I Married Taylor

Chapter 184 Just To Confirm

This is the most uncomfortable time for this old Sun. He was wronged for nothing, and he is still doing that kind of thankless work, and his mood is very depressed.

And Liu Yishou grasped Sun Lao's mentality at this time, and directly wanted to talk about the price of this building.

At this time, Qin Sheng on the other side did not follow the previous plan with the masked man, waiting outside for the two to talk for a while, and directly pushed the door in.

Qin Sheng is not so stupid, he doesn't know what kind of person this masked man is, and he won't listen to his one-sided words.

Qin Sheng is most familiar with this kind of thing, and who would know if the masked man and Bai Feng are acting with him?

If the masked man hadn't lied to him, then after he and Bai Feng had finished talking, "June 27", the two of them would never retreat.

Qin Sheng has always held the initiative firmly in his own hands, being passive is not Qin Sheng's habit.

"Haha, it seems that we should have a good talk!" Qin Sheng opened the door with a smile, and said to Bai Feng inside the room.

Seeing Qin Sheng push open the door, the two people in the room were very surprised at this time, Bai Feng looked at the stranger in front of him, and suddenly felt a little puzzled and a little angry.

"Bai Feng, right? I've known you for a long time." Qin Sheng said with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Bai Feng looked at Qin Sheng, and then looked at the masked man next to him with his eyes.

The masked man was also very surprised by Qin Sheng's sudden approach. Didn't the two of them agree to come in after they finished talking with Bai Feng?

Qin Sheng just winked at the masked man to say that everything is left to himself.

It turned out that the young man in front of him was the mastermind behind it, and it was this kid who came up with the bad idea to rob Fenghua Building!

"Let me introduce it to you. In fact, I don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to buy that Fenghua Building, but if I don't get rid of you, even if I buy Fenghua Building, I will have trouble sleeping and eating." !” Qin Sheng said with a smile on his face.

For Qin Sheng's sudden visit, Bai Feng was full of vigilance, and now he was a desperado, and for some unfamiliar and extremely dangerous people, You Jiao held the pistol in his pocket tightly with his hand at this time.

It can be said that this pistol is Bai Feng's most trusted partner now, and the others are all nonsense.

"If you want to buy a building, go ahead and buy it. What are you doing here?" Bai Feng felt a little emboldened at this time, because he didn't know the details of Qin Sheng now.

For Bai Feng's small movements, Qin Sheng caught it in his eyes, and just smiled gently, not taking the pistol in his pocket into his heart.

"You are the white son of the Sanlu Group. Who would have thought that the Sanlu Group, which was all-powerful at the time, would be like this now, and the son of the Sanlu Group would also be reduced to such a state."

At this time, Bai Feng could be said to be extremely sensitive, and the Sanlu Group was the thing Bai Feng was most proud of, and now he least wanted to mention it.

The young man in front of him knew his identity and came in behind the masked man. It is conceivable that Qin Sheng should be brought here by the masked man.

Bai Feng was a little angry, this was obviously a kind of betrayal, the masked man came here with a stranger who knew his details, Bai Feng didn't know what kind of calculations he had in mind when he found the masked man.

He took out a pistol directly from his pocket, and then pointed at the masked man's head.

"What do you mean? What do you want to do? At worst, we will die!"

Bai Feng's face was very gloomy at this time, and he looked at Qin Sheng again with a wicked smile: "I don't care what kind of person you are, I don't know what kind of purpose you have, at worst, we'll die, and I will be alone Take you all to hell!"

In Qin Sheng's view, it was normal for Bai Feng to have such emotions. After all, a desperado had no scruples, and life and death were not that important to him.

Such a person must have his own way of life, and he must be able to live a more nourishing life than most people.

And for such people, death does not matter, the most important thing is that these people will not die in vain, and being able to bring more people to be buried with them is what these people are most happy to see.

Qin Sheng has never been willing to provoke such a person, let alone such a son who is used to being arrogant and domineering since childhood.

"Don't be nervous!" Qin Sheng directly put his hands on his chest to show that he didn't mean to hurt him.

"I just came here to understand the situation. Now your Sanlu Group is bankrupt, and your company building is now in an Australian casino. I want to buy this building from them, and you are making trouble again. , so if you are not sure about it, even if my side buys the building, I will have a headache if you go to trouble again."

Qin Sheng can be regarded as directly expressing his truest thoughts about coming here, and Qin Sheng really came here this time just to keep Bai Feng from attacking Fenghua Building, as for everything else, it has nothing to do with him.

"I just want money, and I'll go abroad if I get the money, but I'm not interested in that building!" Bai Feng said vigilantly.

Bai Feng didn't know who else was behind this Qin Sheng, although he was standing there alone, who knew how many people were there outside?

Death is definitely not the only choice for Bai Feng now, who wouldn't want to survive? And as long as he gets the money from the masked man and goes abroad, he can still live happily.

"The things you did today disappointed me very much. You can't just say 5.3 without proof, and that building will be of great use once I buy it." Qin Sheng shook his head, for what Bai Feng gave I am not very satisfied with my answer.

"Then what else do you want!" Bai Feng had resentment in his heart, but Qin Sheng's unrelenting words caused Bai Feng to collapse suddenly.

Qin Sheng shook his head, ignored Bai Feng's anger, and continued on his own: "If you want me to really believe it, only you have two choices!"

When Qin Sheng finished speaking, the three people present fell into silence. No one thought that Qin Sheng would directly give Bai Feng two ways.

For Bai Feng, no one dared to talk to himself like this before, and for the masked man, he knew that Qin Sheng was a ruthless character, but he didn't expect to be so straightforward. .

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