After a period of silence, Xiaomei raised her head to look at Nei Ye and others who were a little nervous, and then said: "As you all know, the existence of evil thoughts is not a single one, they are a group, and there are actually many, many evil thoughts, but They are scattered in different worlds, so it seems that there are so few."

"This evil mind body knows the existence of the host. I'm worried that it will run away at that time. After we leave this world, it will make a comeback, or... run to rescue soldiers." Xiaomei said.

The voice fell, and everyone's pupils widened. If Xiaomei hadn't mentioned it, they would have all been ignored, forgetting that the evil mind body is not one but a group.

Although I don't know if there are other evil spirits in this world, but in other worlds, there are definitely compatriots with evil spirits. If it calls people, this is indeed a very difficult situation.

Suppose this Evil Mind Body really calls people, then it will definitely call for compatriots who are stronger than itself, otherwise how to deal with Paun Yin? At the level of strength of the patrol sound, it is no longer possible to rely on the amount to pile up.

Then Paunyin was dragged by a stronger evil spirit body, what about the other one? If it were to attack others, it might be fine if there were Hongmei and the others. Maybe it could buy time for Paunyin to arrive, but what if it attacked a place without Hongmei and the others? There's really no one who can prevent that.

Thinking of this, everyone also remembered the prophecy just mentioned.

Kalim frowned and said: "It seems that my prophecy is very likely to come true, if the evil mind body attacks the ground headquarters and the management headquarters, without your defense, Miss Paune, the result may really be destruction. "

"The headquarters of the Administration is in the center of the Sea of ​​​​Dimensions, and the main body of the headquarters can actually be regarded as a battleship. You can escape in a pinch, and the headquarters is also easy to talk, which can allow us to increase our defense. For example, please, Miss Hongmei. They take turns to defend, the problem is the ground headquarters..." Krono said with a frown, holding his chin.

"The relationship between the headquarters and the ground headquarters has always been relatively delicate, and it is basically impossible for us to intervene in their defense system." After speaking, Crono rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"This just happens to be connected to the previous topic." Hayate smiled wryly, and then said: "The real purpose of our six mobile divisions is this, the ground headquarters will not allow us to easily intervene in their defense system, so we need us This is a special force that can move at any time on the ground."

Speaking of which, Nanoha and Fit also know the real purpose of their Sixth Division of Mobile.

It was when a major incident that was enough to destroy the ground headquarters occurred, when the ground headquarters was seriously discussing solutions and when the support of the Administration Headquarters arrived, the Sixth Division of Mobility came to the top.

This situation has already involved political (harmonious) governance. When it comes to this, it is all kinds of wrangling, delaying time, and how long it will take to really implement a certain plan. People like Paunyin are easier to use than words. I really hate this situation.

Moreover, these guys who like to quarrel often know how to solve it only when the danger appears on his face.

Paun Yin pouted and said, "Just beat all of them, and you'll be able to talk."

Xiaomei rolled her eyes and complained: "Host, Nanoha and the others don't have the strength that you can overwhelm, even if their strength is strong in this world, but it's not enough to completely ignore everything. Therefore, we can only join the 'game' and find a way to crack it."

Gai Feng smiled bitterly and said: "This kind of thing is really a headache, so the meaning of our six divisions is to appear at the front line as quickly as possible to control the situation when a huge dangerous incident occurs, and to control the situation at the ground headquarters. Or guard the front line until the main support of the headquarters arrives."

This is a thankless job. The ground is originally the "sphere of influence" of the ground headquarters. The forces directly under the headquarters and the headquarters will naturally become the focus of the ground headquarters. When the time came, he was the first to rush to the scene, and stick to the front line, waiting for the support from the rear.

With the strength of Gale and the others, they can choose easier tasks, such as following a fleet and going to a distant world to patrol or something. Although this kind of task is called patrolling, it is not much different from tourism, and it is not other. All remote worlds have a planet called Earth.

However, her experience in the wind made her not choose to do so. After experiencing the "Book of Darkness" incident, she did not want other people to experience the same experience as her. There are many reasons. It has established six mobile divisions, which can rush to the front line for rescue at the fastest speed. Often many sad incidents are caused by the slow action of the Administration. As long as we can arrive earlier, we can save the suffering. people.

