I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 33: Lurking in the Dark, Fishing in Troubled Waters (Part 2)

After finishing the training in the morning, Baili Yuan returned to the villa.

At this time, the villa was already lively, and more than fifty children were wandering around curiously.

Not paying attention to the curious eyes of the children, Bailiyuan led the flame chicken back to the villa, and had nothing to say to the children, the easter eggs mattered.

Although in the eyes of other children, only the five-year-old Bailiyuan is a child. After all, although they are in the first grade, the youngest child is seven years old.

In fact, most of the eyes of the students were attracted by the handsome flame chicken surrounded by flames.

A little boy who is also a summoner summoned his initial summoner - a big blue fish with dead fish eyes.

The little boy hugged the big fish, pointed at the flame chicken's back, and said expectantly: "Baby Lan, have you seen it? You must be as handsome as that contracted beast in the future~"

The big fish opened its mouth, and stared at its summoner with a pair of dead fish eyes. Don't you know what kind of breed and attributes I am? If I can grow up like that, can I still be the original contracted beast like you? Also, your uncle, if you don't give me water, I will die of thirst!

The big fish struggled violently.

"What, baby blue, are you looking forward to it too? Well, let's run 10,000 meters today for the sake of youthfulness!"

The big fish struggled more violently, this shit is killing the fish!

Fortunately, even if the mentor in the distance discovered the situation here, he came over and rescued the big fish that was about to be dragged by his summoner and almost died of thirst.

Bailiyuan walked into the villa on his own.

At this time, there are not only more students in the villa, but also more staff members. The staff members came here three days earlier to prepare.

However, the villa still allocated a place for Bailiyuan and his party to use.

"Xiao Yuan is back. A lot of your brothers and sisters are here today, so you won't be lonely anymore." A nanny greeted Baili Yuan.

"Ah, then Aunt Hai'an will have to work hard too." Bailiyuan greeted.

"It's not hard work, it should be done." Hai'an said with a smile, "By the way, Champion Mary has already prepared lunch and is waiting for you in the restaurant. Hurry over there."

"Thank you. Goodbye, Auntie Hai'an." Bailiyuan left.

As for Hai'an's name for Mary, Baili Yuan was also unable to complain.

Mary, a senior nanny, made her debut thirteen years ago. She is one of the legendary seven gold-medal nanny. She once won the fifth-level "National Champion of the Heraldry Cup Nanny Contest" in a row, and finally won the Lifetime Champion Achievement Award.

Because of this, Mary has become the idol of nanny in the whole country, and they will respectfully call her Mary Champion.

Bailiyuan couldn't tell no matter what, that fat Mary, who always liked to cook for herself, and who liked sausage the most, had the qualifications to become the idol of nannies all over the country.

I can't even understand why such an awesome person became my nanny.

Even more confused, the purpose of the existence of that weird "Herald Cup Nanny National Competition"!


When we came to the cafeteria, there were more people in the cafeteria. It was already lunch time. Everyone naturally wanted to come to the cafeteria to eat, and Yuncheng College did not specialize, whether it was students, tutors, senior students, or guards. We all eat in a cafeteria.

However, it doesn't matter if you start a small stove, the premise is that you can persuade the chef, or do it yourself.

After entering the cafeteria, Bailiyuan walked to where Mary and the others were, and released the elves.

The cafeteria is big enough that the contracted beasts can eat with the summoners.

However, those who are too big are still not allowed to be released, and the minimum bottom line is five meters high.

Fortunately, the body size of Bailiyuan's elves is still within an acceptable range.

The elves quickly found their own dinner plates. Different elves eat different things. It is the food specially prepared by the monster breeding team, which is conducive to the growth of their strength. If they eat the wrong food, they may go to the hospital !

For the elves that suddenly appeared, the students looked at them curiously. After all, most of the elves in Bailiyuan were cute or handsome, and it was not ruled out that there were people like Xiaoquanshi who were all hard.

Bailiyuan still didn't increase the number of elves, at least until the elves under him were trained well.

As for the establishment of the team, Bailiyuan also had a preliminary idea.

Miao Frog Flower, Nine Tails and Flaming Chicken are the current main force, and the remaining elves are used as auxiliary.

Menus made up for the lack of attributes, Xanadu was used as a special attacker, the giant pincer mantis was used as an object attacker, and other elves were used as assistants.

Seeing the elves eating, Baili Yuan also sat in his seat.

For lunch, Bailiyuan told Mary to make a hamburger, and Mary also made extra fried chicken and drinks, well, Mary gave herself an extra meal as usual.

The people from the Weiwei breeding team sat on the other side with Shedu. For some reason, after getting along with Mary for a while, they didn't like eating at the same table with Mary very much. In the end, the only ones who ate with Mary were left Bailiyuan herself.

In fact, Shedu and the others are also suffering. Mary really likes to inquire about gossip. People who have seen Mary's eloquence have wisely chosen to stay away from Mary. Only Bailiyuan, a "little kid" who doesn't gossip To be spared from Mary's murderous hand.

When Bailiyuan was eating, the arrival of several people made Bailiyuan couldn't help eating at full speed.

Because the people who came were Bailiyuan's target - Emily and that blonde girl!

As for Yihui and Heiqi, Bailiyuan naturally ignored those who had already been touched.

Although they noticed a large family of elves on Bailiyuan's side, they just watched it for a while. This kind of situation was not unusual in the academy, and then they continued to chat. After receiving the meal from the chef, they found We took the empty seats and started eating.

For these four senior students, the freshmen in the first grade were still very curious. They were supervised by their instructors on the way here, and now that they were free to move around, they immediately gathered around them and began to chatter and ask questions.

After all, none of the four of them had the kind of cruel faces, and it was easy for the children to have a good impression of them.

Soon, Bailiyuan discovered that Heiqi and Yihui were fine when facing a group of children. They were boys, and they were very open-minded when facing the children's questions. Although the blonde girl seemed a little uncomfortable, she also Efforts to put on "the majesty of a senior student" gained a lot of admiration.

Emilyka, on the other hand, was a little overwhelmed. She looked like she was not very good at dealing with children, and she seemed a little flustered, "the door is wide open."

Bailiyuan's eyes lit up, the opportunity has come!

Then he put down the hamburger in his hand, and lurked over with the cat bent over.

Seeing Baili Yuan who was leaving, Mary showed an interested expression.


At this time, Emily felt a little overwhelmed. To be honest, she was really not very good at dealing with children, and she couldn't drive them away. She could only deal with it with a wry smile. the same.

Emilyka suddenly felt a tightness in her chest, and subconsciously waved her hand, grabbing a small hand.

Emily followed the hand and looked at the owner of the hand.

A smaller child who looked to be only five years old with baby fat was looking at him with big innocent eyes.

Um? Some familiar.

"Sister, can you let go of my hand?" Bailiyuan reacted to the cute attack and wanted to run away.

Emily suddenly thought of something.

"I remembered, you are that child, the dean's son! Why are you here?" Emilyka exclaimed.

The children around fell silent for a moment, and looked at Bailiyuan who was held by Emilyka, and the others were also attracted by Emilyka's exclamation.

Ikki heard the voice, looked in Emilyka's direction, and suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head.

Only Mary, who had witnessed all of Bailiyuan's actions, touched her fat face, her smiling eyes narrowed into a line.

"Ah, it turns out that Xiaoyuan likes this kind of girl, it's really surprising, and... so bold~"

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