"I am a reborn person. My greatest advantage is that I have foresight. Seizing all the benefits and monopolizing all the profits is the best way for me to snowball."

But this is just a ring.

Its value alone cannot buy friendship.

Because friendship is priceless.

Ye Qiu threw the ring directly to Shengguang,"This is the drop from the boss's first kill. You can distribute it, President. Anyway, I think it's best to give it to you."

Everyone looked at Ye Qiu at this moment.

To be honest, Fang Ze had thought about this problem a long time ago, but he didn't say it.

He didn't expect Ye Qiu to be so generous, so he simply showed the ring in front of everyone.

This is a gold ring. The pattern on the ring is the same as the pattern on the body of the Deceitful Wolf Lord, and the ring is inlaid with a wolf head ruby.

" The boss's killer enjoys 10 times the kill reward. I got a total of 30 silver coins, which is equivalent to 3,000 copper coins."

"Plus 100 years of soul life and this legendary accessory." Ye Qiu said.


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this. The highest quality they had access to was the blue elite!

Even the purple epic was only the violet gold sword in Ye Qiu's hand.

Fly was very optimistic,"With so many rewards, can't we earn resurrection coins and money here?"

"And there are also legendary items. Wouldn't it be awesome if everyone had one?"

Lao Du also laughed,"If that's the case, the overall strength of our team will be greatly improved!"

Seeing everyone so excited, Ye Qiu suddenly sneered.


"Most bosses in the Sealed Land will not be resurrected, and the Deceitful Wolf Lord is one of them. Players can only fight him once."

"Legendary items...will only drop once"

"There will never be a second identical item. In other words, this legendary ring is now out of print."

"Everyone, I don't want to take the reward alone, so I am willing to give out the ring. Of course, I will also share the ten times resource reward equally."

"But there is only one ring, and you get to decide who to give it to, President."

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

There is a good saying that Ye Qiu can just embezzle everything and choose not to tell everyone.

Even if everyone knew the truth, it would be useless because they couldn't snatch the ring from Ye Qiu.

The ring is in Ye Qiu's hand, and no one can take it away as long as he doesn't hand it over.

But Ye Qiu chose to hand over the ring directly, which refreshed everyone's impression of him to a new level.

It can be seen that he values the relationship between him and everyone and doesn't want to tear his face with everyone for a ring.

In other words, he is a very generous person.

Even Fang Ze couldn't help but admire this.

Fang Ze patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder,"Since you let me choose, then I want to give you the ring. I think you should be more suitable for this ring than me."

"Take it. Your efforts are obvious to all. I think everyone should have no objection

, right?" Lao Du also smiled heartily,"It's just a ring. Why are you so serious about it, whether it's legendary or not?"

Fly shrugged,"Let's be practical. It's good to get some money."

The crowd was not too enthusiastic about this legendary item.

Of course, this is because they stand on different positions and angles.

To them, this is just a game, not the shares of a certain company that were revealed in reality.

Everyone should just have fun playing the game, and there is no need to argue over a piece of equipment.

But what about Ye Qiu's perspective?

He knows that the game will become a reality one day, so all this is no longer a game in his eyes!

In his opinion, as long as he gets this ring, he can be far ahead of other players. Isn't that tempting enough?

If it snowballs like this, it will be enough to make a big splash in the game. Lay a solid foundation.

And when the game comes, this snowball rolling down in the game will be fed back a hundredfold in reality!

But Fang Ze and the others don't understand.

They can't understand the value of this ring.

Because even if we put aside the reality, the game is only in its early stages, and the follow-up is still unclear.

There is no conclusion yet on what the legendary level is.

Ye Qiu said it is the only level, but they do think so.

Of course, all this can also be understood as Fang Ze and the others being equally magnanimous.

Because if they are petty-minded people, even if this ring is useless, they are unwilling to hand it over like this.

"Thank you very much."

Ye Qiu took the ring and thanked everyone,"Thank you brothers for your help."

"Since the Wolf Lord will drop the ring, the Snake Lord and the Owl Lord must also drop the ring. Let's set a small goal first and get all three rings."

"For the sake of fairness, I will let you, the president, distribute it later. Don't give it to me when the time comes. It won't be the same if you give it to me again."

Ye Qiu already has one ring, and it would be impolite to take another one.

Ye Qiu's principle is, if someone respects me an inch, I will return them an inch.

Therefore, if he gets the remaining two bosses' profits, he will still share them equally with everyone.


Outside the tower.

When Fang Ze and the others stepped out of the sealed tower, they instantly became the focus of the crowd, surrounded by a large circle of players!

"Damn it, Holy Light Boss!"

"Holy Light Boss, where did you fight the boss?"

"Is this boss related to the puzzle treasure you posted before?"

""Fuck, Master Shixuan, your ring and weapon are so cool, is this the loot dropped by the boss?"

Facing a group of chattering players, Fang Ze laughed twice,"Don't worry, I will write a post about this situation and post it on the forum later."

"My teammates are all tired. If you have any questions, I will ask you tomorrow morning."


Looking at Fang Ze and others surrounded by the crowd, Nocturne, who was hiding in the crowd, suddenly had a nameless fire in his eyes.

"This guy is actually from the Holy Light team.……"

When it comes to the Holy Light team, some red-named players will stay away, and Nocturne is no exception.

"Is that the end of it? Just avoid that guy next time you see him?"

"No, when have I ever been treated like this? If I don't take revenge, then... No, forget it. I can't remember it."

"Wait, I'm going to summon the evil eye!"


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