A picture appeared on the screen, and everyone saw a lot of familiar faces. The entire live broadcast scene was a stepped seat like a university classroom, and then they sat according to their identities. The front was the high-level personnel of the army, and the second row was the gardener. , the third row is the rest of the singers.

This time, Xuan Zhixin is in charge of the spokesperson. After all, she is the only woman in the high-ranking army. Among the only two women, Xuan Zhixin is the youngest and most beautiful. , is a highly respected senior.

"Hello, people all over the world who are watching this live broadcast." It started with an unremarkable greeting.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhixin didn't say nonsense like "Have you eaten yet?", but went straight to the topic.

"Before, we humans couldn't break through the legendary realm because a very special evil spirit body appeared between the evil spirit bodies. The ability of the evil spirit body can lock the upper limit of strength, and it is forbidden for newcomers to break through a certain strength upper limit. , and this upper limit is a legend."

"Now that the evil mind body has been eliminated, there are no restrictions. The overall strength of our human beings is constantly getting stronger, dusk, destruction, extinction, divine descent, and breaking the world." After a pause, Xuan Zhixin continued: "However, there has not been any change on the side of the evil mind body, so we have gradually gained the upper hand as our strength has become stronger, and now the scope of the evil mind body's activities has been oppressed to a very small area, it can be said that as long as we do not When there is a gathering of negative emotions, even if you go to the wild, you will not easily encounter danger."

"Although I seldom pay attention to things on the Internet, there is a saying that has appeared on the Internet so many times recently that many people have begun to slowly believe this statement, and even some of my soldiers have begun to believe it. Say something." The words stopped here, and a serious expression appeared on Xuan Zhixin's face.

After a while, Xuan Zhixin continued: "This statement is 'The evil mind body has become like a candle in the wind, our strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the time to destroy this monster that has plagued thousands of years is not far away.', also I don’t know if it’s true or not, but when this statement was expanded and widely believed, I also saw people discussing going wild and camping on the Internet…”

Rubbing her brows, Xuan Zhixin was really convinced and angry at the statement that she was not afraid of death, but she couldn't really get angry. After all, ordinary people didn't know the real situation, and the current situation made them appear like "We win. There is nothing wrong with the misconception.

"Fortunately, I haven't received any reports of accidents caused by people going out to play in the wild. I want to tell you here that it is better to throw away such thoughts as soon as possible; at present, we have indeed suppressed the evil spirit body very strongly, and the evil spirit body is also There was no decent resistance, at first glance it really seems that they can't continue to resist, but!"

The tone of voice suddenly increased, and Xuan Zhixin continued: "However, this is not the case. This is the main reason why we have a live broadcast today."

"The evil mind body is not as bad as you have seen, and it is not as unbearable as the news I mentioned just now. The evil mind body is still extremely powerful. The reason for the current situation is because the real fighting power of the evil mind body is not in this. in the world."

When the words fell, Xuan Zhixin paused for nearly a minute, as if to give the audience time to digest.

The situation is indeed similar. The viewers who watched the live broadcast were stunned for a while before they recovered. Various barrages and comments on the live broadcast began to appear crazily, all asking what does this sentence mean? other world? Is there a stronger individual in the evil mind body?

She continued to give the audience some time to discuss, and then Xuan Zhixin clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention back.

He continued: "Next, the details will be handed over to the gardener's agent, Miss System, to introduce."

After speaking, Xuan Zhixin pointed to the side. Among the people sitting in the front row, except for the high-level leaders of the army, only the system was not a high-level person in the army, but the system is now indispensable to the army. exist.

The screen moved to the system's body. After nodding slightly towards the screen, the system said, "Hello everyone, I think someone has heard of me. I'm the manager of the garden. You can just call me the system."

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, now I will explain to you the meaning of the paragraph just now; it is actually very easy to understand, although after listening, you may think that I am making fun of you, but pay attention, I do not need to I don't have the time to deceive you."

