This time!

It can be done!

Everyone has been preparing for this for several days, from fighting methods to various speculations, all for this moment!

Last time they came here almost exhausted, and it was their first challenge, and they didn't know the boss's ability! They couldn't tell the real body from the fake one, and it was inevitable that they would be wiped out.

But this time, everyone is well prepared, full of energy, and there is a guide who can distinguish the real body from the fake one!

They are fully confident that they can take down the Wolf Lord this time!


Puff! Puff! Puff!

As the sound of several sharp weapons entering the body came, the Wolf Lord was pierced by the weapons attacking from all directions at the same time!

But everyone did not dare to relax, and had to take this opportunity to continue to output fiercely!

Zhang Qingyan also took this opportunity to blind the other eye of the Wolf Lord!

And Ye Qiu held the violet gold long sword and went straight to the vital point, that is, the heart and head of the Wolf Lord!

Among the people present, only his weapon could easily cut the bones of the Wolf Lord!

The weapons of others could only barely break the flesh!

Therefore, the main output this time can only be Ye Qiu, it must be him!

Fang Ze and the others already knew all the information about Ye Qiu Ziwu, so their tactics this time were to fight around Ye Qiu!

On this side, when the Wolf Lord's real body was hit, all the fake bodies turned into black flames in an instant!

And the Wolf Lord's real body also fell to the ground under the siege of everyone!


The body of the Deceitful Wolf Lord was extremely huge, after all, it was transformed from the heart of the legendary Fenrir.

Its body was more than five meters tall and nearly eleven meters long!

As the Wolf Lord fell to the ground, Ye Qiu did not dare to be careless and hurried forward to finish off the knife!

"Keep finishing off the Wolf Lord, he might just be stabbed to death!"

As soon as Ye Qiu finished speaking, the Wolf Lord who had fallen to the ground suddenly opened his eyes!

His eyes that had been shot out were actually restored directly, and his body suddenly twisted, and it actually condensed into a monster with a human body and a wolf head!

"The end, no, it’s just the beginning!"


【The Deceitful Wolf Lord has entered his second form!】

"Oh shit!"

"Oh my god!"

"There's a second form!"

"Damn it, the boss on the first floor already has multiple forms?!"

"It must be said, this boss is somewhat perverted!"

"Then kill it again!"

""Old Zhang, hit him in the eye!"

Everyone has always been unethical. They don't care whether the boss is transforming or not!

Just do it!

Before the Wolf Lord entered the second stage, everyone rushed to attack the Wolf Lord!

No one would be stupid enough to wait for the enemy to transform before attacking, right? Wouldn't that be pure brain damage?

Ye Qiu and the others had a good idea, but unfortunately when they attacked the evolving Wolf Lord, they hit nothing!

The Wolf Lord opened his arms and floated in the air. As long as someone's attack approached it, it would move instantly!

"Wow, it even has teleportation?!"

"Get started right away!"

"Grab it!"

Just as everyone was chasing the flickering Wolf Lord, the Wolf Lord's body had gradually condensed!

His fur turned into a color where gray and black intersected! His body stood up, and his lower body was in human shape, with black flames and blood-colored patterns wrapped around it!

His limbs were like steel, his sharp wolf claws were like metal, and there was a white wolf head on his chest! But there was another wolf head on his head, this wolf head had blood-red eyes, and there were two blood-colored lines flashing around his eyes!

However, its body shrank to more than three meters in height after the transformation, but its whole body was muscular and strong!

Like a werewolf in armor!

As its huge black wolf tail began to sweep, the Deceitful Wolf Lord completely advanced to the second form!

Zhang Qingyan seized the opportunity and shot three arrows directly!

But the Deceitful Wolf Lord just waved his hand and pinched the three arrows with his fingertips,"A meaningless attack, like a headless fly that cannot witness the truth."

The Wolf Lord actually started to mock the players, which surprised everyone.

But no matter how surprised they were, they had been attacked by the Wolf Lord many times.

So for them now, no matter what the Wolf Lord said, they should not care!

Because this is probably a means of attack by the Wolf Lord!

Ye Qiu came first, and attacked the Wolf Lord directly at an extremely tricky angle!

