I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 696: Sending a girl is coming

Anlin took a wiki with a simple heaven tour, but this experience, for the wiki, is an indescribable impact.

Before the wiki returned to the world of mirrors, Anlin also gave him a copy of Kyushu and a Continental Book.

"Do what you need to do, and then wait for the next time God receives." Ann Lin slowly.

The wiki nodded hard: "The goddess of the goddess, the **** of Anlin, I will not let you down!"

The white light flashed, and the physique of Wiki and Dina disappeared.

In the central city of the true devil, on the white altar, a figure began to slowly land.

At this time, the real demon is banqueting, and the rest of the eight ethnic representatives open a drink, celebrate the successful burning ... oh! It is to celebrate the appearance of miracles.

However, the sudden appearance of a figure once again attracted the attention of countless powerful people. They looked at the slow landing, familiar with the incomparable figure, and they were once again forced.

Their faces are stiff and their hearts are roaring:

Didn't you be picked up by God and went to the new world?

What's special, how come back so soon, New World Day Tour? !

It’s hard for them to dissolve the kind of shackles because of the banquet. As a result, the true demon that brought them endless embarrassment and nightmares appeared again!

The noisy atmosphere began to calm down, and 100,000 strong people gathered their eyes on the wiki, and they were spreading...

After all, not long ago, everyone was clamoring to burn this true demon. As a result, this real devil got the care of God and was taken away. The naked face made them stunned.

The wiki stood in the middle of the altar, and the moonlight fell on him, covered with a sacred radiance.

There is no smug face on his face.

He is still pious, still with a hot heart.

A white jade has a faint luster, which is the jade that the goddess of the goddess personally gave. It is available in the world of mirrors and is a jade-free jade.

To put it simply, as long as he brings this jade, he will not die, no matter who can kill him.

God is free from death, he will never die!

Wiki looked at the pair of eyes that came to him, his look was light, but he was fighting high.

He raised his head and said with a clear voice: "Below, let me talk about the new world!"


In the small attic, Anlin yawned and began to close his eyes.

At the end of the period, there were no tasks. The students had already left the campus one after another. Some returned to the sect, some retired, and some were practicing outside.

Xu Xiaolan also had to go back to Zongmen first and feel the power of Suzaku. After all, after the blood of Suzaku, her understanding of the power of Suzaku is deeper and deeper, and the annual sanctuary is intimate.

Anlin and Liu Qianyi made an appointment. After two days, they went to find the address of the headquarters of the four or nine. This is a top priority, after which Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng and others will come and participate in these great achievements.

Now he must first raise his state. After all, it is a generation of masters.

wrong! There should be four or nine ancestors of the ancestors!

The more Anlin thinks, the more interesting it is, the more the mouth can't help but rise slightly, and the mood is very good.

The moon rises.

In the light of the morning glow, a rhythmic knock on the door came.



Dabai excitedly ran to open the door, the dog's paw opened the doorknob, but saw a picturesque woman.

The woman has a plain robes and a pink ribbon around her waist. She outlines the waist of the sturdy and sturdy waist. The looks are soft and beautiful. The eyes under the eyebrows seem to contain autumn water. When people look at it, they feel close to nature.

"It turned out to be a girl who sent money, Wang! Are you looking for Ange?"

When Dabai saw the woman in front of him, he blurted out and debuted.

The woman’s face still had a spring-like smile. When she heard the name of the white, the smile immediately froze.

What kind of master is this special, what kind of beast is there? Just be careful when you meet?

"I don't want to send a girl, I have a name!" Lin Biao said.

When the big white dog’s face stayed, it reacted and said that he had missed his mouth. It’s strange that An Lin usually likes to send a girl to the rich when she has no money. It’s called this name.

That is the daughter of the Emperor! Is it called like this? !

"Tian Yu Fairy, I am wrong, I can't spit out ivory in my dog's mouth, don't mind, Wang!" Dabai immediately put on a pitiful and cute expression, spit his tongue and said.

Lin Biao was too lazy to compare with a Wang, and waved his hand and asked: "An Lin is not at home, I have something to look for."

"At home, at home, even if you are not at home, you are coming, he has to go home."

Dabai looked charming and invited Lin Biao into the door, and ran to the room of Anlin. The dog's claws were fanned to each other and Anlin was awakened.



"Dabai, I am a man who wants to sleep for two days with Aoki. I am so fanned, if you can't say a reasonable reason, don't blame me for saying hello!" An Lin touched the red face and sat down. Get up and whisper.

"Tian Yu Fairy is in the hall of our house, looking for you. Wang!" Dabai said.

"Tian Yu? Hee... It’s a girl who sent a wealthy girl!" Anlin suddenly realized that although he was reluctant, he struggled.

Lin Biao was sitting in the living room, a conversation in a small space, where she could hold her smart ears, and heard that Ann Lin would naturally call her nickname, and her heart was boring.

She showed her fists unconsciously, but she didn't know how to attack.

Because she really came to send money...

An Lin walked out with a smile on his face: "Haha, welcome Tian Yu fairy to come and visit, I don't know what is too small."

Lin Biao looked at An Lin’s gentle smile, and his mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was dark and hypocritical!

"Well... I am taking a special trip to see the little **** of war in Tianting." Lin Biao held the toon, and the beautiful flowing, the sound was particularly soft, like a smoke like a mist swaying the heartstring of Anlin.

"Oh, I really want to pay tribute to my little **** of war, it is better to help me remind me of the Ziwei Emperor, when will I pass on the rewards!" An Lin heard the small war gods in the heavens, the mood was not good.

Before the class teacher said to An Lin, if the Ziwei Emperor did not move ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his class teacher will deny himself as a student, take the initiative to ask a question.

The results of it? Now I can't even put a fart!

When Lin Biao saw the mention of the little **** of war, An Lin suddenly turned black, which proved that he was hurting!

I don't know why, Lin Biao's heart is so happy, and the smile on his face is alive.

"Oh, Ziwei Emperor has a lot of time, I am a weak woman with a weak text. Where is the qualification to urge him to pass on." Lin Biao’s clear and bright eyes gathered on Anlin and continued. "You are not a **** of war." Is it true that your own inheritance is going to go, how do you rely on outsiders?"

An Lin’s face is darker. He’s not afraid that he will be beaten by Ziwei. If Ziwei’s temperament has not disappeared, what should he do? Being a true god, it is terrible to think about it!

Seeing that Anlin’s unhappy face was like, Lin Biao was even more embarrassed, and it’s almost like dancing.

She couldn't help but rejoice in her heart. This wave of arrival is really worth it. She has already returned to the book with these two waves of counterattacks! Next, you have to start a more aggressive offensive!

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