"In this era of information explosion, you should have seen fantasy works more or less? Don't those strange and different worlds attract your attention?"

When the system saw the barrage of approval, it continued: "Then, let me tell you now, the other world is real, and the main force of the evil mind body, that is, the really powerful individuals among the monsters, All of them are in another world, and the ones left in this world are some trash fish, so when we break through the shackles of the upper limit of strength, it will become a situation where we completely suppress the evil mind body."

"Then, Hongmei." The system turned and shouted at Hongmei.

"Yes~! Don't worry, leave it to me, the system." After Hongmei heard the system's call, she immediately got up and said with a smile.

Then Hongmei walked out of her seat and stood in front of the first row of seats, facing the camera.

"Everyone, you must have a lot of questions in your heart now, right? But please don't doubt, what the system said just now is true, another world really exists, and we have also been to another world with special abilities. "Speaking, Hongmei raised her hand and a cluster of flames appeared on her palm, and then continued: "Everyone sees this flame in my hand, right?"

"My Xingyao mode has never been concealed from everyone. My Xingyao mode is to transform the single-player song effect into a multi-player, but how did this flame in my hand appear? Hint, this does not come from The power of singing." Hongmei said with a smile.

There is a projector next to the camera, projecting the live broadcast status on the network on the projection screen on the side in real time, and Hongmei stared at the projection screen at this time, watching the countless guessed barrages and comments refreshed, waiting for After a while, Hongmei said, "Okay, let's reveal the answer now."

"My ability to control flames comes from another world. This is the magic I learned from another world."

As soon as the voice fell, a barrage like "Magic?!!!" floated past, Hongmei smiled slightly, pointed at the camera, and said, "That's right! Magic is the kind of power that often appears in fantasy works. , In addition to the star energy, there is magic in my body."

Afterwards, Hongmei moved her body, her feet were slightly apart, and a red and complex magic circle appeared under Hongmei's feet. The photographer also cooperated and gave the camera to the magic circle. This scene shocked the audience. further expand.

Now they have figured out a doubt. The members of the garden have used various means at the concert, and those means are obviously completely different from their own star mode. At first, they just regarded it as a The effect of the song, or the ability of other star powers to release their abilities in the background to cooperate with the performance, but now, they know the reason, it turns out to be magic.

"It's not just me, the ten people in our garden, from me to Huilina in order, will all use magic, but it's a little different since Xiaomaunyin, they use other powers, but they also come from another world, from in a different world."

After speaking, Hongmei returned to her position.

Everyone in the live broadcast looked at the picture on the projection screen, and the barrage and comments were refreshed like crazy.

Still giving everyone some time to digest, the system spoke again, attracting everyone's attention: "The magic that Hongmei used just now is to prove to everyone that another world really exists, and it's not just this one. Evidence, in another world, we have indeed encountered evil thoughts, please see."

The voice fell, and the logistics staff immediately switched the screen. The audience watching the live broadcast saw one photo after another appearing on the screen. Each photo stayed for about 30 seconds, and then switched. There are more than 20 photos in total. , and it will finish playing shortly.

The content of these photos is also very simple, all of them are evil thoughts, but the background is extremely unfamiliar.

Then there is a video, this video is on the sea, an evil mind body is laughing wildly, and Patrol is standing opposite it.

This video comes from the world of Ship Niang. The system relies on an ability called "memory fragment extraction". This piece of memory is intercepted from Paunyin's mind and then made into a video.

This is not the ability to search for souls, but just an ability to extract memories, and the restrictions are not small. First, you must agree to it, and then let the person keep recalling the memory fragments you want to extract before you can extract them. If the memory is fuzzy The extracted memory is also very vague, just like the difference between 360P and 1080P resolution.

Fortunately, Paunyin's memory is not bad, especially the battle process is particularly clear, so the video quality after production can be said to be 4K ultra-clear.

In the end, Paunyin defeated the evil mind body, and the video ended here.

