

"Chen Ye, you have committed the crime of raising evil creatures and driving evil spirits to hurt people, which has caused the death of up to five people. The circumstances are serious, and you will be sentenced to life imprisonment."

Chen Ye looked at the four rifles behind him,"Let's put aside the facts for now. Even if those people were killed by the police, what's wrong with me killing drug dealers?"

"Am I not promoting good and exposing evil?"

"I helped you solve the criminals that you couldn't solve, shouldn't you thank me?"

Hearing Chen Ye's explanation, the middle-aged man suddenly became angry,"Even if they are guilty, it is not your turn to judge!"

"All crimes will eventually be punished by law, not you. What qualifications do you have to take someone else's life!"


The middle-aged man slammed the table and directly reached out to grab Chen Ye's collar!

"If those people weren't wanted drug dealers, what you did would be enough to get you dragged out and shot ten times!"

The middle-aged man said and sat back down,"Go on, I hope you can answer the next question truthfully, how do you drive away evil spirits?"

"Who taught you this ability?!"

"How to drive, just shout."

As Chen Ye said this, he saw several black shadows rushing out instantly, directly pushing away the muzzles of the four rifles behind him!

Then he controlled the four fully armed soldiers on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was directly shocked.

"As condensed as a substance, this ghost actually has a physical body. Impossible, how is this possible? I have never seen a ghost that can materialize in all these years!"

"And it can be summoned without any medium. Are you raising a ghost with your body?!" Raising a ghost with your body?

Chen Ye smiled,"What ghost or not, comrade, please believe in science, all the appearances in the world are illusions."

The middle-aged man immediately pointed angrily at the shadow soldier behind him,"Then how do you explain the thing behind you?!"

Chen Ye grinned,"Explanation?"

"You have to know that the reason I am here talking to you now is because I have something to say."

"If I don't want to say it, when you blink again, I will disappear from your sight"

"As long as I want to go, no one can stop me. As long as I want to go, no one can stop me."

"See the shadow behind me? Guess how many of them I can command?"

"Not much, just one company."

One company?

The middle-aged man sneered,"Haha, can you control a company of ghosts?"

Seeing that the middle-aged man didn't believe him, Chen Ye had to slowly stand up and open his arms.

""Ghost Corps!"

As soon as Chen Ye finished speaking, he saw a swarm of ghost corps swarming out of the shadows!

They surrounded the entire Zero Investigation Bureau almost instantly and controlled all the investigators!


The middle-aged man was also grabbed by the neck by a shadow soldier.

The movements were so fast that they were like phantoms, which could not be captured by the naked eye!

But Chen Ye did not move, but just chuckled,"Comrade, I am a law-abiding person. In theory, I will not attack the police."

"Unless you can't help it."

Chen Ye smiled, looking harmless.

But the middle-aged man felt a chill running straight to his bones,"This is more than just one company... You, who are you?"

Chen Ye smiled,"An ordinary���Game Planning"

"Forget it, you won’t understand even if I tell you, so why don’t we tell a story?"


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