Without exception, not many people paid attention to the newly launched Chinese players, even if there were girls among them.

This time, all the old players focused on these foreign friends.

A group of black-bellied players have even figured out how to set traps for these foreigners, and they have to set a series of traps!

The group of foreign players also reacted that these Chinese people are smiling on the surface, but they are stabbing behind their backs!

Insidious, despicable, and evil! They don’t even use dirty words when scolding you!

They never repeat the same traps for you!

They don’t care about international friendship at all!

But at this time, the Chinese players said that what we do only represents our personal position!

It has nothing to do with our country!

Especially in the matter of targeting the country where life is pretty good, a group of old players are conspiring together!

First of all, I have no other intentions against you, it’s just a little personal grudge!

It’s just that we personally don’t like you, and it has nothing to do with our national hatred or family hatred!

While the old players were collectively making trouble, a new Chinese player was looking up at the sky.

"The sky, about 300 meters above the ground, fell down, converted into weight, we can get the damage caused by the guy falling when killing the Chaos Watcher."

The newcomer's name is Yan Wang.

Yes, it is the literal Yan Wang.

Yan Wang muttered to himself, the video about the player killing the Chaos Watcher has been spread.

Many people are discussing how feasible Ye Qiu's method is if Big Eyes is in reality.

Yan Wang has been calculating around this topic. Considering Ye Qiu's weight, this method is indeed feasible.

But the feasibility is not particularly high.

At least Yan Wang did not count Ye Qiu's sword.

At this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in Yan Wang's ears,"Want to be one step ahead, newcomer."

Yan Wang turned his head and saw a player with a hidden ID and wearing a black robe appeared directly in front of him.

One of the man's eyes was purple, which was very strange.

This person was none other than the red-named player Nocturne.

Seeing this, Yan Wang narrowed his eyes,"How to be one step ahead?"

Nocturne laughed when he heard that,"Join the School of Necromancer, which is the only school that allows players to turn into a master, and it is also a hidden school."

Yan Wang laughed,"You are the murderer that is rumored on the Internet, right?" Nocturne shrugged,"It's me. If you think I am hateful like them, or if I scare you, then……"

"Let's just pretend we haven't met today."

The King of Hell shook his head,"No, no, no, I'm very interested in the School of Necromancer, please let me join it."

Nocturne's purple eyes flickered, as if a little surprised,"Even if the mission of the School of Necromancer is to kill people?"

The King of Hell smiled and said,"You always have to pay a price to gain power, whether it's in the game or in reality."

"This is my value. Of course, if I can solve the problem without killing anyone, I will definitely choose the path that does not require killing."

"But if I have to kill him, I won't refuse, but the premise is that it is the most convenient and simplest way."

Nocturne also laughed,"Interesting, you are the only one who makes me feel different among all the players I have asked."

"But there is one thing I want to tell you in advance. Once you choose this path, you will have to hide like me."

"It is impossible to stand in the open like other people, and it is even more impossible to trade with other players and form a team."

Yan Wang picked up a branch and said,"Have you never thought about why you fell into this situation?"

"Because all the players together form a big tree, and you are just a branch."

"Your strength is not superior to that of the players as a whole, which means that in the final analysis, you are just too weak."

"But if you can transform from a branch into a tree, you don’t need to worry about being accepted by others, let alone whether others agree with you."

"No one cares about the past of the weak, the past of the strong can be rewritten, and the past of the hero will be sung."

"When you become so strong that no player can be your opponent, no one will dare to mention what you have done."

"But it takes a process for a branch to grow into a big tree, and this process is a crucial step."

"If a tree wants to stand firmly, it needs to develop more roots. Only in this way can the tree get more nutrients and grow faster."

Nocturne suddenly understood,"You mean, I should build a guild and develop a force in the game?"

Yan Wang smiled,"Yes, but you also need to know the truth that a tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind."

"So I think, no matter whether the task of the School of Necromancer is to kill other players or something else, don't reveal your identity."

"If you keep hiding like this, you will be found one day. Imagine being stuck at the respawn point."

"But what if no one knows your ID and no one has ever seen your face?"

"You hide among the players, don't reveal your abilities to anyone, and only act in secret."

"Quietly develop the roots, and when the ability is sufficient, you can call for hundreds of responses."

Nocturne grinned,"I really like you more and more. May I ask what job you do in reality?"

The King of Hell smiled,"It's inconvenient to say."


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the two!

Nocturne turned his head abruptly when he heard the sound, and saw that the person coming was none other than Ye Qiu!

Nocturne reacted very quickly, and he drew out the broken sword that was cut off by Ye Qiu the first time he saw Ye Qiu!

"What a narrow world of enemies!"

Nocturne said as he raised the broken sword and pointed it at Ye Qiu!

Ye Qiu frowned when he saw this, but his attention was not on Nocturne, but on the King of Hell!

Sure enough, this guy came in during the fifth test!

Chu Yanwang!

The first and second place on the Red List in the previous life are all here!

If Ye Qiu is hostile to Nocturne, it is purely out of personal grudges.

But Ye Qiu's hostility to the King of Hell is not just as simple as personal grudges!

The King of Hell, his real name is Chu Du!

In reality, he is one of the three leaders of an arms dealer gang!

After the advent of the game, he directly abandoned the arms business and single-handedly pulled up the Blasphemy Temple, a notorious black force in his previous life!

And Chu Du was also called Chu Yanwang by the players because of his name during the game!

It can be said that Nocturne and Chu Yanwang are not people of the same level at all!

The former is at most an ordinary person who fights in the game, hides his head and shows his tail in reality, and develops his power behind the scenes without daring to make a big noise.

The latter is different. This guy has been responsible for human lives long before the advent of the game!


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