The screen switched back to the live broadcast, but the audience was still stunned, because a new batch of doubts began to fill their minds.

Does another world really exist? And the evil mind body is also making waves in another world, but... in that video, the one who fights against the evil mind body is Paunyin Liuge, right? Seeing that the evil mind body turned the sea upside down, the strength should be very powerful, right? But how could they be solved in an instant by Paunyin Liuge?

They didn't think it was a produced video, just like what the system said before, their singers and military executives didn't have the spare time to deceive them.

"Low, medium and high-level, this is the classification of the evil mind body. The high-level evil mind body is equivalent to the legendary powerhouse of human beings. We humans can break through the legend and enter a more powerful strength level. Similarly, the evil mind body is not only low, medium and high. The three-stage hierarchy."

"Evil Man, Evil King, Evil Emperor, Evil God, Breaking the Realm, the same five levels correspond to the five levels after our human beings break through the legend, the evil mind body that is making waves in the video just now is the evil mind body that is about to break through to the level of the evil emperor. ' the system explained aloud.

About to break through the evil emperor, that is, the evil king level? Then it corresponds to the level of human beings, which is the level of destruction.

At this moment, the hearts of people all over the world are extremely shocked. The destruction level can be said to be the top combat power of human beings, and this random appearance of an evil spirit body is a guy who can match the destruction level. Sure enough, these monsters are still so terrifying.

The system did not dare to display the battle screen of the evil spirit body, the evil spirit body, and the evil spirit body above the broken world. First, it was because it was afraid that the impact on human beings would be too great, which would lead to the emergence of negative emotions. Second, the evil spirit body already existed above the broken world. It's better not to say it, otherwise the result will be the same as the first point, which will cause negative emotions to begin to gather among human beings.

The last point... It's more embarrassing, because the only person who can fight those high-level evil minds is Paunyin, and every time Painyin fights with those high-level evil minds, it's a bit skinny and often makes people speechless. Emotion is greater than shock, so it is not suitable for display.

"Seeing this, I believe everyone understands, right? The evil mind body has not weakened, but their real combat power is not in this world, so there is a situation where the evil mind body is completely suppressed by us, but everyone, don't think that evil mind If the body is in another world, it will not come back.”

After a pause, the system continued: "After the last concert of the seventh person, the evil spirit attack that spread all over the world, I believe you should not forget it? That time, it was launched after some evil spirits from other worlds came back. attack."

"Although the scale of the attack was large, we can withstand the attack, but we don't know if we can withstand it next time, so please don't relax." The system said seriously.

Chapter 19 Bravely Step Forward (Part 2)

"So everyone, don't have the idea of ​​'the evil mind body is about to be eliminated by us'." The system reminded again.

"We humans have broken the lock of the upper limit of strength. Although this also means that we have the capital to become stronger and have the ability to fight against the evil mind, but I hope you don't forget one thing, that is when we are locked in the upper limit of strength. , the evil mind body has not been locked together with the upper limit of strength."

After a pause, the system continued: "That is to say, while we are standing still, the evil mind body is constantly improving. I believe you can understand the meaning of this, right?"

I believe that as long as you are not a fool, you can know the meaning of this. One side is standing still without any progress, while the other side is constantly getting stronger and making progress. The one who progresses is still the evil mind body. The audience can no longer imagine those evil mind bodies in other worlds. How terrifying.

Is it possible that the ranks of the evil and evil kings are flooding like wild flowers on both sides of the road? Then those evil gods, are there too many levels of breaking the world? Horizontally compared to the level of the human side, that is to say, the destruction of the dusk is like a dog, and the gods are walking all over the world?

After clarifying the relationship between them, the thought that "the evil mind body is about to die" is gradually dissipating.

Then, anxiety and panic began to spread.

But this situation was quickly stopped, and the system said again: "The fact is really uncomfortable, but you don't have to panic too much, this live broadcast can be divided into two parts, the first part is to explain the evil mind body to you in detail. The reality of the situation, and to warn you to stop having that 'win-for-you' idea, the second part is how we should face this situation."

