I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1527 Surrender

The accident on Planter was far from over. When Bailiyuan had just reached the edge of the battlefield, the fleet led by Dektel suddenly broke out in riots.

"What's going on?" Baili Yuan also noticed the movement outside.

But before Baili Yuan got to the bottom of it, a group of fleets appeared in front of him that obviously didn't fit the style of the Purand star warships.

And the warships on this battlefield that don't fit the style of the Planets of Purand are only... the warships of the Stars of Aiguriser!

"If it's really the warship of the Aiguriser Stars, then they appear in this position...it's not good."

This is the side of the Purand star fleet near the back, here is the warship of the Agreth star, Bailiyuan suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with the Purand star.

However, the warship of the Egreese Stars did not launch an attack immediately, but sent a communication. This communication was not dedicated to Bailiyuan, but was sent within the range.

【You have been surrounded, surrender now, I can spare your life...】

"Surrounded?" Baili Yuan clicked his tongue.

Can the Pranders and Dektel do it? They were surrounded before I went far, oh, I almost forgot, I was also surrounded.

However, the warships of the Pranders still did not fight with the warships of the Agrethians, because there was new news from the Agraters.

【We have entered the Planet Purand, and now the entire Purand Star fleet must give up resistance, otherwise we will encircle and suppress you and massacre the Planet Purand at the same time! 】

[Give up resistance now, we will not do anything, but hand you over to your own planet for judgment. 】

Then, Dektel chose to surrender.

Although Dektel knew that all his previous efforts were in vain for this surrender, and his end was estimated to be death, but his conscience prevented him from watching Planet Planet be slaughtered because of them.

As for the reason why the Prander's fleet was besieged, Dektel also realized that it should be that someone inside the planet had contacted the Agrethians, allowing the Agrethians to sneak in from behind.

This is simply leading the wolf into the house!

There was silence in the main ship of Planet Plant. After Dektel gave the order to surrender, the entire Star fleet of Planet Plant completely entered a standby state.

Dirk Thiel sat decadently on the commander's chair, as if he had lost all his strength, the jewel on his forehead also lost its light, and the golden jewel appeared dim.

The fleet of Planet Planet surrendered before Moss' bones were cold. It has to be said that this makes people feel extremely ironic.

"Father, is it really you?"

Dektel didn't want Planet Planet to be massacred, so he could only give up resistance. He can guarantee that if he chooses to resist, the people from Planet Aiguriser will definitely massacre Star Planet.

However, compared to the defeat, the biggest blow to Dektel was the betrayal of his own people, and the person who betrayed him may be his father, no, it should be said that his father abandoned him, because his father Never supported him.

He understands more about Mosfe's exhortation.

The outstanding him has already threatened the rule of his father, who is in his prime, and in order to rule, his father will never support him, but will get rid of him instead!

They won't even let him leave Planet Planet at all, even if they will lure wolves into the house, they must get rid of him!

Moreover, his father knew him better and knew that he would think of his people, so he threatened him with this.

Dektel didn't know why it developed like this. He didn't want to usurp the throne. He respected his father. Even without his father's support, he felt that his father was deceived by the prime minister and ministers. However, the truth is that he was the one who was deceived. He has never seen clearly the true appearance of his father.

"Why is this? Am I not your son?"

Dirk Thiel, who was sitting on the chair, looked up again with tears streaming down his face.

The Aigurisers quickly escorted the Planet Planet fleet and army back to Planet Planet Prand.

Dektel was handcuffed and fettered, and brought to the royal city of Plante.

Although it had only been a short time, the originally handsome and heroic Dektel was already extremely haggard.

The sound of chains rubbing against the ground, Dektel was escorted by two soldiers to the palace hall.

The originally noble prince has now become a sinner.

King Purand sat on the throne in splendid attire, looking down at Dektel.

Today, there is a special guest in the main hall - the Aiguriser star!

Dektel took a look at the Aiguriser star sitting under the throne. He was wearing armor and couldn't see his real appearance clearly, but it gave Dektel an ominous aura, which made him feel that something was wrong.

But now he didn't have the extra thought to think about it. He stared at his father, King Purand, with hatred in his eyes.

"Why put the enemy into the planet?! Isn't the king going to protect the people?" Dektel shouted at King Purand.

"Presumptuous!" the prime minister scolded Dektel.

This was an impossible situation before, but King Purand didn't care about it, but looked at Dektel.

King Purand said slowly: "Dektel, the king never sacrifices everything for the people, but the people support the king. This is the king, and this is why you are not suitable to be a king."

King Purand denies Dektel.

Dektel stared blankly at his father, he couldn't believe that these words came from his father's mouth.

And with these words, the last glimmer of hope in Dektel's heart was also extinguished.

"Okay, Dektel, give me the holy object, and the gem of Mossfow." King Purand said.

Dexter smiled.

"The relics and gems are not with me, you will never get them!"

"Is that so?" King Purand didn't say much, but waved his hand, "Take him down and put him in solitary confinement, and there will be a public trial for his crimes later."

Dexter didn't speak, but closed his eyes.

Because he knows that what he says now is useless.

Regarding the two things, King Purand did not pursue them too much. It is good to have them.

After Dektel was taken down, the prime minister also took a step forward and looked at the representatives of the Aigurisers.

"Afterwards, Planet Planet will cooperate with Star Agriser..."


A prince went to jail, but he was a prince after all, and the prison environment where he was detained was good.

Dexter sat cross-legged in the prison with his eyes closed, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

"Do I still have a chance?"

Dexter murmured, but no one could answer him.

Only the jewel on his forehead gleamed.

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