I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1028 Digging up the cable

The sky is bright.

But today's morning in Larousse City is not the same as before.

Rikkakuza and Deoxys chased and fled in the city, constantly destroying the city.

Miss Junsha and the police officers rescued the trapped people in the city.


"Wind Speed ​​Dog, hold on!"


The wind speed dog quickly left after blocking the falling cement.

The aftermath of the battle between Rikakuza and Deoxys made the police officers have to be cautious.

And Mikri wanted to go up to stop it, but looking at the cracked seat and Deoxys flying in the high school, he kind of missed Dawu and Dawu's flying giant gold monster.

"The purpose of Deoxys should be to find his companions, go and bring the core of Deoxys' companions." Dr. Londo shouted to the others.

"Doctor, although we also know, but we really can't get any manpower now... Be careful, Wind Speed ​​Dog, hold on!" Miss Junsha felt a bit of a headache, although only Rikuza and Deoxys were fighting, no, specifically , the only skill to release is the empty seat, and Deoxys is constantly dodging.

However, the aftermath of the cracked empty seat attack still spread to a large area.

"It's not good, doctor, the control center was hit by the attack of the Rift Seat." A researcher ran over and shouted.

Dr. Rendo saw that the towering control center in Larus City was smoking at this moment.

And behind Ms. Junsha, there is a figure of a girl in a police uniform with a bale sheep beside her.

The girl raised her head, and it was the expressionless Misaka sister.

At the beginning, this little Misaka sister relied on her credit for catching Hokage, and made her way up in the police system, and soon became the team leader, and she was also the official police system of the Hoenen Regional Federation.

In order to congratulate this little sister Misaka, Angela gave her a Mare sheep as a gift, and at the same time, there was also a handbook for Angela to raise her own Mare sheep to the electric dragon stage.

For trainers, this is a great gift.

But this time, the Misaka sister came to Larus City with Mikri.

Although there are some Misaka sisters in Larousse City, they have already evacuated with others. The researchers in Larousse City have protected these Misaka sisters very well.

Miss Misaka looked in the direction of the control center, and an electric current flickered above her head.

"Police Misaka, have you found anything?" Miss Junsha asked, in order to distinguish from other Misaka sisters, the only Misaka sister who became a policeman is usually called Police Misaka habitually.

"The current in the control center is increasing rapidly, DO, Misaka Misaka said suspiciously." Misaka Misaka no longer said his number, which is a good change, but no one cares about it now.

"Electric current?" Dr. Rendo's expression changed.

With the disappearance of Deoxys' control over the city, communication in the city has been restored, and Dr. Rondo's communicator also rang at this time, and it was his assistant Yuko.

Yuko did not evacuate before, but stayed in the city with Dr. Lundo's son. It was also because Yuko contacted Dr. Lundo as soon as the communication was restored, and told him he was safe. Dr. Lundo did not The first time to find two people.

But this time Yuko's tone became visibly anxious.

"Doctor, it's not good, the defense system is overloaded and cannot be stopped."

"Wait, defense system?" Miss Junsha was taken aback.

But Dr. Rendo's face changed.

There are many important research institutes and facilities in the city of Larousse, so the strongest aspect of the city of Larousse is the defense system, which is strengthened every year. Dr. Rendo is one of the people who help strengthen the defense system.

Let's put it this way, even Dr. Rendo doesn't know how strong the defense system of Larus City is.

Not to mention whether it can deal with Rift and Deoxys, if the defense system goes berserk, everyone in the city will be in danger!

At this time, a group of cube robots rushed over from a distance.

"What is that?" Miss Junsha asked suspiciously.

Dr. Rendo's expression changed, because the cube robot was in charge of the defense system!

"Run!" cried Dr. Rondo.

Hearing Dr. Londo's shout, although Miss Junsha didn't understand what was going on, she knew it was right to run at this time.

"Everyone, retreat!"

Misaka turned over and rode on the Mali sheep, grabbing the fluffy wool of the Maari sheep.

"Mali Sheep, let's go!"



Mikri stood on a tall building, watching the Rift and Deoxys who were fighting in the distance, and also noticed a large number of square robots appearing on the ground.

And in his headset, the staff of the league is reporting the situation to him.

"Not only to stop the battle between Rift Seat and Deoxys, but also to solve the box robot below?"

Soon Mikri made a decision.

"Go save people first!"

A large number of cube robots appeared, threatening the evacuating crowd, and the targets of these cube robots obviously included Rift and Deoxys, so saving people has become the most important thing now.

Before, it was difficult for Mikri to shoot because of the cracked seat and Deoxys in the air, but now it is different.

"Meinas, the wave of water!"

Menus shot, and the water flow appeared. Although he didn't shoot with all his strength, he accurately intercepted the cube robots rushing towards the crowd below, buying time for the crowd to evacuate.

Mi Keli stood with his hands behind his back, and Menus' body lit up, staring at the cube robot below, constantly intercepting.

With just one person blocking thousands of cube robots, the strength of the league champion was finally revealed.


And at this time, in the underground of a research institute, Xiaozhi and others are gathering here. Dr. Lundo's assistant Yuko and Dr. Lundo's son Xiaochao are here, and their purpose of being here is to Revive the core of another Deoxys!

Dr. Rendo has been trying to resurrect Deoxys' core, which is the core left by Deoxys' companions in the city.

There was no progress until recently, but before it was really resurrected, there was the current thing.

"I hope that resurrecting this Deoxys can calm the chaos in the city." Xiaoyao sighed.

The core of Deoxys had already reacted before, and the condensed consciousness turned into a prismatic consciousness group, and then became friends with Dr. Londo's son Xiaochao, but it was only conscious.

Later, Xiaotong analyzed the consciousness group condensed by Deoxys here and the wavelength of the aurora released by Deoxys before, and unexpectedly found that the two could match, so he boldly guessed that Deoxys outside Si came because of the core of Deoxys, so after some discussion, everyone decided to try to revive the core of Deoxys.

The resurrection experiment started, and everything was going well until the current in the laboratory suddenly weakened, and the resurrection experiment could not be carried out.

"What's going on?" Xiaozhi asked.

Yuko quickly checked the data of the instrument, and then her expression changed.

"Not good, the cable is broken for some reason, and the power supply of the instrument is insufficient!"

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Gang asked hastily.

Yuko smiled wryly and shook her head.

"The cables of the instrument are all buried in the ground above, and there is no time to connect them now. If one cable is broken, the voltage is insufficient, and the instrument cannot continue to operate normally. Even with the current of the elves, it is difficult to continue the experiment..."

Everyone's faces became ugly, and even a little desperate.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from the top of the laboratory.


Everyone was startled, retreated hastily, and released the elves to guard. Xiaozhi, Jiang Tai, Aaron and Xiaotong stared at the top with their elves, and Xiaogang protected the others behind them.

Finally, a hole appeared in the roof of the lab, through which the sand leaked.


Everyone was taken aback.

Then a white figure slowly fell from the hole.

"Caroline, I seem to have broken something just now..."

"It seems to be a cable, don't worry about it, huh? It's a laboratory below, someone is there."

Bailiyuan lowered his head, just in time to see Xiaozhi and the others who were staring at him.

Xiaozhi and the others opened their mouths in surprise.

"Fine... Elf?!"

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