Chapter 55: Prepare to change the "future"

Just after returning from the Holy King Church, Mounyin greeted Nanoha and the others and left. Nanoha and the others didn’t think much about it, thinking that Mounin was going to exercise again, but after Mounin left, several ups and downs occurred. On top of the tallest building in the Sixth Division of Mobility.

Looking at the calm mobile six-division team building in front of him, Painyin said after a while, "Xiaomei, you have been hesitating before, what are you trying to say?"

In the Church of the Holy King, after listening to Hayate and the others explaining the real purpose of the establishment of the six mobile divisions, the rest of the time was Neyba and the others discussing how to act in the future. Paun Yin was a little drowsy, but she noticed Xiaomei's expression. It's a little weird, and he hesitated several times.

Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Master, you really noticed."

"You're right in front of me, can I not notice? I saw that you wanted to interrupt Nanoha and the others several times, but stopped interrupting several times." Yuin rolled his eyes and said.

Buttoning her cheeks, Xiaomei said, "Well, I'm mainly worried that telling them the information that I suddenly remembered will not have the opposite effect. Originally, they were worried because of this prophecy, so I'll add more to them. One kick, doesn't it make them more stressed?"

"So Xiaomei, do you remember what happened in the 'original plot'?" Pain asked.

Xiaomei nodded and said, "Yes, I also suddenly remembered it, but the later plot is still a bit vague, but the most recent plot from us, I remembered it."

"This episode is exactly the day Kalim predicted will happen, that is, the public presentation in the next few days. In the original 'plot', Dr. Jere will attack the ground headquarters. I believe that under the circumstances of the prophecy that there is no defense at all, the ground headquarters was captured."

After a pause, Xiaomei continued: "I don't think these are important situations. The people in the General Ground Bureau have always been arrogant, especially the lieutenant general. He is very confident in the defense of the General Ground Bureau. He sneered and didn't make any extra precautions at all, which led to the fact that in the original 'plot', the ground general bureau was breached by Dr. Gere."

Spreading her hands, Xiaomei continued, "I think the people in the General Directorate on the Ground deserve it, but in this case, other things that happened are a very heavy blow to all the personnel of the Sixth Mobility Division."

Seeing Xiaomei's serious expression, Paunyin also straightened her mind and said, "Tell me what happened, Xiaomei."

"Yeah." Nodding, Xiaomei began to say: "Host, first of all I want to emphasize one point, what I'm going to say next is what happened in the 'original plot', which is different from the time period we are in now, so we The opportunity to change those things."

"On the day of the public presentation meeting, Dr. Jere's 'fighters' will come out in full force and attack the ground headquarters with a clear division of labor. I won't go into details. In short, they were successful in the end, and they also caused damage. A lot of tragedies."

Stretching out a finger, Xiaomei continued: "The first one is Ang's sister, Yinhe, she will be besieged by three 'fighter people', and then be severely injured. Seeing that my beloved sister was seriously injured and dazzled by anger, I just wanted to rush over to save my sister. Although a strong fighting force broke out, the opponent was still successfully dragging Ang's action, and in the end, Yinhe was caught. Go, Ang is seriously injured."

Touryin frowned and remained silent.

Xiaomei paused for a while and continued: "Then Vita, in the original 'plot', Hayate, Nanoha, Fite, and Signor were not allowed to carry magic tools because they had to attend the public presentation meeting. They couldn’t transform, and after the attack started, they were all locked in the ground headquarters and couldn’t get out for a while, so they couldn’t rush to support immediately.”

"So the highest combat power at that time can be said to be Vita. After she fused with Xiaolin, she faced the same fusion knight. I will not talk about the content of the battle. In short, because of the limited strength of Vita, the Iron Count was attacked. Broken, Xiaolin passed out."

The description continued: "During this period, the defense personnel on the periphery of the ground headquarters were defeated by various means, and the personnel who came to support nearby were easily defeated by the 'fighter men' under Dr. Gere. I don't know how many people died in that battle. people."

"Then there is the team building of the Sixth Division of Mobile. I told you about the host before, right? Vivio is the key to awakening a 'Peanut Legacy' in the later stage, so Dr. Jere will find a way to capture her. At the same time as an attack, the team building of the Sixth Mobile Division was also attacked, because Naiye and the others were at the ground headquarters, and the only people who stayed behind the Sixth Mobile Division were Zafira and Shamal."