But the Wolf Lord's movements were extremely sharp and agile. He jumped up directly to avoid Ye Qiu's sneak attack, and at the same time swept his leg to Ye Qiu's head!

The whole set of movements was smooth and unusually fast!


Ye Qiu had no time to react, so of course his head was smashed by a blow and blood splattered five steps away!

"Just a fly!"

After killing Ye Qiu with one blow, the Deceitful Wolf Lord immediately turned around and came in front of Du Yuan and Xigua at an extremely exaggerated speed!

The two of them were grabbed by the neck before they could react!

""It's bad, Lao Du!"

Fly said as he slid over and slashed the Wolf Lord's ankle with his dagger!

Unexpectedly, the Wolf Lord's tail suddenly swung hard, sweeping him out and hitting him heavily on a stone pillar!

"You are all flies!"


There was a sound of two flesh being pierced, and Fang Ze suddenly attacked and slashed the Wolf Lord's arm with two consecutive swords!

Unfortunately, the effect was not great, and he could only barely make two cuts on the Wolf Lord!

The next second, the Wolf Lord directly crushed Du Yuan and Xigua to death!

"Next one!"

Fang Ze was startled and rolled over to distance himself.

"The second stage of the Wolf Lord has all attributes improved, from wisdom to strength, speed, and defense, all improved by more than just a little bit!"

"Is this really the mini-boss of the Novice Village? This value is too exaggerated!"

Pay attention, it's a mini-boss!

You know, the biggest boss on the first floor is the Guardian!

The Deceitful Wolf Lord in front of us is just a mini-boss!

Can a mini-boss be so exaggerated?

This is too abstract!

Moreover, Du Yuan, Xigua, Fly and Ye Qiu all rushed!

They are probably going to be wiped out again today!

"No, even if I die, I should get more information this time, at least I need to know what skills are in the second stage!"

Fang Ze looked directly at Zhang Qingyan after hearing this,"Old Zhang, cover me!"

Zhang Qingyan's eyes condensed, and he picked up the bow and arrow and started running while plucking the bowstring!


As two arrows broke through the air, Fang Ze switched weapons and replaced them with a long spear to sweep out!

Seeing this, the wolf lord suddenly opened his arms,"Guess again!" As soon as the words fell, the wolf lord's body instantly split into thousands, and this time the clones were different from before!

The wolf lord's clones this time were very regular, and all the fake bodies were arranged one by one around the huge circular arena! In just a moment, all the fake bodies and the wolf lord's real body formed a huge circle!

At this moment, all the wolf lords raised their right paws together!

A ball of black flame suddenly condensed in the hands of each wolf lord!

""The one who walks backwards, is burning with lust!"

As soon as the words fell, all the flames turned into pillars of fire and gathered towards the center in an instant!

Countless pillars of fire flashed, and the attack directly covered every corner!

Zhang Qingyan and Fang Ze had nowhere to hide, and were instantly pierced by the pillars of fire and died on the spot!

Lu Qing was no exception, his chest was instantly pierced by the flames, burning out a hole as big as a human head!

But Lu Qing did not die!

At this moment, countless tentacles of flesh and blood suddenly emerged from the hole in Lu Qing's chest!

And then, many cracks suddenly appeared on his skin!

"This is it!"

Lu Qing's eyes widened, and he saw his skin cracking, and countless deformed and swollen pieces of flesh burst out of his body!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into hundreds of flesh and blood tentacles clashing, and with just one blow, it defeated all the fake bodies of the Wolf Lord!


The Wolf Lord's real body was hit hard by the tentacles, and it smashed heavily on the wall!

Lu Qing was shocked when he saw this,"What on earth is this... thing!" At this moment, his body became uncontrollable, all kinds of deformed and swollen pieces of flesh proliferated, and countless tentacles waved wantonly!


"Stop, stop for me!"

Lu Qing roared, and directly pressed his body down with all his strength, pulling all the tentacles back into his body!

His cracked skin also recovered at this moment, and even the huge blood hole in his chest healed! Seeing this, the Wolf Lord had no intention of continuing to attack, but just looked at Lu Qing in surprise.

"You shouldn't be here"


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