I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 402 This is Valoran!

Bailiyuan has passed the appraisal, and the little loli is just an ordinary little loli, but there are seeds of learning magic in the little loli, but they haven't awakened yet.

An ordinary loli means that her physique is also of an average level.

Therefore, Little Lolita was in a coma for two days.

If it wasn't for Baili Yuan to feed the little Lolita some liquid food on time, the little Lolita would starve to death without waiting until she woke up.

Fortunately, apart from having a fever on the first day, little Lolita's physical fitness gradually returned to normal from the second day onwards.

Of course, this is also due to Baili Yuan's feeding of little Lolita with a few bottles of nutritional potions.

During the two days when little Lolita was in a coma, Bailiyuan didn't go out, but stayed by her side.

Little Lolita is the first human that Bailiyuan met in this world, and Bailiyuan is going to chat with Little Lolita after she wakes up.

However, during the two days, Bailiyuan was a little bored, but fortunately, Bailiyuan was not idle.

At this time, Bailiyuan was standing on the branch of the tree and whistling, and under the tree, the pigs made an S shape and a B shape according to Bailiyuan's whistle.

Facts have proved that the IQ of pigs is not high, but they are still intelligent, at least enough to be trained.

The pigs in the herd had been analyzed by Caroline, and to Bailiyuan's surprise, the pigs in the herd did not only have the advantage of rough skin and thick flesh.

First of all, they are omnivores, they can eat everything, and they are easy to feed.

Secondly, the pig's sense of smell is very sensitive, not even worse than that of the wind speed dog. Bailiyuan thinks that this aspect can be cultivated.

Moreover, pigs will also plow the land in disguise when they use their long noses to search for food. You can also try to develop this ability.

Finally these pigs are very clean and never excrete near the dwelling.

This situation is not uncommon in the jungle. In order not to easily expose their living places, weak creatures often transport their excrement to places far away from their residences.

So this is barely an advantage.

Coupled with the fact that pigs could be trained, Bailiyuan paid more attention to his group of pigs.

Bailiyuan blew a long whistle, signifying disbandment.

After the morning exercise, the herd of pigs dispersed, and they went to look for food in twos and threes.

Bailiyuan nodded in satisfaction and walked back to the tree house.

Uchiha Shisui gave him a seal scroll in the studio built on the other side of the tree in Bailiyuan.

The elves move their bodies around and carry out daily training.

Inside the tree house was only Baili Yuan and a blond loli who was still unconscious on the bed.

I briefly checked the condition of the blond Lolita. At this time, the blond Lolita has recovered, and she thinks she will wake up soon.

Bailiyuan expected it well, the blonde loli woke up during lunch.

Bailiyuan found out the moment the blonde loli woke up.

"Where am I...?" The blonde loli lay on the bed, looking at the top of the tree house with a puzzled expression.

Bailiyuan was able to confirm that the language of the blond loli was not any language he had ever heard. Fortunately, the system could assist him in communicating with other creatures.

"Here is my tree house." Baili Yuan appeared beside the bedside of the blond Lolita and explained.

Seeing Baili Yuan who suddenly appeared, the blond loli shrank back in fear.

"Who are you?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely, ahem... My name is Bailiyuan, and I am the owner of this tree house. My partner found you in the river and brought you back." Bailiyuan coughed twice Noise, ignoring the embarrassment just now.

Hearing what Bailiyuan said, the blonde loli seemed to think of something, and her expression changed.

"Annie, where's Annie?"

"Annie?" Bailiyuan blinked, "Who is Annie?"

"my sister……"

Bailiyuan:! ! !

Could there be a loli in the river? ? ?

Bailiyuan hurried to the window.

"Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Long Longshi, look for it carefully, I heard that there is a loli in the river!"

"Wait, that, I'm not sure if my sister fell into the river with me..." The blond-haired Lolita stopped Baili Yuan, and then began to tell Baili Yuan what happened to her.

To put it simply, it is a pair of sisters playing in the woods. The younger sister is attracted by a seductive butterfly, and then the older sister chases after her...

Sister: "Wait for me! Don't run so fast!"

Sister: "I don't listen, I don't listen, a little bit... oops~"

The younger sister slipped and fell into the river, and was washed away by the river.

After the appraisal, this blond loli has the potential to be a brat.


"My name is Daisy, thank you for saving me."

The blonde Loli leaned on the bed, holding a bowl of porridge, and thanked Baili Yuan.

"It's okay." Baili Yuan waved his hand, then tore off a piece of delicious meat and put it in his mouth.

Smelling the scent, the blond loli swallowed, then looked down at the porridge in her hand, it was clear and light.

"You haven't eaten for several days, and you can't digest meat, so let's talk about porridge for two days first." Baili Yuan explained, and then stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth.

Daisy swallowed again.

I understand the truth, but can you stop eating meat in front of me?

However, fortunately, although Daisy has the potential to be a bear child, she is not a bear child. Knowing that Bailiyuan saved her, she didn't make too much demands, and after all, she was still a child. Honest a lot.

After simply drinking a bowl of porridge, Daisy regained some strength, stepped off the wooden bed, moved to the window, and wanted to look outside, and then Daisy's body froze...

A group of pigs were basking in the sun outside, and when Daisy stood at the window, they turned over lazily.

Bailiyuan chewed the meat, and came to Daisy's side, showing a proud smile.

"Are you shocked? That's right, that's my herd of pigs! I am the legendary wild boar king!"

"No..." Daisy's lips trembled.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan looked at Daisy suspiciously.

Daisy rolled her eyes, fainted, and uttered three words before fainting——

"I'm... afraid... of heights!"

Bailiyuan supported Daisy with one hand, swallowed the meat in his mouth, looked at the height of the tree house from the ground, and suddenly felt a little melancholy.

Daisy's fear of heights seems to be serious.


Daisy temporarily lived in the tree house.

Bailiyuan didn't go out, but was going to take Daisy upstream to find Daisy's family.

According to Dai, her home is just up the river.

But before setting off, you need to wait for Daisy to fully recover.

In normal times, Bailiyuan also began to inquire about the information of this world with Daisy.

But Daisy is just a child from an ordinary farmer's family, and her knowledge of the world is very limited. She doesn't even know the name of the forest she lives in.

But Daisy didn't know anything.

Daisy heard from her father that this place is close to a country called Noxus, and this continent is called Valoran!

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