I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1110 Is there too much?

When Bailiyuan woke up, it took a while to figure out everything, and then expressed his thanks to Shazi.

Although Shazi didn't speak, her broken arm proved that she did make an effort, and she also suffered a lot of damage.

Bailiyuan took out a treatment chamber, and then stuffed Shazi into it.

Then Bailiyuan put away the survival chamber and the system, reawakened all the elves, and then climbed out of the volcano again with Huozhiji, followed by Longlongyan and the heavy armored tyrannosaurus.

"Thank you everyone." Baili Yuan greeted.

Caroline and the elves outside were relieved to see Bailiyuan appear, and Caroline also returned to Bailiyuan's body, but then they found the turkey.

"What's the matter?" Caroline said.

"It's hard to say." Baili Yuan said helplessly.

He also didn't expect the flame chicken to degenerate.

He also knew about Huo Zhiji, and at the same time, he also learned about Huo Zhiji at this time through the system.

"Fire Chick · Scorching Fire: The three attributes of fire, fighting, and light are sacred Pokémon. The fire chicken that has absorbed the ultimate flame has inspired the sacred power in its body and has great potential. The flame above its head is the seed of the extreme flame. .Note: It may be edible, and it brings its own kindling."

It is impossible to eat.

After Huozhiji's name had the suffix of "热火", it no longer looked like a Pokmon at all.

However, the specific changes in the flame chicken will have to wait until I go back.

"Let's solve the last problem first."

Baili Yuan looked at the only remaining turtle-shaped monster that was dragged back.

However, Bailiyuan's internal energy has been exhausted at this time, because of the erosion of evil, even though Bailiyuan succeeded in defeating evil in the end, it still consumes a lot. If Bailiyuan's physique was not far superior to that of ordinary people, he would not be able to wake up at all. Come.

With the help of Xanadu, he teleported and touched the colorful eggs.

Then, when the giant turtle-shaped beast wanted to take the opportunity to attack Baili Yuan, Baili Yuan smiled.

"Want to play Gwent cards?" Baili Yuan touched out the Gwent cards that he hadn't used for a long time.

At this moment when his strength is completely exhausted, it is very difficult to completely kill this turtle-shaped monster. Even if he uses the glow stone to replenish his strength and wants to fight again, it is very unrealistic. His tired body cannot support another transformation up.

So at this time only some special means can be used.

And it has to be gentle.

Because there are also six beads in the body of the turtle-shaped giant beast, if those six beads are stimulated, Baili Yuan feels that he is going to be cold if he does it again.

Arrow had tested it before, but it was impossible to really kill the giant beast.

All Bailiyuan can only use Gwent cards.

In fact, Bailiyuan is also quite helpless, not because he is afraid of losing. After all, although the turtle-shaped behemoth has some intelligence, it is not very high, and Bailiyuan has practiced with Gwent cards at ordinary times, and he is also a master among them.

Bailiyuan was worried about winning something serious.

If what you win is material, you can throw away the useless ones, but some talents or skills will be directly integrated into Bailiyuan's body after winning. For example, Bailiyuan won self-destruction from a monster before. Skill.

Who knows if this turtle-shaped behemoth has any strange talents or skills?

But this card still has to be played.

The round ended quickly, and the final result was that Bailiyuan won.

"Victory! Get [a mass of malice]."


Bailiyuan threw away the malice, then wiped her hands.

next round...

This card, a dozen is a day.

Shazi's arm was almost healed, but she stared at Bailiyuan playing cards in the treatment cabin.

Caroline has completed the preliminary inspection of the turkey, and the other elves are almost all connected.

And the turtle-shaped behemoth has lost a lot of weight.

Bailiyuan has been winning, but what he wins is either [a mass of malice] or [a mass of evil sludge].

But Bailiyuan really won two useful things, and they were the only two useful ones.

One is talent and the other is skill.

"Talent - Armor: Use strength to condense energy armor on the surface of the body, with strong defense power, which can increase attack power, but reduce speed. Note: The appearance of the armor varies according to the species of the creature used."

"Skill - Mouth Cannonball: Release energy cannonball from the mouth, bringing a powerful explosive attack capability. Note: Yes, it is the legendary mouth cannon."

And then there is no third.

However, after playing cards for a whole day, plus Baili Yuan wasted a lot of energy before and was exhausted from fighting, Baili Yuan could hardly hold on anymore.

But this card still has to be played.

Baili Yuan licked his finger and dropped the last card.


"Victory! Get [Six Evil Beads]."


Bailiyuan blinked.

What did you win just now?

Baili Yuan's hands did not appear as before as a mass of evil sludge or malice, but empty, but Baili Yuan also felt that there was something more in his body.

In such a daze, Bailiyuan also forgot to shuffle the cards and start the next game.

However, the giant turtle-shaped beast did not take the opportunity to attack Bailiyuan, but froze in place, and then turned into a large amount of sludge as if it fell apart with a crash, fell to the ground, and then disappeared continuously.

Suddenly something went wrong with the turtle-shaped monster, which attracted the attention of Caroline and other elves.

"Is this... dead?" Uchiha Shisui said.

But Bailiyuan didn't care that much, because at this moment his attention was on the extra things in his body.

Those are six very familiar beads!

"No way……"

Bailiyuan swallowed, but after waiting for half a minute, the evil erosion he imagined did not happen. Instead, the six beads seemed to be drawn into a coat of arms of Bailiyuan.

"What's happening here?"

Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly calmed down and began to check his own situation.

The six beads entered the coat of arms of the spokesperson of God, and then integrated into one of its branch skills - good and evil!

Then the whole coat of arms and him lit up.

"Ah!" Baili Yuan yelled, "It hurts..."

"Xiao Yuan!"

"My lord!"

It took two minutes for the pain to end. Fortunately, it was very painful at the beginning, and then it weakened a lot.

The emblem of the spokesperson of the gods is no longer illuminated.

Bailiyuan hurriedly searched for the coat of arms of the spokesperson of God.

Innate ability - [life operation], no change.

However, among the remaining three branches of skills, except for [Body of Backtracking], the other two skills have changed.

Specifically, it was because the change of the skill [Differentiation between Good and Evil] caused the change of the skill [Split of Potential].

In the past, the ability of dividing good and evil into good and evil only changed the good and evil attributes of Baili Yuan's character. To be honest, it didn't have much impact on Baili Yuan's strength. Baili Yuan almost never used this ability, but now it's different up.

"Good and evil are divided into two: mountains are divided into yin and yang, and people are divided into good and evil. The good side is the normal appearance, and the evil side is the evil appearance."

"The division of the momentum: different phases, different momentums—

【Good】: Good, evil, desire, joy, anger, sorrow, fear;

【Evil】: greed, desire, jealousy, gluttony, anger, laziness. "

"This is... what's going on?"

Baili Yuan was stunned, then sat cross-legged on the ground, his consciousness sank into the spiritual space.

As soon as he reached the spiritual space, thirteen pairs of eyes fixed on Bailiyuan.


Thirteen... double?

Is there a few more?

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