I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3246 Regichkas, start!

Mage world.

A follower of the Meow Cult dies during an adventure.

Although his relatives and friends were sad, they did not suffer too much.

Because the believers of Miaomiao Sect all know that their relatives and friends abide by the creed during their lifetime, and they will inevitably ascend to the realm of the gods after death, return to the age of eighteen, enjoy a new life, become stronger, and fight for the gods.

They have another day to meet.

This is proven.

It's not just because the gods of Miaomiao Sect occasionally send down divine favors, proving that their gods are real.

It is also because of the God-given "Ancestor Summoning Technique" within the Miaomiao Sect, which can summon back the ancestors who have ascended to the realm of the gods to help him fight with enough thoughts and will.

In fact, this ability is Bailiyuan's will summoning method, but ordinary people are usually only familiar with their relatives enough and have a strong enough will to miss them, so they are used by believers as the ancestor summoning technique.

The reason why this ability was given to the believers was because Bailiyuan didn't want to pay attention to the believers all the time, so if something happened, the believers would directly ask the believers to go to their parents. If the parents couldn't solve it, they would come to him again.

Some believers can even summon their dead parents back to have a New Year's Eve dinner together during the holidays.

Sometimes, because of the hasty death of their parents, several children had to summon their parents back from God's Domain to discuss the distribution of inheritance.

Thanks to this ability, most of the followers of Miaomiao Sect have firm beliefs and are not afraid of death, which also makes Miaomiao Sect have a strong enough combat power.

It seems that the entire church only has a small town of more than a hundred thousand people, but in a real fight, the number of combat units may be increased by ten times in a few minutes.

Because, even ordinary people in the church, as long as they enter the Moon God Realm after death, they will be transformed into the life of the moon, and they will naturally grasp the power. When he died, he was an ordinary person, and the one who was summoned back may be a great magician or a great swordsman.

If it weren't for the fact that Miaomiao Cult has no expansion ambitions and is relatively cautious in recruiting, a Miaomiao Cult with such power would definitely spread like a flu virus in the mage world.

After all, Bailiyuan created the Miaomiao Sect mainly to accommodate those who were manipulated. The main believers of the Miaomiao Sect are these people and their descendants.

At this moment, the soul of this dead believer was pulled, and he felt that he had entered a new world.

The believer opened his eyes and looked around curiously.

"Is this the domain of my God? How do you feel, it's a little different from what Dad described?"

The believer has also summoned his own father to help in the battle, and has learned about some scenes of the Moon God Realm from his mouth. It is said that it is a wonderful space, with the Milky Way under your feet and a bright moon above your head.

But now the world he arrived after his death seemed to be the same as the real world, with mountains and rivers. The ground he stepped on was also land, and countless bright moons hung in the sky above his head.

Just as the believer was looking around curiously, a figure came from afar and appeared in front of the believer.

"Father!" the believer exclaimed in surprise.

The person who came was obviously the believer's father, and at his feet, followed by a blackened slow-witted beast with fierce eyes.

The believer's father felt a little sorry for his son's untimely death, but he still smiled and said, "Welcome to the world of the moon, my dear son."

"The world of the moon?"

"That's right, because my god has become stronger, the domain of God has turned into a new world! We are all God's people in this world!"

"It turned out to be like this, worthy of being my god, my god is so great!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's perform the ceremony of joining the Moon World!"


Then, the believer saw his father take out three poke balls for the believer to choose.

"Newcomer trainer, choose your initial elf!"


So, the plot is...

"Believers from other worlds ascended to my god world after death and started to be Pokémon trainers? ! "

The believer opened three poke balls respectively, and was shocked to find that the pokemon in the three poke balls were——

Blackened carp king and blackened carp king and blackened carp king.


After the Moon World appeared, Bailiyuan also had a place to house the blackened elves.

Moreover, the power of the world of the moon is also soothing the hearts of the blackened elves, so that the blackened elves can live like ordinary elves in the world of the moon.

It's just that most of the blackened elves don't have a good temper.

Even the dull beast, after being blackened, has fierce eyes, the kind that can go out and become a big brother in society with just a cigarette in its mouth.

But after all, the entrustment of the blackening Mewtwo was completed.

