"I'm just doing this by hand, it's nothing..."

"No! Miss Xunyin, this may be just a little effort for you, but it is a great help to us. The strength of the evil mind body and the strength of our Chongying can be seen by comparing the two. It is the one who was completely ravaged, and the only one who can fight back is Kaohsiung, without your help, Miss Paunyin, as long as the evil minds send one to hold Kaohsiung, we will become their prey."

Don't look at Nagato as a cute loli, but in fact she sees it very clearly, she knows how harmful the evil mind body invasion incident is this time, although because of the patrol sound, it seems to be very simple to solve It's gone, there is no future trouble, but this is all based on the premise of Paunyin's powerful strength.

Just imagine the result, they have no power to fight back against the evil mind body, and their attack method, the evil mind body, was disintegrated by the huge UFO without coming out in person, and even if they united all The strength of the ship girl, Kaohsiung and the enterprise, two powerful ships, together, it is estimated that the end will not be much better, at most from the immediate death penalty to the death reprieve.

There is nothing to accept or not to accept. The invasion of monsters from different dimensions and evil minds has indeed happened. If they do not face it, but choose to ignore it, then only the ending of death awaits them. Therefore, Nagato I'm really grateful to Maunin who saved them from the evil spirit attack.

"Miss Touryin! I can't think of how to thank you for the time being, so please allow me to postpone the thanksgiving feast for you a little bit, and I'll let you know when I think about it clearly. During this period, Miss Touryin, you She is our most important guest of Sakura, and I will tell all the girls in the Sakura later, if you have any needs or problems, you can find a girl, and she will do her best to solve it for you." Nagato looked at the patrol sound, cute Seriousness was written all over his face.

"Actually, you don't need to be so grateful..."

"Host, wait." Xiaomei hurriedly stopped her host, and then explained: "Host, you have also seen the characters of the ship girls. You refuse their gratitude. In the end, I can only think that it will evolve into endless. You pushed me to let it go, so host, just accept it, or drag it after you accept it, anyway, we are going to leave this world, and when we leave, you won’t have any headaches at all, host.” Xiaomei rubbed secretly. Rubbing said in Painyin's ear, she looked like a dog-headed military sergeant.

After listening to the patrol Yin, she also nodded slowly, deeply realizing how colorful the characters of the ship girls are, some of them are good to talk to and some are headaches; so the patrol Yin decided to adopt Xiaomei's suggestion and nodded: " As you please."

Hearing this, Nagato showed a happy look and said, "Miss Pain, please rest assured, we Chong Ying will not treat our benefactor badly!"

Chapter 107 The Jagged Ship Girl

When Shige Sakura's ship girls returned to their port area again, their reaction was similar to Nagato and others, either surprised or shocked; the tattered port area that was blown up by the evil mind was actually repaired? ! It's only been one night!

After being surprised, I just wanted to ask why, and the task of explaining the situation to everyone was handed over to Kaohsiung and other ship girls who already knew about it, while Maunyin was invited by Nagato to rest, saying that it was hard work, and Maunyin took all the rest. The ship girls brought it back. In order to thank the touryin for her help, she will arrange a sumptuous food feast for the touryin.

Paunyin subconsciously planned to wave her hand and say it was okay, she was just teleporting to bring some people, and the qi in her body didn't consume much at all, but after hearing the food, Paunyin's refusal stopped, and there is no need to say what happened after that. .

After eating and drinking, Nagato also prepared a series of treats, such as hot springs, massages, late-night snacks, etc., which made Paunyin hurriedly refused. Such a promise, then another day has passed.

Afterwards, under Nagato's reserved eyes, Kazuyin waved goodbye, and flew to the iron-blooded port area with a ship girl in one hand; the two ship girls were Kaohsiung and Dido.

