After staying in the investigation bureau for about ten days, Chen Ye's index surged again.

It was enough for him to build an island.

Next, he had to consider how to leave the stage.

As a person behind the scenes who stood in the open, Chen Ye chose to leave the stage by faking his death and really stood behind the scenes.

This was what he had planned long ago.

He used the system to make a fake body, and then put on the mask and stabbed the fake body to death in the investigation bureau.

Of course, the mask Chen Ye wore had no ability, it was just an ordinary mask.

As for the rest, let them imagine it themselves.

In this way, Chen Ye would be completely disappeared from the world.

In the next five years... no, it should be ten years, and no one would see him again.

The island created by Chen Ye is an island on the surface, but in fact, it is a mobile fortress.

Not only does it have a built-in stealth function, but there is also an abyss generator under the island that can convert seawater into electricity.

The fortress is even more finely decorated, with all kinds of facilities, buildings and electronic equipment.

The only problem now is that he made too much noise when he created the island before, which attracted other people's attention.

As a result, a group of people are now searching for him all over the sea.

Chen Ye blew up a few warships, but he didn't expect that the group would send out dozens of warships in a blink of an eye.

There was no way, Chen Ye was too lazy to continue the stalemate with them, so he simply let the fortress swim from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean overnight.

No one should be able to find him in the short term.

"My future self, since you want the players to have enough time to prepare, I will do as you wish."

"The system speeds up the time in the game by ten times, and the players' consciousness and actions also speed up by ten times."

Chen Ye directly modified the rules of the game, changing the time flow rate between the game and the outside world to 1:10.

In this way, one day in reality is ten days in the game.

Ten years in reality is 100 years in the game.

In this way, players have enough time to conquer the Sealed Tower.

Unlike what Chen Ye said in the future, when the game comes, the players have not conquered a few levels in the game.

But even if the time flow rate in the game is accelerated ten times.

The exponential benefits obtained by Chen Ye are still calculated according to the time in reality.

"It's time to open more devices"

"But the index is not enough at the moment, let's open 1,000 first"


【Announcement of the 0.4 version update of the Sealed Land! 】

1: In this update, the official will once again open one thousand insider places, and the absolutely fair random extraction mode will also be adopted.

2: After our unremitting efforts, we have finally achieved new technological achievements.

Considering that everyone’s time in reality is not abundant, some people need to work, and some people need to accompany their families.

So we specially developed this technology for this purpose.

Starting from this update, the flow of time in the game will be accelerated by 10 times, and similarly, the player’s thinking speed will also be accelerated by 10 times.

After our preliminary testing, this change in the flow of time will not have any impact on people’s spirit.

Of course, after all, this technology is only initially developed, and there must be many aspects that I have not tested.

If players find bugs or problems in the new version, they can ask us questions in the forum.

We will solve the problem as soon as possible.

3: As the progress of the player’s strategy deepens, our new expansion pack is also under further development.

It is expected that within this year, we will update the first and first large-scale free expansion pack!

Stay tuned!



Fang Ze saw this update and summarized it,"It's basically just a big deal. There is only one real update."

"Time flows ten times faster?"

"Time technology, is this something a game company can break through?"

If it just speeds up the flow of time in the game, it's fine, but speeding up the player's thinking and reaction speed is too outrageous! It

's even more outrageous than the game Sealed Land itself!

Simply put, if a person has been playing Sealed Land since childhood and has been playing until he is 80 years old, how old is he actually?

800 years old!

How exaggerated is this?!

If this technology can be used in reality and actually act on the human body!

Then, everyone will become a genius.

Because they have plenty of time to think and learn!

To give a simple example, a five-year-old child can go directly to college!

Is this outrageous?

Not outrageous, because his actual age is 50 years old!

But after all, it is the Sealed Land.

Fang Ze and other old players have become accustomed to it.

No matter how outrageous and outrageous the official technology is, they will not be surprised anymore.

After all, it is the Sealed Land.

This group of official personnel must be a group of talents sealed by modern society.

The kind that can fight the Three-Body People on equal terms.

Of course, this is just a joke between old players.

Fang Ze smiled indifferently, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message,"All members, guild gather"


In the game.

When Fang Ze logged into the game, he didn't feel anything unusual, and even felt no different from usual.

But when he logged off ten minutes later, he was shocked!

"Only one minute has passed in the real world?!"

"It really is ten times faster, including our conscious thinking!"

Back to the game.

Everyone returned to the round table again, and Fang Ze told them how terrible the technology of speeding up the flow of time is.

But the faces of others were only excited, because this meant that they had more time to play games!

Of course, it's not just games, they can also learn in the game!

Everyone became more and more excited as they talked, only Ye Qiu looked solemn.

"History has changed..."

"Is it the butterfly effect caused by me? The official of the previous life's sealed land did not update this technology at all"

"However, this is a good thing for humans because we have more time to prepare."

"But it's definitely not a good thing for me."

"The change in the speed of time will cause many events in my memory to change in time."

The various events recorded by Ye Qiu were all recorded according to the time in reality.

But as the time in the game speeds up, many special events in the game will not match the time in the real world!

Therefore, this is not a good thing for Ye Qiu.

"Remember, the first expansion pack in the previous life was released seven months after the game started."

"It happened to be the day when players finished the first level, so it was possible that the expansion pack would be released in advance."

"If that's the case, I need to make some changes to my plan."


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