"Hey, isn't something going to pop up suddenly?"

"Shut up"

"No, why do I feel like the atmosphere is becoming increasingly wrong?"

"It’s just... it’s like playing a horror game, you know?"

"That atmosphere……"

Xigua couldn't help but slow down his pace. Du Yuan just glanced at him and walked quickly to him.

"Then I'll lead the way."

Everyone switched order and continued to move forward. The entire staircase was a large downward slope.

Du Yuan took the lead and walked for more than ten minutes before reaching a flat floor.

Everyone was very silent along the way, only Xigua screamed from time to time.

Every time he screamed, he could scare people to death.

It can be said that this guy is purely an atmosphere group.

Flies were not afraid at first, but they were also scared by him.

Fang Ze was extremely calm, because he played a lot of horror games and offline haunted house escape rooms.

And along the way, Fang Ze was always observing the murals on the wall.

The content of the murals was a blood-eyed giant wolf.

The murals from the beginning to the bottom looked the same.

But their backgrounds were different.

At the beginning, the background of the giant wolf was a full moon.

At the bottom, the full moon turned into a small crescent.

And the giant wolf also closed its eyes. He closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

If the murals in the entire corridor were viewed together, it would be a process of a full moon gradually turning into a crescent.

Does this indicate that the Wolf King will fall into a deep sleep during the day?

Fang Ze thought that this was the only explanation.

But this was not an important content, so he did not pay too much attention to it.

Back to the present.

Du Yuan looked back at the crowd. They had already reached the bottom floor, and in front of them was an extremely wide and dim corridor.

Fang Ze nodded, and Du Yuan took the torch and walked up first.

Not long after, two huge stone doors appeared in everyone's field of vision!

The stone door was estimated to be sixteen meters high, and there were murals of two blood-eyed giant wolves on the door in a symmetrical pattern, on the Fu Yu door.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyan suddenly had an ominous premonition,"What is this?"

"This door has a strong sense of sight.……"

"I have the same feeling, it's a bit like the door to the boss room."

Du Yuan glanced at Zhang Qingyan,"Be more confident, get rid of the feeling."

Fang Ze looked at Ye Qiu,"What do you think?"

Ye Qiu didn't know, because he had never been here in his previous life. He had never heard Fang Ze talk about it.

He just said in a public post that there were three lock beasts in the puzzle, and they were the keys.

But he didn't go into too much detail about these three lock beasts, just mentioned that they would drop three trophies.

Ye Qiu also wanted to get those three things in his previous life, but it was a pity that it was useless.

Because these three lock beasts will not be resurrected, once they die, they are really dead.

It is impossible for other players to want to get a share.

Ye Qiu slowly touched the door,"I don't know if it is the boss, but fighting is definitely inevitable."

Zhang Qingyan thought for a while,"We don't know what's behind the door, why don't we find someone to go in and take a look first?"

"After all, our souls have a lifespan of a hundred years. If we die once, we will lose ten years. If we are wiped out, we will directly lose fifty-one years of lifespan."Among the people present, only Ye Qiu's soul lifespan is less than a hundred years.

And people like Fang Ze who rarely die in normal times, his soul lifespan is close to two hundred years.

However, fighting is bound to be dangerous. Their team is very effective, and the mortality rate is naturally not low.

Because they often have to face high-level monsters before.

Sometimes it is difficult to conquer without the death of two teammates.

Now it is much easier with steel weapons, which also allows them to barely save some soul life.

Fang Ze took a deep breath,"I'll go."

Du Yuan looked at Fang Ze,"Goodbye, Old Fang, if you die, who will command next?"

"Let me do the scouting."

Ye Qiu looked at everyone and sighed,"Stop arguing. It's a loss no matter who dies. Let me do it."

"Anyway, if I die once, at most one year of my soul life will be deducted."

After saying that, Ye Qiu pushed the door open!

He didn't care what others said, and stepped into the door resolutely.

Fang Ze's eyes narrowed when he saw this. It was best that Ye Qiu was willing to explore the way.

Although he had originally had this idea, after all, the other party was not Du Yuan, and he couldn't just order him to die?

Whether in terms of relationship or anything else, this was unacceptable.

At this moment, Ye Qiu, who had stepped into the door, suddenly paused, then turned around and shouted to everyone:

"No, hurry up……!"

Before Ye Qiu finished speaking, everyone instantly felt a strong suction force pulling them in!


With a loud bang, the two doors merged instantly!

Fang Ze secretly thought that it was bad,"As long as someone steps into the room, everyone present will be forced to come in!"

Xigua held his head in despair when he heard this,"No way, they can actually force people to join the battle, designer, do you have any humanity!"

Fly slowly pulled out the dagger,"Don't, don't make a fuss, I just heard you screaming all the way, and it made me, I can't even speak properly."

Du Yuan took a deep breath,"Now that we're in, let's see whether it's a mule or a horse. Pull it out and see first." Ye Qiu retracted his gaze and looked forward, and saw that it was an extremely empty circular hall!

The space in the hall was circular, and the middle looked like a huge circular arena.

Looking at the area of the arena, it was already two-thirds the size of a basketball court!

And on the arena, there were four huge stone pillars with complex patterns standing in the four corners.

After they stepped in, gray-white flames instantly flickered on the walls and pillars of the entire circular palace!

Ye Qiu picked up his burden and slowly walked down the stairs to the center of the ring. Seeing this, everyone followed him.

They have adjusted their status and are ready to enter the battle at any time. It depends on the level of the monsters here!


As Ye Qiu stepped onto the ring, he saw an endless black and red floor on the huge ring surface, which was very dark!

But other than that, there was nothing here.

Everyone was puzzled when they saw this,"Nothing?"

"No monsters?"

But at this moment, Ye Qiu, who was looking up, suddenly had his pupils shrink!

""Here it comes!"


With a loud noise, a huge monster suddenly fell from the sky, causing a terrible impact!

Fang Ze and others were instantly repelled by the impact!

Then, several messages suddenly popped up in front of everyone's eyes!

———You woke up the wolf———

【The deceitful wolf lord has awakened!】

"The wolf master has fangs like sharp blades and breath like a landslide. If he howls, all the wolves will appear, but they are all illusions, meant to confuse and deceive."

"Only the eye of truth can discern its true self!"


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