I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2249 Forget that I am a gym trainer~

In the gymnasium battle after boarding the ship, there were no surprises, and there were no other assessments.

"Your gym is a serious gym, what are you thinking?" the superior arrogant questioned the cranky Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan could only smile awkwardly.

The gymnasium assessment set up by Bailiyuan before was also banned and replaced by the assessment link set up by Angela and the superior pride. After all, Bailiyuan used a group of ghost elves to assess the challenger in the past, which made many trainers unhappy.

Although that kind of assessment did screen out trainers with a strong will and tempered the spirit of other trainers, it didn't mean that these trainers wouldn't report again after going out.

After registering the challenge information, everyone came to the battlefield. The bright lights of the battlefield made many trainers who wanted to challenge the gym feel relieved.

A cyborg referee stood in the referee's position, getting ready.

Then the cosmic bat began to explain the rules of the gym.

Gym rules have also undergone some changes. After all, the gymnasium ship has limited space and cannot hold large-scale team battles like before, so there can only be one trainer who can challenge each time.

However, you can choose the way of the challenge, you can choose the fighting style you are good at - singles or doubles, the number of elves that can play depends on the challenger's preference, no more than six.

This relatively free way of fighting means that the gym is confident enough in its own strength, and it also means that the gym has enough elves to fight.

"Although the rules of this challenge are quite special, I understand it, so I'll be the first to play." A male trainer said, then stood on the battlefield, raised a Poké Ball in his hand, and looked at Cosmic Bat: "This beautiful lady, I want to challenge the gymnasium, single-handed battles, and elves... just one, and I will use my trump card!"

However, under the gaze of everyone, the cosmic bat sat at a round table beside it, poured a red liquid into the goblet on the table, then raised the cup, shook it gently, and sent the liquid into its mouth.

Then it closed its eyes, as if reminiscing the taste of the liquid, the corners of its lips were stained a little red, showing a different kind of temptation, which made some men present couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

But then everyone noticed something was wrong.

"Wait, where's the gym trainer?" Someone raised his hand and asked.

Being interrupted from his own enjoyment, the cosmic bat couldn't help but frowned, but he still opened his eyes to answer everyone's questions.

Usually, the intelligent robot disguised as Bailiyuan went out to fight and commanded the elves to fight, but today the deity came, and the intelligent robot could take a rest.

The cosmic bat looked in Bailiyuan's direction, and the superior pride was also looking at Bailiyuan.

Noticing the gaze of the cosmic bat, the other trainers also looked at Bailiyuan.

There was silence.

Baili Yuan, who was sitting in the auditorium, blinked, "Ah?"

The superior pride couldn't help stepping on Bailiyuan's foot, and Bailiyuan realized it now, and stood up awkwardly, "Ahahaha, sorry, I forgot that I am a gym trainer again."


There was another silence all around.

This is the gym trainer who boarded the boat with them? !

Doesn't look very smart, maybe...

Bailiyuan finally stood in his place, pursed his lips, and said, "I am Xiaoyuan, the gym trainer, and I accept your challenge."

The challenger nodded when he saw that Bailiyuan was about to start a battle, "I'm a trainer from Sabie Town, Xiaoguan."

A tablet was raised on the side, and the information of the registered challengers was displayed on the tablet.

[Xiao Guan, a newcomer trainer, currently collects 2 badges. 】

It's a newcomer, that's fine.

"In a singles battle, both sides will have one elf. After one party completely loses the ability to fight, the battle will end and the battle will begin!" The biochemical referee raised his hand and said, "The challenger goes first!"

Xiaoguan twitched his lips, "Go ahead, my ace, Bangeras!"


A dark green figure appeared from the poke ball and smashed into the field.

Bangira, rock + evil, level 66.

Bailiyuan blinked.



You told me this is the elf of the newcomer?

And this level...

Are all the rookie trainers these days so good? Coming up is a quasi-god?

The other party came prepared.

Bangira, who has evil attributes, is indeed easier to deal with ghost attribute elves.

A tablet appeared next to Bailiyuan, and it was full of ghost-type elves that could fight. At a glance, there were four to fifty of them, with different strengths, and there were even two ghost-type elves with the strength of a heavenly king.

Compared with before, it is indeed more than a little stronger.

But Bailiyuan didn't challenge the ghost elves, but took out his own elf ball.

"My elf is this little cutie~"

A dark green dragon-shaped figure appeared.

"Dragon Baruto!"

Duolong Baruto, dragon + ghost, level 63.

"This is, a ghost-type elf I haven't seen before?"

"What kind of elf is Duolong Baruto?"

"Looks like a dragon elf?"

The trainers around started discussing, and some people took out the illustration book and wanted to scan the information of Duolong Baruto.

However, most of the trainer's illustrations do not have any feedback.

It was only when the illustrated books of several trainers were upgraded to national illustrated books that everyone knew the identity of Duolong Baruto.

"Is it an elf from the Galar region?"

"The Galar region? What is that place?"

There are also people who have never heard of the Galar region.

Xiaoguan in the venue was only surprised for a moment, but then began to direct.

"Even elves who have never seen it before will not be afraid of challenges. Come on, Bangira, let's win together! Crush!"

A strong evil force emerged from Bangira's mouth, and then he rushed towards Duolong Baruto.

"We use scare!" Baili Yuan shouted.

Duolong Baruto, who had been floating in the field blankly, suddenly showed a horrified expression when he heard Bailiyuan's order, and Bangira was so frightened that he stopped in his tracks.

"How could it be? How could my Benjiras be frightened?" Xiaoguan was shocked, his own Bangira was a very courageous kind, how could he fall into a state of cowering so easily?

The skill of scaring is quite interesting. If the opponent is not afraid of you, the effect of that skill will be very poor, but if you can scare the opponent, this skill is enough to be called a magic skill.

Is it not enough magic skill to make the opponent shrink back infinitely?

And Duolong Baruto's fright skill was learned from several sisters, and it also contained mental coercion, which was enough for most elves who had not been specially trained to frighten resistance to be recruited in one go.

Duolong Baruto frightened Bangira to the spot, and then she let out a strange laugh, and before Bailiyuan's command, she turned into an afterimage and swam around the venue.

Shadow Ball.

Shadow Ball.

Shadow Ball.



A series of shadow balls smashed towards Bangira, and the shadow balls condensed and launched extremely fast.

Even if Bangira can handle one shot, so many shadow balls will quickly consume Bangira's physical strength.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan knew that this was a gymnasium battle, so he chose to be an individual and did not let Duolong Baruto continue to use scare.

Bangira came to his senses, roared angrily, and launched an attack on Doron Baruto.

"Evil wave!"

"Shadow Ball!"


The fierce battle made everyone's eyes unblinking. Next, they will challenge the trainers of the gymnasium, trying to analyze Bailiyuan's strength.

And the proud proud son sighed secretly.

"His strength has become stronger again, but I have also grown!"

Thinking of the defeat last time, fighting spirit appeared in the eyes of the superior pride.

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