In-game, the Tower of Seals

"Sunny and cheerful big boy~Sunny and cheerful big boy~"

"What the hell are you singing about? Just output!"

"Ahem, sorry, I've been brainwashed by this song recently"

"I'm going to let you brainwash me!"

On the first floor of the Sealed Tower, a team of five players were fighting with two primary magic beasts.

The fighting style they adopted was the five-man fighting style developed by Fang Ze.

But to be honest, this fighting style is very inefficient when used by others except Fang Ze himself.

And now the number of people in Fang Ze's team has expanded to six!

Still fighting with a five-man team?

While everyone was fighting, a black shadow quietly approached the five people in the dark!


There was a sound of a sharp weapon entering the body, and the back row of the five people was instantly pierced by a sharp sword!

The player was stunned when he saw this,"You...……"


A sudden voice suddenly came from behind, and everyone turned their heads!

They saw a red-named player in a black robe holding a broken sword, who had already touched behind them at some point!

"Red player!"

"It’s the nocturne that’s wanted on the forum!"

"Damn it!"



Nocturne said as he slashed the neck of another person. The other three were immediately defeated and fell to the ground, seriously injured by the monsters!






Nocturne killed four people in a row with his sword, leaving only one person who cursed and cursed Nocturne's ancestors.

But Nocturne didn't care, or maybe he was used to it.

"Including you, there are exactly one hundred."

After saying that, Nocturne swung the broken sword and stabbed it directly into the player's throat!


Nocturne stretched his body, and saw two low-level monsters attacking him instantly!

""Looking for death."

Nocturne said as he grabbed a monster's forehead, and the death energy in his palm seeped out instantly!

The monster's head turned black in an instant, and it let out a painful wail!

Then, Nocturne raised the sword and stabbed it into the throat of another monster's mouth!


The two monsters fell to the ground in an instant, and mixed directly with the corpses of several players.

Nocturne took out a knife to dig out the eyes of several players, and then threw them into the backpack.

It is worth mentioning that once a corpse is placed in the player's backpack for more than an hour, it will no longer disappear. If it is taken out later, it will always exist, and the same is true for the parts on the corpse.

After doing this, Nocturne looked at the prompt message on the side.

【School Mission】

【Malthus's Contract (Completed)]

Mission Introduction: Malthus needs you to kill 100 players to prevent an impending disaster.

Mission Progress: 100/100.

Mission Reward: Two Volumes of Magic Potion Formula


Nocturne reached out and clicked to complete the task. The next second, a lot of black air suddenly emerged from the corpse of a player!

Then, the corpse suddenly opened his eyes!

His eyes were very empty, and there was a faint blue soul fire flashing in them!

It was obvious that Malthus's consciousness descended on this corpse.

"Haha, well done, it seems I didn't make a mistake"

"This is your reward, take it."

As he spoke, a sheepskin scroll suddenly appeared in the corpse's hand!


【Get a potion recipe】

【[Volume 2 of the School of Necromancer: Decaying Potion]

Main ingredients: 1 heart of an undead, 15 ml of Zaik's blood, 5 drops of poisonous corpse's saliva.

Auxiliary materials: 100 ml of clean water, 5 drops of dark mushroom juice, 10 drops of gold leaf orchid juice, 5 grams of Void Crystal powder.

Production method: Use the soul of the undead as a guide.

Use the soul fire and the container contaminated with death to burn and mix, and then blend the pharmaceutical materials one by one in order.

Instructions for use: After taking this potion, the limbs and heart of the person taking the drug will rot quickly. If they can still move, it means that the absorption is successful.


The second volume of potion formula!

Second turn!

Nocturne's eyes flashed,"Lord Malthus, the sufferer who bears all the sins of the world, how can I obtain the heart of the undead?"

The soul fire in Malthus's eyes flashed,"Now... you can't touch it yet."

Can't touch it?

Nocturne was stunned for a moment,"What about Zayk's blood, what is Zayk?"

Malthus's body slowly floated up,"Zayk, is the Rivellon language, which means people trapped in the rotten kingdom"

"You can't access it yet."

Still can't access it?

Nocturne got anxious when he heard this,"Is it on the upper level?"

Malthus nodded,"Yes, if you are lucky enough to step into the upper level, you can naturally see all the materials recorded in this formula."

To the upper level...

Nocturne frowned,"Then can I continue to accept tasks now?"

The soul fire in Arthas' eyes flashed,"No, I will give you the clue of the third volume of potion after you successfully take the second bottle of potion."

Nocturne:"Then what should I do now, there is no task?"

Malthus:"The School of Necromancer, the highest and deepest, endless, you should first adapt to the abilities you have now."

"Find a companion, and I will allow you to pass on the formula of the first volume of the necromancy potion to others."

"After the matter is accomplished, I will teach you the magic of death."


【School Mission】

【The inheritance of the School of Necromancer! 】

Task introduction: Malthus requires you to lead a player to join the School of Necromancer and ensure that the player successfully takes the Death Potion.

Task progress: 0/1.

Task reward: Death Condenser!


Is it... a skill task?

That's great!

Nocturne was immediately happy when he saw this, but he soon realized that he didn't know how to make medicine!

Moreover, the potion of the Necromancer School requires the soul fire of the undead to burn!

How could he have such a thing?

"Um, Sir Malthus, I don't know how to make medicine. Is there something wrong with this mission?"

Malthus suddenly took out a bone finger and handed it to Nocturne.

"Insert this bone finger into a corpse with flesh and blood, and I will let my consciousness descend into that corpse to help you make the magic potion."

" But you need to collect the ingredients for the potion yourself."

Nocturne put the bone finger into his backpack as if he had found a treasure,"Thank you, Lord Malthus, that... Actually I have another question."

Malthus seemed a little unhappy,"You talk too much."

Hearing this, Nocturne hurriedly said:"The last one, this is really the last question!"

"Lord Malthus, may I ask if you have the complete Book of the Dead? Could you lend it to me...really, I just want to take a look!"

Malthus suddenly laughed out loud when he heard this:"Hahaha!"

"You may not be very capable, but you are quite arrogant. If you want to read the Book of the Dead, you are not qualified."

"I give you a piece of advice. The Book of the Dead is a book of disaster. It will only bring disaster and misfortune."

"For mortals to steal the knowledge contained therein is no less than to listen to the whispers of the ancient gods!"

"If you don't want this world to become a dead place, then put aside the idea of looking for the Book of the Dead."

"That forbidden power will plunge the world into endless madness."


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