"At last night's concert, did you forget what Huayuan said? Yesterday, Hongmei had already revealed a little bit about the content of today's live broadcast, saying that there would be a heavy announcement, and when she said it, please think back to the time last night. , the song of the garden will surely give you confidence and courage."

When the voice fell, the emotions of the audience gradually stabilized. In their minds, they recalled the time last night. The passionate and excited scene at the concert. The singing of the members of the garden seemed to sound again. Panic swept away.

When the barrage and comments of the online live broadcast jumped out, "Yes! We still have a garden!" "There is a garden, let's not be afraid!" After similar words, the system smiled and thought to himself: "Yesterday's " Vaccinations" seem to be working.

So the system continued to follow the trend: "Yes, not only the garden, we also have so many singers, so many stars who are striving to become stronger, they are all constantly getting stronger in order to fight against the evil mind body, just like before Generally speaking, although the evil mind body has not weakened, it does not mean that we have not become stronger, does it?"

"As far as the information we have obtained, it will take some time for the evil mind body in another world to return, and this period of time is spent as a unit, so we still have a lot of time to prepare and become stronger. , I believe that when the time comes to face the evil mind body, our human strength will only be stronger than it is now."

"Of course, it's not enough for the singer and the star powers to become stronger, because even the singer and the star powers can't protect you all the time, so they will fight against evil spirits in the future. At the time, you also need to have the ability to resist, and here, you should have a lot of doubts, right?"

The system smiled and continued: "But please don't worry, I'm not asking you to forcefully fight the evil mind body, or force yourself to awaken the star energy or something. You shouldn't have forgotten the magic that Hongmei showed before, right? "

"Could it be?!"

When the system's words ended and there was a slight pause, a lot of "shocked" barrages popped up.

With a smile, the system said: "It's the 'don't you think', that's right, since Hongmei and the others can learn magic from another world, then you can naturally too. I said let you yourself have the ability to deal with evil thoughts. The ability is to let you also learn the power of another world, so that you have the ability to protect yourself."

For a time, all the viewers who watched the live broadcast fell into deep shock. They had not digested the news of the existence of another world. Because the evil thoughts body was more serious, they were asked to temporarily release it. I went to the side, but now... I told them that they could learn the power of another world, wouldn't it be shocking?

The system stretched out **** towards the camera, and after a short pause, it said with the audience's puzzled expressions: "We have prepared two plans, or prepared two types from another world. The strength will be given to you to learn, and then how to learn? Where to learn? Can you learn it yourself? All kinds of doubts, etc., will be solved by people from the military."

After speaking, the system nodded towards Xuan Zhixin, and then the screen also focused on Xuan Zhixin.

Nodding slightly, Xuan Zhixin directly started the topic: "We will provide you with the two methods mentioned by Miss System. Of course, you can also choose to learn both. These two forces do not conflict with each other, but You should know the truth of complex but not refined, right?"

"Let me first talk about the process of how to learn the power of another world. After this live broadcast, we will put the most basic methods on how to master these two power systems of other worlds on the Internet, and everyone can read it for free; When you want to continue to advance after learning, you need to go to the 'other world power study department' set up in each city, where you can receive a series of follow-up advanced methods."

"Of course, all of this is free. I hope that no one will use this kind of free stuff to make money. I will reiterate. After that, all the learning and advancement of the power of the other world will be free and free of charge. If I have emphasized so much, and there are still people who have been deceived, then please admit that you are unlucky, we are not responsible." Xuan Zhixin spread her hands and said.

This situation is not impossible. People have the most complex thing in the world, that is, the "human heart", so there will always be people who think wrongly and do something to give away horses.

