I Married Taylor

Chapter 190 Exaggerated News (Full Decision)

I came here to see the strength of the company Qin Sheng, and if there is stable hardware and abundant funds in this industry, this software can indeed be pieced together

Especially the 25 million is the most exciting, it can be said that Qin Sheng is quite generous, even for Chen Yixun, the 25 million is definitely not a small sum, and when the time comes You will also earn a small amount of money from it.

So this deal can go on.

"When I go back, I will discuss with the company and Chen Yixun himself, and I will give you an answer within three days!" Sun Yue said with a smile.

"That's really hard work, sister Sun helped me with Chen Yixun's words of kindness!" Qin Sheng rubbed his hands and said.

After nodding, Sun Yue planned to leave, but before leaving, the two of them added a wechat to ensure that they could be contacted as soon as possible in the future.

After Sun Yue left, Qin Sheng sat on the sofa in the office with a satisfied face.

"Boss, how sure do you think we are of being able to win this Chen Yixun?" Feng Gang asked 17 curiously from the side.

"I'm already confident. If there are no accidents, Chen Yixun's side will be stable!" Qin Sheng could see from Sun Yue's eyes just now, it was his heart for money!

Although my company has just been established, but the funds and the strength of the team, no matter how long the country is, there are not many companies that can resist, but the newly established company is indeed not well-known. Generally speaking, for small companies, Basically, no big shots will pay attention to it.

But Qin Sheng directly takes the high-end route if he wants to come up, which is actually quite rare.

However, since Sun Yue chose to come and take a look in person, he was really surprised when he heard the news, but speaking now, let's take Chen Yizhong down first, and think of a way to get Zhou Jie stick Take it down, and the remaining one will definitely be easy to talk about.

I put out 500 million yuan to invest in Longsheng Group, the purpose is very simple, just to meet Zhou Jie, some things can be said in person, and two days later Longsheng Group executives will have a meeting with Zhou Jie Yes, I am also a senior executive of Longsheng Group, so Qin Sheng has to make some preparations for two days later.

It can be said that it has become a dream of Qin Sheng to be able to invite Zhou Jiegun to his show as the main guest. Anyway, this week Jiegun must be won, no matter whether he wants money or Anything, as long as I can give it, I will be satisfied.

After Sun Yue left, Qin Sheng suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation with nothing to do. Although he was the boss, he didn't need to look at many things in this company, and he didn't understand many things, so he left it to Taylor to deal with.

My side is just dealing with some things that Taylor and the company can't do, and often such things are relatively rare.

Qin Sheng was thinking, waiting for when this show will really proceed according to his and Taylor's plan, and after winning a big victory, he really has nothing to do

There is no shortage of money now, and there will be more and more in the future. Isn’t the basic goal of people now is to earn more money and have a happy family, and I have achieved it now, desire He has been satisfied, and Qin Sheng is not a greedy person. After finishing these things, he will really take Taylor to rest for a while.

Time waits for no one, and time makes people grow old. Qin Sheng thought about waiting until the end of the show, and really wanted Taylor to discuss the matter of the children.

Before he knew it, Qin Sheng fell asleep leaning on the sofa in the office, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already dark.

It’s time to go home after packing up. I checked the time and it’s already past get off work time. Then I picked up the phone and checked the messages. There was no letter from Taylor.

Qin Sheng knew that it might be that Taylor was still working and forgot the time to get off work.

After rubbing his eyes, he went to the bathroom to wash his face. Qin Sheng left the office and went directly to Taylor's recording studio.

At this time, only Taylor was sitting in the recording studio, turning around with a pen, thinking about the album or other things.

Pushing open the door of the recording studio, Qin Sheng walked in with a smile on his face.

Watching Qin Sheng walk in, Taylor was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at his phone again, feeling suddenly enlightened.

"Is it this late already? Then let's go home!" Taylor said directly, putting down the pen in his hand.

"It's okay, work is still very important, what are you thinking? When I came in, I saw you sitting there in a daze." Qin Sheng helped Taylor pick up the bag.

After smoothing his hair, Taylor straightened his clothes, and then put Qin Sheng's arm on his shoulders.

"Thinking about the album, I plan to release four songs for this album. The first song is over, and now I am preparing for the next few songs. I plan to write the lyrics and compose the songs myself, so it is more troublesome. .”

"Then you must have been thinking of words just now!" Qin Sheng asked.

"Almost, thinking about what good lyrics can make the words enter the hearts of the audience, 290 and this is not an easy thing!"

The two went downstairs while chatting, went to the parking lot, and then drove home. The distance between the company and home was not very far, and the two of them drove for about half an hour to get home.

When he just returned home, Qin Sheng received a message from Liu Yishou, saying that Liu Yishou had already added fuel to the robbery of Fenghua Building, but now this matter has become a bit big, and many people are Discuss this matter.

Qin Sheng looked at the news, and at this moment, a news was pushed on the mobile phone, which was the robbery of the Fenghua Building.

Although Qin Sheng witnessed everything at the time, he still wanted to see how the news was reported.

Obviously this news is not official, it can be said that it is more lace news, Qin Sheng clicked in to take a look, and the content inside suddenly surprised Qin Sheng.

Today, at the auction of Fenghua Building, more than a dozen gangsters in armor came in and hijacked them with heavy weapons such as AK47, bazooka, and Gatling, but they were all beaten away by a mysterious boss. The most important thing is Except for one person who was shot in the leg, no one was injured!.

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