Kaohsiung was the representative of Chong Sakura who went with Patrol Yin. It was better to have an ally from the red center axis than Patrol alone. Otherwise, in Xiaomei's words, the host would definitely go with the iron-blooded ship girls. Some conflicts broke out. As for the size of the conflict, it depends on the specific situation at that time; at the same time, Kaohsiung is also responsible for guiding the way.

And Dido was originally brought by the patrol Yin from the Azur Lane port area. When she went back to pick up the other Sakura ships, she did not leave the patrol Yin's side, as if she had become the exclusive maid of the patrol Yin. Even if Tuyin finds Belfast and asks her to take Dido away, the answer she gets is: Miss Tuyin, let Dido follow you and serve you. I believe that Dido will definitely satisfy you. .

What am I satisfied with? Paunyin looked at Belfast in a daze, and wanted to say no, but after seeing Dido's pitiful expression, Paunyin didn't say any words of refusal.

Not much to say, Paunyin's flight speed is still very fast. Under the guidance of Kaohsiung, it didn't take long to see the iron-blooded port area.

The iron-blooded port area gives people the feeling of a steel beast at first sight; the port area of ​​the Azur Lane is a very modern style, that is, the area where the royal ship girls are located is a bit different, and the buildings there look very different. The port area of ​​Shige Sakura is also quite distinctive, radiating outward from the center of the sacred tree, and their buildings are also Japanese-style buildings with wood as the main body.

And the style of Jagged Port area, just like his name, is full of iron and blood, all of which are reinforced concrete buildings. There are not many trees and grasses for decoration in the port area. They are all cold steel and cement mixed buildings.

Paun Yin put down the two ship girls, and stood on the port of Jagged Blood, looking at the surrounding scenery and said, "Is this the port area of ​​Jagged Blood? It feels quite deserted, if I hadn't sensed that there are many in it I'm so angry, otherwise I would think this is some kind of ghost town."

"Iron Blood is like a well-disciplined military camp, but this is quite normal. Among the four camps of Jianniang, although the number of Iron-blooded Jianniang is the smallest, their strength is generally stronger. This is because of their own emphasis on the supremacy of strength; another host, have you figured out how to act?" Xiaomei asked after briefly introducing the situation of Jagged Blood.

"How to act? Of course, that is to find the iron-blooded ship girl, and then make it clear what we are here for." Patrol replied.

Xiaomei showed a helpless look and said, "Okay, I also guessed that you don't have any action plan, host. Fortunately, I asked you to get a piece of evidence earlier, so as to convince the iron-blooded ship girls."

Tuanyin turned to look at Kaohsiung and asked, "Kaohsiung, who is the person in charge of Jagged Blood? Where is she? Do you know all this?"

"The person in charge is Miss Bismarck, but I don't know where she is at this time. I rarely come to the Jagged side. Usually, their people come to our port area to discuss matters, and the people who come are often Miss Eugen." Kaohsiung replied.

Nodding slightly, the patrol sound said: "The person in charge is a ship girl named Bismarck, then she should be the flagship of a camp like Elizabeth and Nagato. I think this kind of flagship should not hide. Watch us in the dark."

The two ship girls were slightly taken aback and asked, "Observe us in the dark?"

Touryin pointed to a building and said, "Just behind that building, there is a ship girl hiding somewhere."

The voice fell, and Kaohsiung and Dido turned their heads to look at the location that Paun Yin pointed. At first glance, it seemed that there was no problem, but if you look closely, you will find that a few strands of hair are emerging from the edge of the house. The light there is relatively dim, so if you don't look carefully, you can't really see it.

After a while, the other side seemed to confirm that he had been discovered, and there was a sigh, and then he slowly walked out of the shadows.

The iron-blooded ship girls don't wear gorgeous dresses like the royal family, nor do they have many kimonos like Shige Sakura's side. Most of them are military uniforms in cool colors, and the ship girl who has come out now is similar. The upper body is A black military uniform, with a short skirt to the bottom of the thigh, metal boots, short pale pink hair, and brown pupils.

