I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 55 The touch brought by the Great Snow Mountain to the theater

The journey is a bit boring, but not too long.

After a four-hour flight, the plane landed.

"Goodbye Miss Mary, goodbye Uncle Shedu, goodbye Bailiyuan."

At the exit of the airport, Kanali was held by her sister with one hand, and waved to Bailiyuan and the others with the other hand.

"Kanali has fun." Mary also said goodbye to Kanali.

The four-hour journey allowed Mary and Kanali to form a deep "friendship".

Watching Kanali walk away, Bailiyuan showed a relieved expression instead.

Shedu's tense face seemed to relax a little.


Because Kanali is too active, and Bailiyuan and Shedu are not very good at dealing with this kind of child.

Moreover, when Kanali knew that Bailiyuan was only five years old, she even tried to put on a "sister majesty" in front of Bailiyuan. Li kicked her to wake her up.

And it was Shedu who suffered more. The expressionless Shedu greatly increased Kanali's curiosity. I won't say much about what happened.

Under Mary's indulgence, Bailiyuan and Shedu endured Kanali's "interrogation" for four hours.

"Not all lolis are light and soft and easy to push down." Baili Yuan sighed.

"Let's go." Shedu said, and left the airport first.

Bailiyuan stood on the open space at the exit, looking into the distance.

In the distance are endless snow-capped mountains, hazy and beautiful, and it looks refreshing.

Nearby is a large group of buildings, which looks like a bustling city, but Bailiyuan knows that there is no city under the Daxue Mountain, so this place can only be called a group of buildings.

A few unseen birds flew by.

Although she changed into cotton clothes after getting off the plane, Bailiyuan still felt a little cold.

Taking a breath of air, Baili Yuan chased Shedu and Mary.

Been here for a while.


The Daxue Mountain battle area, this is the name of the building complex, no, it should be said that the entire area under the Daxue Mountain is called this.

The battle area is divided into two parts - the camp and the field.

The name reveals the breath of battle.

There is no city setting in the battle area of ​​Daxue Mountain, nor is it managed by the government, but a complex of buildings.

But this doesn't mean it's chaotic here, the Daxue Mountain battle area is better than the law and order in the city!

As for the reason, Baili Yuan didn't know.

This also makes it possible for heavy snow days to attract more ordinary tourists to visit.

Because of the large flow of people, it also attracted the attention of many merchants, and settled in the Daxueshan battle area, which made the Daxueshan battle area prosperous, and the buildings in the distance were the products of the arrival of the merchants.

Here, although the economic benefits brought by tourism are higher, fighting is still the main theme.

Although the Daxueshan battle area has changed greatly compared to before, the essential fighting spirit still remains.

The airport is outside the camp, but there are many roads leading to the camp.

"Every road starting from the airport leads to a different direction of the camp, and at the end of each road there is an ice monument engraved with the spirit of Daxue Mountain against the war zone." Shedu explained.

Bailiyuan stood on the road, looking at the huge ice standing in the middle of the road.

The appearance of the ice is irregular, but it is huge, standing there at least ten meters high! The ice released cold air, and snowflakes kept falling around the ice.

Bailiyuan could only see the writing on the ice clearly by pulling away from him.

"Hone your ice-like will in the cold wind!"

A few large characters were like iron hooks and silver scratches, shining with a cold light, and the strength of character revealed made Baili Yuan shiver uncontrollably.

"These ice monuments are 'unmelting ice' mined deep in the Daxue Mountain. They are all raw materials without any polishing. Trapped in the ice monument, each ice monument is carried out step by step by a strong man from the deep mountains, and they carved their will with their own hands, and erected it at the entrance of the battle zone, inspiring future generations, These wills have gradually evolved into the spirit of the battlefield." Shedu slowly told Bailiyuan, although the tone did not change, but his eyes were full of yearning.

Mary's expression also became a little solemn, which was a sign of respect for her ancestors.

"Although there are some people today who want to imitate the predecessors, but they rarely succeed. So far, there are a total of 23 ice monuments erected in the Daxue Mountain battle zone, and only one person has succeeded in the past century."

Listening to Shedu's narration, Bailiyuan was a little shocked. Just looking at the ice tablet, he could feel the pure fighting spirit passed down from generation to generation.

This may be the reason why there is no chaos in Daxueshan vs. Battle Zone - because of pure spirit!

Looking at the ice monument, Bailiyuan was touched, something he had never felt in the Kingdom of Light.

Kingdom of Light is for pure justice, but here, it is for pure fighting!

Which is noble? Which savage?

Bailiyuan didn't know, no one could define this kind of pure spirit.

At this time, Shedu suddenly raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and placed it on his heart.

"What does this mean?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Because of the development of Daxue Mountain to the war zone, not all the people who come here are here to fight. In order not to cause trouble to each other, they must be distinguished. If they are here to fight, they must do a chest salute in front of the ice monument. , and then they will be given the Snow Mountain Badge, and only those who pin the Snow Mountain Badge on their chests can fight in the battle zone, look over there, all the people who give the chest salute are here for the battle." Mary explained with a smile .

Baili Yuan looked around, and sure enough, there were some people around who put their hands on their hearts, but the difference was that some gestured like fists, some gestured like palms, and one gestured with the middle finger.

And a man in a cotton coat is walking around, distributing badges to these people.

"What do those different gestures mean?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"The fists represent those who come for fierce battles, and the palms represent those who come for training. There is no difference in the badges distributed. The different gestures are just to show your attitude." Mary explained.

"What about the one who put the middle finger up?" Baili Yuan asked.

Mary looked and was silent for two seconds.

"That means he's skinny."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Thirty seconds later, the person who raised the middle finger was dragged away by two muscular men, leaving only the screams that could linger for three days.

After a while, the person who issued the badge walked up to Shedu and handed an ice blue badge to Shedu.

"I wish you success."

"Thank you." Shedu nodded.

Just as the person who issued the badge was about to leave, Baili Yuan suddenly spoke.

"Wait a moment."

The person who issued the badge looked at Bailiyuan, and saw that Bailiyuan also put his right hand where his heart was.

Shedu and Mary were a little surprised.

"Little friend, do you want to have a battle too? Those who can participate in the battle must be heraldic envoys~" the person who issued the badge said with a smile.

Baili Yuan raised his left hand and showed his crest.

"I'm already a coat of arms."

The person who issued the badge showed a surprised expression, but still smiled and handed a badge to Bailiyuan.

"Happy battle!"


Bailiyuan nodded.

Pure fighting, regardless of high or low, regardless of age or gender!

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