"Despite their perseverance, the two of them were finally able to break through the defenses by the attacking 'fighters', taking Vivio and turning the Six Divisions into a sea of ​​fire."

In the end, Xiaomei concluded: "In general, this battle has caused a series of tragedies."

Looking at the silent host, Xiaomei continued: "Host, those things haven't happened yet, we have the opportunity to change those things, but if we don't do anything, we should be able to follow the path and wait for those 'fighters' When the people' retreated, they tracked down Dr. Jay's base camp."

"But, I don't think you would choose to do this, host, right?"

Hearing this, Xun Yin smiled and said, "Isn't that of course."

Smiling, Xiaomei said, "I've been undecided, worried that if I tell Naiha and the others about these things, it will cause unnecessary worry, which will have the opposite effect, and this time there is the intervention of the evil spirit body, how will things develop? It can't be the same as before."

"Then Xiaomei, you really think too much. What we have to do is very simple, that is, protect them all, and then find the base camp of Dr. Jere." Paunyin stood up and said.

"This time I'm not the only one here, go and call Hongmei and the others over, and discuss how to change that bad future." After speaking, Paun Yin disappeared in a teleportation.

After that, it was very clear what to do. Maunine used her qi to sense the positions of Hongmei and the others, and then used teleportation to bring them all over.

Before or after a minute has passed, the people have already arrived.

When everyone noticed that their eyes had changed, they appeared in another room, and they also noticed other people while being stunned.

Afterwards, Xiaomei was afraid to clap her hands, so she attracted everyone's attention, and then told Hongmei and others about the "future story" she told to Paunyin before.

"What will happen in the future is almost like this, so everyone... what do you choose to do?" After Xiaomei finished speaking, she looked at everyone and asked solemnly.

Everyone looked at each other, then smiled at each other, and Hongmei stepped forward as a representative and said, "Xiaomei, aren't you talking nonsense? Of course we choose to rescue! Choose to change the tragedies and future you said."

After chuckling lightly, Xiaomei thought to herself: Sure enough, this is the answer.

"Well, there are only a few days left until the public presentation meeting. During this period, you should adjust and adjust your state to meet the next battle." After a pause, Xiaomei continued: "Then next, I will use the information I know. to distribute to you."

"First of all, the two of you, Salia and Melia. On the day of the public presentation, you will follow Miss Yinhe closely." Xiaomei smiled wickedly and said, "If you 'fighter men' can't win the Yinhe one-on-one, then you will Playing siege, right? Now I'll see how you guys deal with it."

Saria and Melia nodded and said, "Understood, we will definitely protect Miss Galaxy."

"Next is Hatsune, Luka, Tianyi, and Aling, the four of you. The actions of the four of you are basically the same, that is, follow Ang and the four of them. If there is a situation where you want to split up, you will follow your own team. Just assign actions." Xiaomei turned her head and said.

"No problem." x4

"Then there are five of you, Hongmei. In the original 'plot', Dr. Gerr's aviation combat power is not only the fusion knight that Weta encountered, but also two other 'fighter people' who are not weak. They It will destroy all the members of the Administration who came to support from the air, and these two people will be handed over to Lilith and Chengxin to deal with you." Xiaomei said.

Lilith and Cheng Xin heard the words and nodded earnestly to show their understanding.

"Then it's Hongmei, Bai Ming, and Hui Lina, the three of you. You three should be free people, patrolling everywhere. If there is danger, you can go there to help. The rest of you need support. You can adapt according to your needs, but..." Xiaomei suddenly paused, and then continued: "Don't forget, this time, there is the involvement of the evil spirit body, so the task of the three of you should be said to be mainly to prevent the evil spirit body. action."

"I have a question!" Hongmei raised her hand and asked at this time, "I've always wondered, why did the evil mind body choose to cooperate with that Dr. Jere? Is there any benefit?"

The rest of the people have also thought about this question, but they haven't been able to come up with a good explanation.

Xiaomei held her chin and thought for a while, then said: "I'm not sure, but it's a guess. The evil mind body is probably attracted by Dr. Jere's scientific research ability. In the original 'plot', it has no evil mind body. With the help of , it can still destroy the defense of the ground headquarters of the Time and Space Administration. In the later stage, a more dangerous thing was created. I think the evil mind body probably wants to use the ability of Dr. Jere for its own use. I don't know how to use it for myself."