Kaohsiung: "Miss Ron, hello."

Xiaomei: "Uh... why is she?"

The two of them recognized the person together, but their reactions were completely different, Paun Yin looked at Xiao Mei suspiciously.

"Host, as I said, there are a lot of troublesome characters among the ship girls. In a peaceful world, these special characters are cute, but they are not cute in the real world. This one is called Ron. The ship girl is one of them." Xiaomei twitched the corners of her eyes, and then explained to Paune.

Nodding her head to show her understanding, Paun Yin took a step forward, intending to show her intention.

However, it was stopped. Ron suddenly unfolded his ship suit. The dark suit made people feel a deep chill. The main guns on the ship were aimed at the patrol sound. Ron smiled and said: "This human being Miss, please don't act at will, and make your purpose clear, otherwise I won't be soft-hearted."

"Miss Ron, please don't get excited, we have something important to discuss with you." He didn't expect Ron to come here suddenly, Kaohsiung said quickly after reacting.

"Kaohsiung of Sakura, how come you are with human beings? Besides, there is also a royal ship girl with him." Ron still kept a gentle smile and said slowly.

"Well, the situation here is more complicated, and it's very troublesome to explain. Can I trouble Miss Ron to inform Miss Bismarck? I'll tell you the situation..."

"Kacha~" The main gun moved and aimed at Kaohsiung. Ron said, "You don't need to inform Bismarck, just explain the reason to me here, or I won't let you enter the port area."

Maun Yin blinked at the situation in front of her, and then asked in a low voice, "Xiao Mei, are all the iron-blooded shipgirls so iron-blooded? This reminds me of some TV dramas I've watched before, where someone accidentally broke into something important. , and then be responsible for guarding the actions of the people there, just like this ship girl, if you don't make it clear, I will tell you to 'shut up' forever."

Xiaomei looked at her host speechlessly, thinking: "Host, as a Saiyan, have you watched TV series? Then your daily life is quite rich.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and Xiaomei said, "Among the four factions, the ship girl Chong Ying has the most troublesome personality, and then there is Jagged Blood, but most of the character troubles of the Jagged Ship Niang are facing strangers, as long as you can get the host. With their approval, it would be easier to talk, but Ron is one of the outliers, she is the second generation of a sick girl, and she is a proper fan."

"What second generation?"

"Ahem, host, you should understand it as a difficult character."

She nodded, and then Paune said to Ron, "We're here to sign the peace agreement with your iron blood."

Frowning slightly, Ron murmured, "Peace agreement?"

"Yes, peace agreement; in the face of foreign enemies, it is natural to avoid infighting. This sentence can summarize the reason. It is very troublesome to explain the detailed situation. If you are willing to listen, I can also tell you slowly, but I suggest It’s better to wait until most of your Jagged ships are present, and explain it together.” Said Patrol.

But obviously, Ron didn't choose the suggestion of Pai Yin and others to explain after they got together, but let Pai Yin explain the reason now.

Shrugging her shoulders, Paun Yin began to explain the reason. With Kaohsiung and Xiaomei's additions, Ron slowly listened to Paun Yin's explanation, and then the smile on her face disappeared, and her brows furrowed tightly.

Ron first stood in place and thought for a while, then raised his head and said: "A monster called Evil Mind attacked your port area of ​​Chong Ying, and also destroyed your port area. It's solved, but they still have other accomplices, and there is the possibility of invading this world again?"

Touryin nodded lightly, indicating that Ron summed it up well.

In fact, the process is not troublesome to explain, and it is not to write a paper. It is enough to tell the general situation. The main trouble is to explain what kind of existence of evil thoughts body, why they invade the world and so on.

Squinting his eyes, Ron said, "So, because of the threat of this monster called Evil Mind, you guys proposed to sign a peace agreement to stop our internal fighting?"