Bailiyuan also allowed the blackened elves to live with the creatures of the moon world, deepening the communication between the two sides.

The blackened elves all like the world of the moon very much, and there is no objection.

The blackened beasts also lived in the blackened world peacefully.

As a thank you, Bailiyuan can let the blackened elves come out to help in the future if needed.

Don't underestimate the blackened elves. The abilities of the blackened elves are more or less different from those of the same race. Because of their blackness, they mutate and become more difficult to deal with and hard to guard against.

Moreover, some blackened elves have existed for an unknown number of years, and their strength levels have even been raised to 99. It's not just putting on airs, but the kind of strong man who has comprehended the law.

Without the entrustment of Blackening Chaomeng, it would take a lot of energy to subdue such a group of elves based on Bailiyuan alone.


After entrusting all the blackened elves to the blackened Chaomeng, he asked Bailiyuan for a world mark of the world of the moon, and left this time and space to go to other time and space to collect the blackened elves.

In the future, the blackened Chaomeng will rely on the world imprint given by Baili Yuan to send the blackened elves into the world of the moon.

Bailiyuan said that he guessed right, the matter of blackening Chaomeng will not end like this, and blackening Chaomeng will put the child in him in the future.

However, with the Moon World, if more blackened elves join the Moon World in the future, it will strengthen the Moon World and improve Baili Yuan's strength.

On the contrary, it was of great help to Baili Yuan.

In other words, there are vegetables in this black pot that fell from the sky!

Giratina also left the world of the moon, and also asked Bailiyuan for a world mark of the world of the moon.

This is equivalent to Bailiyuan and Giratina exchanging the keys of the house.

As for Giratina's purpose, it may be pure curiosity, or it may be an alliance with Baili Yuan.

Who let Dialga and Palkia play without Giratina?

Steel Chaomeng went away again.

Because of coming to the world, there are still many secrets waiting for Steel Mewtwo to explore.

The world of the moon, which was still lively just now, was deserted in the blink of an eye.

Baili Yuan scratched his head helplessly as he watched a group of blackened carp kings drifting by.

"Okay, I'll go back too."


Baili Yuan quietly returned to the residence without disturbing anyone.

Only Andy, Huahua, Uchiha Shisui and Selena are welcoming Bailiyuan.

"Welcome back." Andy said with a smile, raised his hand and poured Bailiyuan a cup of black tea.

Bailiyuan sat on the chair and picked up the black tea.

"Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyuan, I have gained new power!" Huahua pressed directly on Bailiyuan's body, showing off her new abilities with Bailiyuan.

It was Huahua who used two insults to crush Baili Yuan's head, humiliating Baili Yuan!

If it wasn't because of his body, Bailiyuan said that he had to be tough now, to show Huahua what it means to stand up!

Bailiyuan wiped his nose hastily.

Uchiha Shisui presented the Poké Ball.

"My lord, this is the poke ball of the three holy swordsmen."

Bailiyuan brought the three holy swordsmen into their home space for treatment.

The three dragons of Tao also received treatment in the home space, but after that, the three dragons of Tao had no chance of being let go.

As for Cresselia and Darkley, they have already left, and perhaps in the future, they will meet again because of fate.


in the mountains.

The tall figure stood up.

A thousand meters tall, with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Regichkas is finally activated!

It's just that, except for the three gods, the people in the government are not happy at all, and they want Regichkas to sleep back.

Because there are no enemies now!

Regichkas looked at the three gods who woke him up, and the three gods looked at the government members who called them to wake up Regichkas. The government members held the grilled chicken wings and didn't know what to say.

The battle is over and you old man just got up?

"Well, do you want to eat?" The government members could only say in a daze, these people don't know what to do now.

Regichkas can't help it either. After changing the world, his ability has become stronger, and the energy storage time has become too long when it is activated for the first time.

But just going back to sleep like this would be a bit embarrassing.

So Regichkas punched the ground, and this punch directly moved the American continental shelf by one centimeter.

All of America shook.

The world has once again seen what terror is.

Then Regichkas turned and left, disappearing into the vast mountains.

The Three Divine Pillars were summoned by Regichkas and chose to follow Regichkas.

But before leaving, Regis Chillu raised his hand and snatched the grilled chicken wings from the government members.

Government members watched them leave without daring to move.

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