"But think about it, what is the evil mind body? Its food is negative emotions. The more negative emotions are, the stronger they are. If they have the scientific research ability of Dr. Jere and create a large number of weapons, when the time comes When slaughtering humans, isn’t it possible to harvest negative emotions on a large scale? Even a little bit of news is released before that, for example, the weapons that slaughtered them were made by humans…”

"The weapons made by humans themselves are not used to protect themselves, but to slaughter their own kind." Lilith frowned and said, "In this way, it can indeed create very strong negative emotions."

Xiaomei spread her hands and continued, "It's almost like this, but these are just my speculations. What the situation is, we still need to investigate."

"Headache guessing game." Hongmei nodded, and then asked: "But Xiaomei, we are all out, what should we do here in the Sixth Division of Mobile? You didn't say that in the future 'plot', the Sixth Division of Mobile Was the team building also attacked?"

Hearing this, Xiaomei smiled and said, "What? Did you forget the host?"

"Hey?" Hong Mei was stunned for a moment, and said casually, "But, doesn't it mean that Xiao Liuge won't make a move easily?"

"That's true, but it's not an absolute rule." Shrugging her shoulders, Xiaomei continued: "In short, the Sixth Division of Mobility is protected by the host and the three ship girls together. It's absolutely foolproof."

Blinking blankly, Hongmei said with a smile, "There's really nothing to worry about in this way. In this case, the enemy's side will be uncomfortable. I really want to see when they come to attack and find Xiao Liuge here. After guarding, what kind of reaction will be revealed."

"It must be a 'surprise'." Xiaomei also smiled, and then continued: "The arrangement for the day of the public presentation meeting is roughly like this, but you have to adapt accordingly, because in this battle, not only we are the variables, but there are also evil thoughts on the opposite side. body variable."

"Especially Hui Lina, you have to pay special attention. Except for the host, you are the strongest among us, and your ten-second free-spirited trump card is also played with you as the core. If the situation Don't hesitate to use this move directly." Xiaomei said.

Afterwards, Xiaomei repeated the concerns she had expressed at the Holy King Church. If Xie Nian called for help and Paunyin was held back by a more powerful Xie Nian, then naturally, dealing with another Xie Nian’s body. The task falls on Hongmei and the others.

In the following days, everyone was training normally as before. During this period, the enemy did not do anything, as if they had disappeared, but everyone knew that this was impossible, and the other side was also waiting for the opportunity to come.

Soon, the time came to the day before the public presentation meeting.

Because the Sixth Division of Mobility still needs to be responsible for on-site security issues, they need to go there early to participate in the nighttime security patrol, while Fit, Gale, and Signor stay temporarily, process the documents at hand, and then take a break. Depart for the venue again tomorrow morning.

Originally, Hayate and the others had invited Mounyin to attend the public presentation meeting, but she was rejected. After all, Mounyin had planned to stay in the team building of the Sixth Mobility Division to protect the rear.

In the past few days, another thing has happened, that is Vivio, she has another person who likes to stick to, and the third person she likes to stick to is Paun Yin.

You must know that because Vivio is very insecure, in the Sixth Division of Mobility, either she is attached to Nanoha or Fett, when she is around the others, although she will not be as uneasy as at the beginning, she has not completely eliminated that uneasiness. This unease will only disappear when Nanoha and Fit are around.

And now, there is one more person who can make Vivio feel completely relieved.

At this time, on the tarmac, Nanoha and the others were about to take a helicopter to the ground headquarters. After learning that Nanoha was going to leave her for a while, Vivio, clamoring to come over to send Nanoha, and accompanied Vivio. It's Patrol Sound.

The ghost knows what the situation is, and Paunyin didn't take the initiative to contact Vivio, but she was inexplicably stuck by Vivio. Usually, when Naiye and Fate were not around, Vivio was taken by the support staff. , to take care of Aina, who is in charge of the hygiene of the team building.

But since Paunyin was suddenly attached to Vivio, most of the task of taking care of Vivio was handed over to Painin.

Anyway, Maunyin has no tasks to perform, and no need to do writing work, so Nanoha and Fit are also very relieved to teach Vivio to Maunyin, so naturally...