"That's right, Miss Ron, the evil mind body is really a very dangerous monster. When you listened to Miss Paune's explanation, you might describe it so lightly and not to be afraid of, but that's because Miss Paune is very powerful. ," Kaohsiung added.

Ron nodded, then approached Paunyin, and circled around Paunein. After a while, he stood in front of Paunein and said, "Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true. What's the benefit of me lying to you? Besides, even if you don't believe me, you should still believe in Kaohsiung." Tounyin Tanshou said helplessly.

"It's because of Miss Kaohsiung's presence that I didn't kill you directly." Ron smiled and said something that didn't match the smile on her face at all.

With Paunyin's somewhat confused face, Ron continued: "Listen to your words, the evil spirits attacked the port area of ​​Sakura, and their strength is very strong, the ship girls of the Sakura did not fight back against the evil spirits. Ability, even if Miss Kaohsiung is present, because of the need to protect the other ship girls of Shige Sakura, even if Kaohsiung has the strength to counterattack, it will not be able to act because of this."

Ron approached the patrol sound again, his face almost sticking to it, she continued: "And you, the unknown human lady, you not only rescued all the Sakura's ships, but also defeated those evil thoughts, and then Then he helped Chong Sakura repair their port area, this kind of thing sounds outrageous, to be honest, if Miss Kaohsiung didn't look like a liar, I would definitely treat you as a liar."

Xiaomei nodded silently by the side. She could understand Ron's thoughts. If she hadn't been following her host, she would have known how outrageous Paunyin's strength was, and she would have taken what she just said as a story. hear.

"But I don't have any evidence to prove that you are lying, and it is exactly what you just said, Miss Human. I don't need to believe your words, but I will listen to Miss Kaohsiung's words." Ron He smiled, then turned around and walked forward slowly, and said at the same time: "Come with me, I will take you to see Bismarck, during this period I hope you can come up with or come up with strong evidence, otherwise I think Bismarck's thoughts should be similar to mine."

Touryin didn't rush to follow, but turned to look at Kaohsiung and said, "Kaohsiung, are you so proud of yourself here?"

Kaohsiung showed a somewhat embarrassed smile and said: "Miss Paunyin, I think this is because I have been recognized by Jagged Blood for my strength. Jagged Blood and their style is to speak with big fists. I used to have some conflicts with them. At that time, I just came back from a mission in the main **** space, and I was in a bad mood, so I couldn't hold back for a while..."

"Beat them all?" Maunyin asked with an interested look.

"No, no!" Kaohsiung waved his hands in a panic and denied: "No matter what, Jagged Blood is also an ally of the Red Axis, and I also understand Jagged Blood's style and personality. At that time, it was just a lesson, not everything. The iron-blooded shipgirl fights once."

"There is definitely Eugen among them, right, Miss Kaohsiung?" Xiaomei was also a little excited and asked with a smile.

It's like discussing the dark history, although because of this incident, Kaohsiung's strength has been recognized by Jagged Blood. When facing Kaohsiung, Jagged Blood is even more friendly than when facing their flagship Nagato of Sakura; but afterwards However, Kaohsiung also felt that he was immature because of this impulse, and even brought the emotions of the mission back to his own world.

"Miss Xiaomei, Miss Paunyin, please don't make fun of you. Now, shouldn't our priority be to convince Jagged Blood to believe our words, and then sign a peace agreement?" Kaohsiung said with some embarrassment.

"Hum~" Xiaomei proudly put on her hips, and then said: "Thanks to my experience, I thought of this situation early, and I have prepared the evidence to convince Jagged Blood, and I will also avoid the host and Jagged Ship Girls. fight."

Chapter 108 Bismarck

Under the leadership of Ron, the two ship girls and a system of elves soon came to a gate, Ron stopped in front of the gate, pointed to the gate and said, "Bismarck is inside, you go in, I have already sent a message to Bismarck about the general situation."

Everyone nodded, and Kaohsiung asked, "Miss Ron, aren't you going in?"

