I Married Taylor

Chapter 90 The Goddess Returns (Full Decision)

"After you get off the plane, you will be the queen. When you come back, you will make a big disturbance in the heavenly palace. Even if you break the sky, your husband will carry it for you.

The journey in the sky is long, this article caused an uproar.

At this time, the airport was already full of reporters. As for how they knew Taylor's itinerary, these reporters had their own way, and they were waiting for Taylor to leave the airport, and the freshest reports would be delivered directly to everyone.

With their chests up and their heads held high, the two of them got off the plane. When they got off the plane, they were surrounded by fans they recognized next to them. When they walked out of the station, everyone's eyes were on Converged on two people.

The huge airport was already besieged, and the two people's grand wedding has attracted everyone's attention. It is even more grand and grand than the Grammy Awards Ceremony. This is the first time I have seen it. This kind of thing happened, and now it can be said that the eyes of the whole world are focused on these two people.

Countless microphones and cameras are all facing Taylor at this moment. Of course, Qin Sheng, the husband of Taylor17, is also everyone's favorite at this time. Qin Sheng has long been used to facing the camera, but this time it is indeed different.

Walking out of the exit, Qin Sheng was a little nervous to be honest. After all, the scene this time was really too big, and he couldn't bear it.

However, in the face of so many reporters and media, Qin Sheng knew that his words and deeds represented Taylor at this time.

And this time, he came back to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace. Even if he felt a little uncomfortable, he had to pretend to be fearless.

But Taylor on the side looks very natural, wearing sunglasses, with a straight back, high heels, step by step, although surrounded by groups, but this kind of elegant calmness is not ordinary The aura that idol stars have.

The reporters couldn't wait at this time. A bunch of newspapers, entertainment companies, or official TV stations that Qin Sheng had never heard of were all waiting to get some fresh revelations from Taylor this time.

These revelations will bring them huge profits. Even if Taylor didn't open his mouth to say a word until the end, just this face at the airport, plus some editors' nonsensical words, can still be blogged. to a large amount of traffic.

"Taylor, you just got married in Longguo, did you come back before your honeymoon?" A reporter named Mickey came to the front and asked.

And this reporter could see that his thin body took on a posture of desperate Saburo and followed the crowd to the closest position to Taylor. After asking the question, he looked forward to what Taylor would answer her answer.

"Yeah, this incident happened too suddenly, you see I rushed back before my honeymoon." Taylor responded with a smile.

Listening to Taylor responding to one of the reporters, the other reporters around at this time seemed to swarm up like chicken blood.

"What do you think of the article you published? Are you coming back this time to seek justice?"

"Yes, I came back this time to seek justice. The company didn't treat me as a human being, so it's been so long!" Taylor responded to the second reporter with a smile.

"Then your contract hasn't expired yet, and I heard that you signed the contract with your own hands. Logically speaking, it is understandable for the company to sell your recording rights."

Taylor slightly raised his eyebrows, but under the cover of the sunglasses, others couldn't see the slight fluctuations in Taylor's expression.

"That depends on who it is sold to? It also depends on who it is sold to. I could have tolerated this matter, but I can't blame me for turning my face if I sold it to that little bitch!"

Everyone knows who the little slut Taylor is talking about. Before, the two of them were openly arguing on the Internet, and they had a big fight. with.

It is impossible for the company not to know about this matter, and sold the recording rights to Taylor's rival, which also reflected Taylor's attitude from the side.

Money, who doesn't like it, but there must be a limit to making money, and a bottom line. Once this bottom line is broken, it will cause other people's unhappiness, and Taylor's unhappiness is something that the company may not be able to bear.

"This matter cannot be reconciled, and the termination of the contract with this company is already a certainty!"

Taylor didn't even look at the media, his gaze was always in front of him, but these reporters kept asking questions, all kinds of strange things, and some wanted to interview them.

Taylor and Qin Sheng walked quickly, and Qin Sheng, who was walking beside Taylor, really felt Taylor's self-confidence from the bottom of his bones, as well as that haughty queen style!

Thinking of Taylor wanting to be an insecure bird nestled in his arms yesterday, but now she looks like a queen in charge of herself, such a woman has become his daughter-in-law, Qin Sheng began to doubt , Did I really save the galaxy in my previous life?

"Okay, okay! Let's stop here for everyone's questions. The next news will become more and more exciting. Let's wait and see!"

After the two walked out of the airport at 453, the special car arranged by Taylor had already arrived. After Qin Sheng helped Taylor get into the car, he dispersed the reporters.

The two sat in the car, "The rare cleanliness made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way, daughter-in-law, when you came back, there would always be a large number of people to pick you up, to protect your personal safety, and to keep those reporters out. Why is there no one this time? Could it be possible to break up with the company? After that, these things are already irresponsible? Isn’t the contract over yet?”

Recalling that the two of them were almost buried by those reporters just now, each reporter seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. Qin Sheng was really worried about the safety of himself and Taylor at that time.

Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise it would be unimaginable. Once a superstar of Taylor's level goes out, he must not be sloppy.

Taylor didn't care about these problems, leaned lightly on Qin Sheng's shoulder, looked out the window and said:

"That's true. I made it very clear in the article at the time that I want to terminate the contract, but it doesn't matter. This time I will appear in everyone's sight with this posture. Otherwise, I would With so many friends, it’s impossible for no one to respond.”

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