"For more details, we will release a special 'beginner's guide' document to tell you how to learn and receive follow-up textbooks; now, back to the two power systems of other worlds, the number of other worlds is as numerous as stars, It may even be more than the stars, so there are many different powers from the star energy, we have only obtained these two powers for the time being, and everyone can learn them."

"The first one, like the magic that Hongmei showed before, what we provide to you is also magic, such as Bai Ming, her magic is called 'ice modeling magic', as the name suggests, it is a magic to control ice, Bai Ming can use This kind of magic can make various deformations and moves, which is very free; but Bai Ming can only use the magic of manipulating ice, not like the magic in fantasy works that you know, what flame, frost , the wind blades are used together."

"The magic we provide to you to learn is very free and simple, that is, when you start learning, you can only choose one type of magic to learn. After you learn it, you can't learn and use other magic. For example, I have learned the magic of manipulating thunder and lightning, so even if I play with thunder and lightning, it still cannot change the fact that this is the magic of manipulating thunder and lightning, and I cannot use fire or frost."

"Another point is that although we can provide you with many types of magic learning, it is actually limited, and the number of types cannot be compared with the original world of these magics. At present, we can only provide about 20 types of magic. What are the specifics, please read the 'novice guide' document later."

What Xuan Zhixin said here is similar to the magic of Hongmei and the others. In fact, it is just so easy for people in the world of singers to understand. The magic they provide is completely different from the magic of the fairy tail world. I got it from the side, but only part of it, and then I brought some magic types from the **** of order. After getting some goods from both sides, more than 20 types were collected.

In fact, the magic provided to people in the world of singers can be understood as magicians in the game, such as thunder wizards, ice wizards, and fire wizards.

Different from the magic of the fairy tail world, the magic of the fairy tail world seems to provide you with a tool, and then you have to think about any magic moves, but the magic provided to the singer world is that all the moves are set. , just like a formula, when you release magic, you can control the magic to follow the formula. Of course, it is not impossible to play freely, but the scope of play is not as wide as the magic of the fairy tail world.

Xuan Zhixin stretched out her second finger and continued: "The second kind of power is... oh wait, I almost forgot to explain, these two kinds of power are not just for you to have the ability to face the evil spirit body. It’s just self-defense and escaping. When these two powers become stronger, they can still defeat the evil spirit body, but the Xingyao energy is the energy to restrain the evil spirit body after all.

"If it's at the same level, magic may not be able to defeat the evil mind body, but the star can be, not to mention the singer, and maybe even kill it in an instant." Xuan Zhixin spread her hands, and then continued: " Then go back to the second power system, magic and star power can be cultivated to step into the realm of gods, and this second power can even surpass gods."

After waiting for a while, Xuan Zhixin continued, "But I believe you all know that theory is theory. It must be extremely difficult to rely on the second kind of power to cultivate to a legendary realm that surpasses the gods."

Difficulty is real, but someone has already done it, and it is right beside him.

Thinking like this, Xuan Zhixin glanced at Paunyin, who was about to fall asleep in the second row... No, it was Paunyin who was already asleep, and after a speechless tug at the corner of her mouth, she continued, "This second type of Power is called 'qi', the qi of breath, which is a kind of energy derived from life, as long as it is life, it will have 'qi', the difference is only strength, and in our world, we also have 'qi' , it's just that we didn't find this energy."

After speaking, Xuan Zhixin turned to look at Paun Yin who was behind her.

And the camera shot along the way, and after that, everyone saw Paunyin, who was drowsy and asleep.

Everyone: "..."

Hui Lina and the twins, who were sitting next to Tuuyin, reacted immediately, and now they need to show off the energy of "Qi", so they quickly reached out and patted Tuuyin, shouting: "Liu Ge (Sister Liu Ge) ), wake up."

"Um..." Tuanyin sat up and asked confusedly, "What's wrong? The live broadcast is over?"

The three who woke up Paunyin were speechless, and then Hui Lina said, "It's not the end, it's time for Paunyin to show off the power of 'qi', have you forgotten? You told Pain before the live broadcast. Sound to you?"