"I still have to patrol the port area, so I won't go in. If you are here to ask for help, I might be interested to hear it, but sign a peace agreement." Ron smiled lightly and continued: "A boring proposal."

After speaking, Ron left without caring about the reactions of the crowd.

Several people looked at each other, Xiaomei spread her hands and said, "Ron looks gentle, but he is actually a militant in his bones. It would be good if he didn't fix things for us. Let's go in quickly."

Hearing this, the three nodded one after another, then pushed open the door and walked in.

After entering, he saw a small desk full of documents, and one of them, a blonde woman with a black military cap, was busy working.

It seems that the sound of the door opening caught the attention of the blond woman. She stopped for a while, then slowly raised her head and looked at the position of Paun Yin and others. She was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, there are too many documents to deal with, I didn't notice you the first time."

Saying that, the blond woman moved the documents on the desk slightly to make room for her to see Paunyin and the others, and then said, "Miss Kaohsiung, long time no see, the news of your arrival was just after Ron. I have already sent a message to tell me, first of all, welcome you to our Jagged Blood."

After Kaohsiung nodded, he said, "Miss Bismarck, long time no see."

"Well, I won't say much more about the greetings, let's go straight to the topic. Although Ron briefly explained your purpose, I think it's better to listen to you again, and I'm really curious about your group, Kaohsiung. Miss, you actually appeared with a royal ship girl and a human being, what are you trying to do when you come to Jagged Blood?" Bismarck said.

No unnecessary nonsense is quite in line with the style of Jagged Blood, and Paun Yin can also save trouble, so he stepped forward and said: "Hello Bismarck, my name is Tuuyin Liuge, I have heard of your Jagged style, you don't seem to be very friendly. Seeing human beings, but this time, it should be the most suitable for me to explain the reason for coming to your place, do you have any opinion?"

Bismarck glanced at the patrol sound a little strangely, just like what the patrol sound just said, their iron-blooded ship girls really don't like humans very much, because they can only feel the breath of the weak in humans, but the patrol sound is not. I don't have that feeling, but I don't know why, I have an urge to understand Paunyin.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Bismarck nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Please tell me, Miss Paune."

"Well, let's talk about our purpose first. We are here to sign a peace agreement with your iron blood. The reason is because of a monster called Evil Mind," said Paun Yin.

"Evil Thought Body?" Bismarck frowned upon hearing this.

Paun Yin blinked and asked, "Huh? Have you heard of the Evil Mind Body?"

Bismarck didn't immediately answer Patrol's question, but began to rummage through the documents on his desktop, and after a while holding a document in his hand, he said, "I have indeed heard that Miss Jean Barr of the Vichy Church a few days ago. I brought a strange individual Siren, Frederick the Great, Mainz and the others, and they were called by me to deal with the situation. In the report they handed in later, a key word was mentioned, and This key word is the evil mind style." Bismarck quickly glanced over the contents of the document in his hand, and his eyes stayed on a paragraph, and in this paragraph, there happened to be three words evil mind style.

Hearing this, Paun Yin and the others showed a somewhat surprised look.

But soon, they reacted, and Kaohsiung said, "The strange siren body and evil mind body, is it similar to the siren she met in Akagi? Another siren contaminated by evil mind body?"

"It's very possible, otherwise, how could the siren have something to do with the evil mind? Although the siren is doing the villain's thing, but it is not the real villain, but it can be said to be your ship's hidden ally, and will not be with the evil mind. A monster like the body that wants to destroy the world joined forces." Xiaomei said.

Painyin asked: "Bismarck, how is this Siren individual you mentioned related to the evil spirit body? I have completely destroyed the evil spirit body in this world, is there another evil spirit that can hide its breath? body exists?"

Bismarck frowned and said, "Miss Pain, I don't really understand what you said, but the report in my hand explained that the reason why the evil mind body was mentioned is because the individual siren was constantly muttering to himself. He was talking about something, and the three words Xie Nian Ti were the most clearly heard."

