I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1353 Going north

In fact, the battle between Bailiyuan and Zombie King in the mountains two days ago, everyone from the Radiance Group was also present...

They were the ones watching the theater eight kilometers away.

Of course, they watched with long-sightedness skills, and those without such skills cruelly used scrolls that could bring similar abilities.

After all, even watching the battle of the strong can be an eye-opener.

Although they didn't see it very clearly, they witnessed the battle between the two strong men.

In their view, it is likely that other undead monarchs are fighting the zombie king, but they don't remember any undead monarch...so small.

But the strength is real.

The two mountains of the Gaosuo Mountains were gapped, allowing the originally blocked cold wind to flow southward, and the few members of the Radiance Group hiding in the south were naturally affected.

"Eat it quickly, the soup in the pot will be cold if you don't eat it later." Owen said, stirring the soup in the pot with a spoon, and then filled a bowl for each of the people around him.

At this time, several members of the Radiance Group got together and gathered around a pot, eating lunch and drinking soup with dry food.

However, they are all practitioners after all, and the equipment on their bodies has special warm runes. Although the cold wind is blowing, it is nothing to them. Even a few women with thighs exposed and obviously not thickly dressed Did not feel cold.

Of course, although several women showed their legs and Clark even wore skirt armor, there was absolutely no "groundless rumor" happening.

However, the soup in the pot was different. It was blown by the cold wind and cooled quickly. If you didn't drink it while it was hot, it would be cold porridge in your mouth.

"If we wait until we regain this place, the climate in this area will definitely change dramatically," said the female mage Paxi.

Reverend Edward followed suit.

"Why do you care so much? We can't care about this, so hurry up and eat." The female boxer Gary said, brushing her hair, holding the soup in her hand and pouring it down for herself, without any feminine restraint.

Ton ton... hiccup~

Female boxer Gary held an empty bowl, showing a satisfied expression.

There are no supplies here, and there is limited food to eat every day, let alone good food, but she is not picky, and she is very happy if she can eat enough.

Although there is not much to eat, there are enough water pipes, and the female mage Percy can use water magic to replenish water resources.

Although the female boxer Gary's behavior is a bit vulgar, but under her beautiful appearance, these vulgar behaviors look a little cute and cute.

"One more bowl~"

Owen took the bowl, and gave Gary another bowl of soup with a blank expression.

Obviously he is the captain, obviously he is a man, but at this time he is actually in charge of cooking...

Except for Irving, no one in this team can cook!

Owen can only admit it.

At this time, the assassin Jedra ran back.

"There's something wrong with the undead army on the mountain," Jedra said.

"What?" Several people looked at Jedra, and put down their hands... oh, Gary is still there...


Gary burped.

"The undead seem to be forming an army, as if they are about to set off." Jedra continued.

"Can you see where the undead are going?" Owen asked, putting down the spoon in his hand.

They all saw the battle two days ago and knew it was a battle between two undead monarchs, and the final result should be that the "undead monarch" who came to attack the mountain won, because the undead on the mountain were searching Looking at the things on the mountain, if the undead monarch who originally lived on the Gauzo Mountains had won, such a thing would not have happened at all.

However, because they witnessed the battle between the two undead monarchs, everyone in the Radiance Group knew that this undead army was not simple, as if it had some purpose, the most important thing was to fight against other undead monarchs!

Owen keenly sensed that this half of the continent was about to change!

So he decided to continue following this undead army until all the supplies were consumed.

Because the actions of this undead army are likely to affect the future situation of the mainland, which is related to the future of the survivors, he dare not neglect, so he chooses to take risks to follow.

Now that he heard that the undead had changed, he naturally became serious.

"I observed that all the undead are moving to the other side of the mountains, and their direction may be north." Jedra said.


Several people were taken aback.

"It's not..."

They all know the situation in the north. It should be said that the survivors all know the threat that exists in the north.

Owen thought about it, and then made a decision.

"Clean up and follow," Owen said.

No matter what this undead army is going to do, they need to follow and see.

"Then I'll have a bite first." Gerald said, he had been staring at the situation on the mountain, and hadn't had time to eat.

Gerald sat down by the pot, filled himself with a bowl of soup, took a sip, and licked his lips.

"A little light."


Owen's face darkened.

If you cook and eat for you, just eat honestly, pick and choose, you can do it if you have the ability!


The army set off and entered the extreme frost ice field.

The extremely frosty ice field has a harsh climate. In the past, it was also an area where there were few creatures on the mainland. However, there are giant dragons and various ferocious monsters on the extremely frosty ice field, making it difficult for other races to enter.

The scariest thing about the Extreme Frost Ice Field is not the giant dragons or monsters, but the climate.

The closer it was to the north, the colder it was, and the occasional blizzard was enough to bury alive everything standing on the ice sheet.

Most of the creatures who died on the extremely frosty ice field were not killed, but were buried by the wind and snow, freezing to death alive!

Until the undead came, the few creatures on the extreme frost ice field became undead.

Logically speaking, even the undead are not immune to the harsh climate of the Extreme Frost Ice Field. How could there be a powerful undead monarch stationed here?

And there are several in one station.

Bailiyuan discussed with Caroline, and felt that the biggest possibility is that there are some treasures on the Extreme Frost Icefield, or... those undead monarchs are planning something.

Stepping on the extremely frosty ice field, the aura of undead shrouded in the surroundings seems to have faded a lot, and the atmosphere of death has also been weakened. The eyes are white, as if entering another world-the world of ice and snow!

As the undead army marched, the temperature dropped sharply, those undead with liquid substances in their bodies began to freeze, and their movements began to be restricted, but the movement speed of the remaining undead was also somewhat reduced.

"It seems that it is difficult to walk into the extreme frost icefield like this..." Baili Yuan looked around.

But it doesn't mean there is no way. After making the decision to go deep into the extreme frost ice field, I took this possibility into consideration and made preparations.

As the wind and snow blow, the undead army gradually disappears in the wind and snow...

Tomorrow must be three chapters

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