After being stunned for a while, Xun Yin woke up, clapped her hands, and said suddenly, "Oh! I remembered." Then she got up and left her seat and walked to the front.

Everyone was speechless when they looked at Paun Yin's moving figure.

"Then I started to show it?" After Yuin stood upright, he turned his head and asked the person behind him.

Seeing this, after everyone showed a speechless look again, the system said: "Let's start, host, don't use too much power."

After making an ok gesture, Paune turned her head back and faced the camera again.

"Then everyone, I'll show you the power of 'Qi'." The voice fell, and the white arrogance burned, and the patrol continued: "Do you see this circle of white arrogance around me?"

"This is what 'Qi' looks like when it can be seen. Of course, 'Qi' has other colors." Said, Mounyin quickly completed the change from normal to super-saishen, and the color of qi also changed. From white to gold, then to red, and finally back to the usual white.

"I'm a bit special, but generally speaking, the color of chi is white, so if you learn chi in the future, you don't have to worry because the color is different from mine; What about the power?" Said, Paun Yin raised his hand and made a qigong bomb on the palm of his hand.

"There are many uses of 'qi', but they can be roughly classified into two categories, close combat and long-range." Putting the qigong projectile in his hand close to the camera, Maunyin continued: "The long-range is to use chi to create this kind of circular shape. The spheres are used to attack, and the power will naturally change according to the strength; then in the melee combat, the 'qi' is usually inactive, but you can make them active through control, thereby improving your physical fitness. "

At the same time as the commentary, Maunyin also gradually increased the burning degree of the arrogance, and the hair and clothes fluttered, which really seemed to give people a feeling of "strengthening".

"This is also the main way of using 'Qi'. This kind of improvement in physical quality is very strong, and I can tell you responsibly that the upper limit of 'Qi' strengthening is no, as long as you can do it, you can never have it. The breakthrough of the limit will continue to become stronger, and there will be no problem in hitting the planet with the last punch." Said, Paun Yin seemed to throw a punch to the side in order to make the audience feel that powerful feeling.


"Bang~! Crash...!" There was a sudden loud noise, which made the audience watching the live broadcast look curious, and asked what's wrong?

As for Paunyin, she broke out in a cold sweat and said apologetically to the system and Xuan Zhixin, "Uh, sorry about that, I accidentally destroyed the wall."

That's right, just now, Mounyin threw a fist at will, and then subconsciously used a little force. After reacting, the fist was already thrown, and the wall in the direction of Mounyin's fist was gone.

The corners of the eyes of the system and others began to twitch.

Xuan Zhixin rubbed her brows and said with a headache, "It's fine, Miss Xunyin, go ahead, just pay attention later."

Embarrassedly smiled, Paun Yin said, "I must, I must pay attention."

Afterwards, Paunyin looked back at the camera and said, "Ahaha, I accidentally made an oolong, but it's considered a crooked hit right?" After saying that, Paunyin motioned the cameraman to turn the camera to the damaged wall, when the camera shot After passing by, Paun Yin continued: "After 'Qi' improves physical fitness, it can do a lot of things. For example, just now, I didn't move, but I knocked down this wall. It's because I The punch was strong enough, and then the air was shaken. Although the fist didn't hit it, the force was punched out, so it formed an attack similar to an air cannon."

"These are improvements in combat. 'Qi' is actually very versatile. After learning 'Qi', you can use this power to detect the surrounding situation, like a radar, to quickly obtain information, and to fly." Said , Paun Yin sat up with his legs crossed, but not sitting on the ground, but floating in the air.

"After learning 'qi', and then learning how to use it, you can fly. It's very interesting, right?" After laughing, Paun Yin continued: "But while everyone is excited, I want to remind you, that is 'Qi' is different from magic. The threshold for its learning is a bit different. It requires you to have a certain degree of physical strength before you can actively capture the existence of 'Qi'. Guidance' file."

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