This time, it was Paunyin's turn to frown, and then quickly said: "You didn't touch the siren, did you? If I'm right, the siren should have been infected by the poisonous power of the evil mind. If you touch it casually. , it is very likely that he will also be implicated.”

"I haven't seen this Siren individual, so I don't know. The follow-up report to Frederick the Great and the others have not been submitted, so the detailed information can only be asked them themselves, but Frederick the Great and the others are not reckless. People who don't know it will not do anything that they touch at will." Bismarck said after shaking his head.

"Miss Maunyin, let's continue to the topic."

Frowning, the current Bismarck is just like most people's reactions. He doesn't know the real danger of the evil mind body, and he is very confident in his own strength. Thinking, he shook his head helplessly, closed his eyes and let go of his qi perception. If a ship girl is infected, then there will be a slight sense of evil in the breath. This is known from Akagi.

Opening her eyes again, Pain thought to herself: "It's okay, it seems that everything is fine at the moment, but I'm still a little worried that I haven't checked it out with my own eyes. Let's settle the matter here quickly.

"Well, the situation is like this, because the evil mind body invaded the port area of ​​Sakura, and..."

After that, there is a longer explanation. In a nutshell, the invasion of the evil mind body is serious. In order to avoid accidents with the ship girls, we must stop internal fighting, sign a peace agreement, and help each other.

Bismarck didn't show any impatience. She listened to the tour tone's instructions completely, and then fell into a period of contemplation.

After thinking for a while, Bismarck said, "Let me tell you what I think."

Touryin and the others nodded, waiting for Bismarck's next words.

"First of all, I believe in the invasion of the evil spirit body, after all..." Shaking the document in his hand, Bismarck continued: "This document also mentioned the evil spirit body, I believe that Frederick the Great and the others cannot be with them. You have colluded and lied to me together; and then the situation you mentioned after Miss Paune, the port area of ​​Sakura was completely destroyed, you alone defeated the evil spirit monster that can cross dimensions, and then helped you overnight. The port area rebuilt by Sakura, these, with all due respect, I can hardly believe."

When the words fell, Paunyin's side showed a helpless and distressed look. They could understand why Bismarck thought so, but this was also their headache. As Xiaomei said, if they hadn't seen Paunyin's actions, Then, these deeds will indeed be heard as stories, and it is impossible to believe that this is the truth.

Xiaomei shrugged, then took out a USB flash drive from her host's pocket, flew to Bismarck, placed it in front of her, and then Xiaomei said: "There is a video in this USB flash drive, which records the You can take a look at the situation, Miss Bismarck."

That's right, this USB flash drive is the "evidence" that Xiaomei said before. In order to prevent people from not believing what her host did, she deliberately asked the host to "record" the situation with the ability of the tree of imaginary numbers. Then save it in this U disk; I have to say that the ability of the imaginary number tree is really versatile. If there is no world suppression, resulting in a decline in the ability of the imaginary number tree, then many things will not be so troublesome.

Looking at the USB flash drive and Xiaomei, Bismarck asked curiously, "You guys are really thoughtful in your preparations. By the way, what kind of creature are you?"

"Uh..." Xiaomei's movements froze, then she tapped her head and pretended to be stupid: "I'm just a weak, pitiful and helpless elf~"

Everyone: "..."

"Cough, don't worry about me, you can just treat me as a kind of goblin, it doesn't matter, what matters now is the video in the U disk, Miss Bismarck, you can know what the host just said after watching it. It's not true." Xiaomei said.

After looking at Xiaomei with curiosity and doubt, Bismarck slowly picked up the USB flash drive, inserted it into the computer case beside him, and then grabbed the mouse to operate.

The video time is not very long. It starts with the evil spirit body bombing the Sakura port area, and ends with the patrol sound moving away with a group of Sakura ship girls in an instant. A lot of content is also omitted. The internal situation, there are some dialogues or something.

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