Fortunately, Vivio is not a rude child. She doesn't make a fuss. When Paunyin is exercising, she sits quietly on the side. After Paunyin's training is over, she will stick to it. It's just a pendant, otherwise Paunyin really doesn't want to help take care of Vivio.

After watching Vivio say goodbye to Nanoha, and then continuing to watch the helicopter take off slowly, and finally turned into a small black spot on the horizon, Xiaomei, sitting on Paunyin's shoulder, said softly, "Host, the 'plot' begins. "

Chapter 56: The Attack is Coming

Hearing this, Maunyin nodded, then turned to look at Fate, Gale and Signor.

The three of them stayed behind to deal with some written documents, then took a break, and hurried to the ground headquarters early in the morning to attend the public presentation meeting.

"Haifeng, Fit, Signor." Paun Yin called out to the three of them, and said in a serious tone, "Xiaomei should have already told you about the 'future things', right?"

The three of them looked back and nodded, and Gale said with a heavy expression, "Well, Sister Liuge, we already know what's going to happen in the 'future'."

To be honest, a few of them still feel a little unbelievable now. If the unreasonable existence like the evil mind body is thrown away, the other party really has the ability to destroy the defense system of the General Administration on the ground? They always believed that the future predicted by Kalim was realized because of the existence of the evil spirit body.

But after listening to Xiaomei's remarks, they were very confused. Xiaomei has some special means to know what will happen in the future. This ability has been proved before, so Hayate and others did not suspect that Xiaomei was lying.

It's just that they were more puzzled and puzzled because they didn't suspect that Xiaomei was lying. With Dr. Jere's strength, can he subvert the Administration without relying on the evil mind? How did such a dangerous criminal grow up?

Xiaomei didn't answer this question because she didn't recall it at the time, but she recalled it not long after, and told it to her host.

"Dr. Gere has such a level of strength because he has the support of the Supreme Council." Pain said suddenly.

This sentence made the three of them stunned, and then turned to look at Paune in shock.

Gale, asked in disbelief: "Sister Liuge, just now, what you said is true?"

Touryin nodded and said, "It's true, Xiaomei is still thinking about the details. When she remembers the details, she will come and tell us. I'll tell you what I already know now."

"Actually, the situation can be summed up in one sentence. The Supreme Council is not crooked. Their idea of ​​protecting the peace of this world has not changed. It's just... In order to maintain peace, they are willing to do whatever it takes."

"Do whatever it takes..." Gao Feng frowned, and continued: "But supporting a criminal is obviously wrong! The peace obtained in this way is not real peace at all!"

Paunyin spread his hands and said, "It can only be said that those in power have become extreme in their thinking for a long time, otherwise they will become arrogant. Well, no matter what, it is useless for us to discuss here. Go and confront those from the highest council."

After finishing speaking, Touryin walked up to Fate and gave Viviosser, who was a little dazed and was about to fall asleep because she couldn't understand the conversation between them, and then turned around and left.

"Hey? Sister Liuge, where are you going?" After Fett hugged Vivio, she was stunned, and asked Paun Yin.

"Sleep." After dropping the two words, the figure of the patrol Yin disappeared instantly.

The rest of the people looked at each other in dismay. Although they said that rest is really important, there are so many important events that are going to happen tomorrow. Generally speaking, there is no sleepiness, right?

However, the tension in the hearts of the three of Huo Feng has been reduced a lot after being cleaned up by Paunyin. After smiling helplessly, they also left the tarmac and continued to work.

After a night of silence, the sun rose slowly the next day.

Gale and the others set off early before dawn. When Patrol woke up and started exercising as usual, the only people who were able to fight in the Six Divisions of Mobility, except Paune and the three shipgirls, were only Samar and the others. Zafira two.

After morning training and breakfast, Paunyin explained that his ship ladies were ready for battle at any time, then jumped to the highest building in the Sixth Division of Mobility and sat on the edge of the rooftop, waiting for the enemy to come and send a wave.

Then, the screen switched to the ground headquarters.

Everything here is running in an orderly manner. The so-called public presentation meeting, the full name of which is the public opinion presentation meeting, is an opinion exchange meeting on how the General Administration on the Ground operates. Many senior officials and representatives will come to participate.

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