I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1125 I can't explain this to you, because I'm just a big orange cat

Apparently Della also noticed the improvement of Olinson's strength, so she couldn't help becoming nervous.

Can Daju beat Olinson?

it should be no problem……

"Good job, Olinson!" Rafi shouted, as if he had become Olinson's little fan.

"Come on, Della, let's have a serious duel!" Lafite shouted.

To be honest, this is not upright at all...Della didn't say this.

"Daju, please!" Della said.

Why did you just ask me?

But as a familiar, Bailiyuan couldn't watch Della lose.

The free magic power in the air was pulled by Baili Yuan's spirit, and then condensed, a magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Della.

"What's this?"

Rafi said in surprise.

Olinson grew wary.

Sir Michael should not be underestimated!

Why don't you try throwing a skill first?

Although the body in this world is the incarnation of Bailiyuan's consciousness, he can still communicate with elements through spirit and use some simple magic, such as... Summoning magic!

Bailiyuan: Moxi Moxi, are you at home? Out to fight.

Huddle: What? fight? You didn't lie to me?

Bailiyuan: No, this time I found you an opponent of comparable strength.

Huddle: Believe you once!

Carrying a big stick and carrying a bomb basket, Hedel walked out of the magic circle, but before it could see the situation clearly, a holy punishment fell on it.

"Ah, I'm dead!"

With a loud cry, Hedel's figure exploded and disappeared.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Holy Retribution is very lethal to creatures of the evil camp. Unfortunately, goblins are not creatures of the justice camp in any world, and goblins rarely appear even in neutral camps. The figure, even if this goblin can clean the house, cook, and knit, it is still a creature of the evil camp.

Nothing to do, but racial qualification.

Fortunately, Huddle will not die, it is just summoned by the projection.

Bailiyuan constructed the magic circle again.

Bailiyuan: Huddle, are you still here?

Huddle: What just happened?

Bailiyuan: Just come and see, trust me!

Huddle: Well...

Who made Bailiyuan the summoner? Heddle couldn't refuse his call.

Heddle walked out of the magic circle again, but rolled to one side for the first time, but this time he didn't attack.

Others also saw what came out.


"Wait, it doesn't look like an ordinary goblin!"

"Why do goblins appear?"

"Is it summoned?"

"Who summoned it?"

The referee teacher looked in the direction of the rostrum, and found that the bosses didn't say anything, and he didn't stop the competition.

"The summoned goblin?" Della hugged Bailiyuan from her head.

"Daju, is that you? How did you do it? Why can the familiar summon other creatures?"

According to the theory of this world, the familiar itself is the posture of being summoned and belongs to the summoning object, so it cannot use the skills of the summoning system, unless it is a racial talent, but... why can my big orange summon goblins?

Bailiyuan looked at Della, then turned her head away.

I can't explain this to you, because I'm just a big orange cat.

Isn't it common sense that the summoned thing summons the summoned thing?

But Bailiyuan didn't stay idle, but communicated with Hedel.

"The target is that angel, let's go!"

Although Heddle did not find out where Bailiyuan was, it received news from Bailiyuan.

Goal, Angel!

Heddle looked at Olinson, then yelled, and rushed towards Olinson.

Olinson was a little dazed.

Why is Lord Michael able to summon goblins from the evil camp?

"I see!"

Olinson gave a sudden cry.

"Michael-sama must have enslaved the goblins. Is this the test that Michael-sama gave me? I understand!"

Olinson understood, and so did the hammer in his hand.

Hammer him!


"Oh la la la..."

Olinson and Huddle just fought together.

The hammer and the club beat each other.

Although Olinson's holy punishment does a lot of damage to Huddle, and can even kill Huddle directly if it hits a critical point, but it's fine if you don't get hit to a critical point~

Hedel's combat effectiveness is not low, and his combat experience is also very rich.

Moreover, Huddle also has a long-range attack method-bomb throwing!

The bombs were all made by Huddle himself, but these bombs were not the old ones. Under Caroline's casual guidance, Huddle made a more powerful bomb.

Although those materials are still there, the ratio of different materials and the production process make the power of the explosive bomb have a big gap.

A series of explosive bombs were thrown out by Huddle.

But Olinson didn't persuade it, and resisted the damage of the explosive bomb with his own shield.

Boom boom boom...

After all the bombs were consumed, Heddle and Olinson continued to fight together.

After all, he is an angel, even if he has resisted the damage from the explosive bomb, he still has the ability to continue fighting, but the diaper on his lower body is about to fall off.

And when Heder and Olinson were fighting, Della looked at Lafite, and then smiled.

"Let's continue to fight in an upright manner!"

Lafite: "..."

Although Lafite's strength is not weak, but in real battles, Della is even better. Lafite never wins when the two usually compete one-on-one.

After all, Della has always been strict with herself, and always thought that Bailiyuan had no fighting ability, so she worked harder to improve her strength, while Lafite put more experience into building a good relationship with Olinson, Although the practice has not fallen behind, it is much worse than Della.

Originally, Lafite thought that Olinson's help could bridge the gap between the two, but now...

No, there is still a chance. Although I can't win, she can't kill me instantly. I can delay until Olinsen finishes that goblin, and then I can win!

There was a fighting flame in Lafite's eyes.

"Have courage." Della put Baili Yuan on the ground.

"Daju, then I can do it myself!"

After speaking, Della started the solo with Rafi.

On the other side, Olinson fought more and more courageously.

Heddle is not intimidated, anyway, he is not really going to die, what if he wins?

And in the life of Bailiyuan's subordinates, there were very few battles that made him try his best.

It, Hedel, has been practiced specially!

Although it is usually called out to do housework, wash dishes, knit sweaters...

However, I, Huddle, usually watched the summoner's training of other summoned creatures, learned a lot secretly, and practiced it privately!

Do you really think I'm just an ordinary goblin?

You are so naive, angel!

While watching the summoner's usual practice, I also learned advanced sword skills, which have been incorporated into my stick by me!

Next, I will let you see the effect of my practice——

Longshen の剣を喰...... Huh?

"Holy Light Punishment!"

A holy light punishment hit Heddle's head.

Huddle's head exploded.

Then under the cover of the smoke and dust of the battle, Olinson successfully used Holy Light Retribution to deal fatal damage to Huddle.

Olinsen carried the warhammer and shield, stepped on Huddle's body with his short legs, and then raised the warhammer in his hand high.


"I surrender!"


Olinson frowned, this voice...

Is it Lafite? ! ! !

When Olinson turned his head, he saw that the staff in Della's hand was pressing against Lafite's neck.

Huddle's body dissipated.

Olinson's feet were empty and he fell directly to the ground.

With a snap, Olinson's diaper finally fell off.

"Victor, Della Orcaz!"

Baili Yuan lay lazily on the ground and stretched his waist.

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