I Married Taylor

Chapter 167 Ideal And Reality (Full Decision)

Taylor's understanding made Qin Sheng feel a little distressed, but now it can only be like this, sometimes he does ignore some family matters for work, but fortunately he can find out in time, and Taylor can understand, this is a perfect person family.

Early the next morning, Qin Sheng went to register the company. The registration of the company was not that troublesome, and it only took one morning to complete the registration.

The next two people need to find a suitable location as the company's building. In this city, it is not so difficult to find a building as an office location, but it is not easy to find a good environment and geographical location. .

What Qin Sheng meant was that this office building must not be sloppy, it must be in the busiest business district, so that such an office location can be worthy of Taylor, but what makes Qin Sheng have a headache is that this good building already has this owner , especially in the business district, there is not a single building that is vacant, and there is no building that wants to rent or sell the whole building.

This troubled Qin Sheng a bit, so he asked Liu Yishou and his subordinates to look for it, and he went to wander around for two days himself, and finally got the answer, in addition to a few buildings in the suburbs, there are also some nearby residential areas, Anyway, Qin Sheng was not very satisfied with 800.

"If it doesn't work, we can build a building in a remote place, or find a better building in the business district, and directly rent out the two health care." Taylor suggested at this time.

Qin Sheng shook his head. Regarding this point, Qin Sheng was very firm: "No, no matter what, my daughter-in-law still has a certain status in the world, not to mention that the artist companies are so good, the daughter-in-law's company can only It is better than others, absolutely not worse than others!"

"His grandma's, if there is no suitable one, we will build one in the center of the city center!" Qin Sheng's aura really made Taylor a little dumbfounded. Building a building in the city center is a big joke.

"Let's not talk about how much it will cost, even if it can be solved by spending money, but whether we have the right is also a very important thing. Our place is also the leading big city in Dragon Kingdom. If we want to build a building in the city center, if we don't The official background is simply too difficult." Taylor said with a wry smile.

Both of them are a little anxious about this matter, after all, they have put the children's affairs on the itinerary now.

If the matter of the company building is not settled, the matter of this program can only be shelved.

As long as Taylor creates a program in Longguo, it means that Longguo will develop in the future, and the attention of Longguo will focus on Taylor, and Taylor's company, or the future development of his work will be taken seriously .

If an idol star like Taylor, who is very famous in the world, can't show his office location, he will definitely be picked up by the media. As long as Taylor starts to develop in Longguo, he will know that it is because he married Qin Sheng came.

It is easy for people to compare Taylor's situation in Long Country and Mei Country. If the development and life in Long Country is not as good as that in Mei Country, then Qin Sheng will have the worst face.

It can be said that Qin Sheng is very concerned about Taylor's everything in Longguo, and at the same time, he also cares about his own face. Men are all good-faced, so Qin Sheng is so obsessed with Taylor's office location.

There is absolutely no compromise in this matter. Even Taylor cannot change Qin Sheng's mind. Taylor's office building must be in the most prosperous place in the city center.

If there is no city center, then build one in the city center, if not, build a city center yourself!

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Let's find a random place first, and then finalize the program. The office location can be changed. Just look for it slowly. Don't be so anxious to be obsessed with the building first." !" Taylor said (bhdd) holding Qin Sheng's hand.

"No, this matter has to be done in advance, first we have to fix our facade, and then expand other things"

After speaking, Qin Sheng made another phone call to inquire about the situation of the building, but he still couldn't find a suitable one.

A little anxious, after all, he had already promised his parents to have a child in three months, and this first step has not been finalized for a long time, Qin Sheng was a little anxious.

But there is no point in being anxious, after all, this building is not so easy to manage, and many things can't be solved by spending money. In many cases, you still have to look at your network and contacts.

"Okay, this matter can't be solved in a hurry, take your time, don't worry about the child's affairs, just follow the plan, talk to mom and dad

They will understand too. "Taylor also didn't want to be so pressured softly, don't become so anxious about his own affairs.

If it was in Mei Country, Taylor could easily settle many things by relying on his own fame and social circle, but in this Dragon Country, things are a little different, and many things can only be settled by Qin Sheng.

After Qin Sheng smiled wryly, he knew that this could only be done naturally. After all, the decision to find a building was quite sudden. It might take a month to find a job, let alone find an office. The building is up.

It seems that finishing the program in the past three months is still a bit unconsidered. This matter still needs to be considered in the long run. Whether the building needs to be renovated, as well as recruiting a professional team, and even the plan to invite the referee before, will cost a lot of money. some time.

Qin Sheng didn't want to procrastinate, but the reality was cruel, and he didn't want to change cities, so Qin Sheng could only choose to wait.

And if we just wait like this, Taylor and I really have nothing else to do, so we simply use our relationship to contract the 63rd floor of the Longfor Building as a temporary company location.

The Longhu Building is a landmark building in this city. It can be said that an office building with a height of 650 meters is rare in the world. There is also a sightseeing area on the top of this building, and people who can work in this place It can be said that they are all people with heads and faces.

Standing on the sixty-third floor, one can even see the whole city of half of the city. Regardless of the rented floor, the annual rent of this floor is more than 30 million.

Qin Sheng calculated that if he wanted to buy a decent building in the city center, he would need at least five or six billion yuan, which is still a conservative estimate.

There is no pressure on money, after all, several accounts of my investment company have been paid back, and several stocks have also made a lot of money. .

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