I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 110 Nine Tails: Uzumaki Naruto, You Tricked Me!

"Well, leader, can you still fight? Seventh Gate is that powerful.

Land of Rain, Akatsuki organization.

Obito looked at Nagato hesitating to speak, he was convinced, even if there is no Six Paths mode, his space-time barrier Flying Thunder God adds Eight Inner Gates to open Seventh Gate, who can stop it?

Nagato's ~ Rinnegan? Six Paths?

To be honest, he doesn't have any confidence in Nagato now, the strength of Naruto he described is too exaggerated, too scary, he has never seen such a scary person.

Nagato twitched: "This is not very clear."

"There are still about two years, so let's think of another way, if it doesn't work, we can always rush forward.

"I don't believe Naruto has no weaknesses."

"Besides, isn't Konan by Naruto's side? If possible, wait two or three years..."

Jue's face turned hard, and he said coldly: "Sneak attack!"

Nagato instantly understood Jue's thoughts, and directly shook his head and refused: "This is absolutely not possible."

"We may be able to find a beautiful woman again."

"This ninja world is so big, and there are so many beauties. I know there is a village called Nadeko, which is full of female ninjas. There should be some there."

"Can you guarantee that they are obedient?"


"But the Sharingan's illusion can be used.

"Hey, by the way, I know there is a piece of news that may help us realize this plan."

"what news?"

"About Fuzi Village, I didn't take it seriously back then, but now that I think about it, it's a good choice.

"Get to the point."

Nagato and Obito stared straight at Jue with unhappy expressions.

You can't talk about the key points, just blah blah blah.

"When Jiraiya passed by Nadeko Village back then, he had disputes with the contemporary leader of Nadeko Village, and asked Jiraiya to join Nadeko Village. As a result, Jiraiya was naturally unwilling, and finally made an agreement."

"What agreement."

"That is, their next generation will have a duel in a few years. If the person Jiraiya values ​​loses, then they will enter Nadeshiko Village."

"If you win, marry her.

"I've seen Nadeko Shizuka of this generation, she is a beauty, and Naruto is so powerful, Nadeko Shizuka is definitely not Uzumaki Naruto's opponent."

"You mean?"

Nagato was thoughtful, his eyes sparkling: "Let Ah Fei control Nadeshi Shizuka and wait for the opportunity to act?"

"Yes, that's a good idea."

Obito also shines in front of his eyes, small color batch, the hero is sad and the beauty is off, this opportunity is very long.

If it doesn't work,

Obito's eyes turned cold, they can go to Konan directly instead of going through Nagato, believing that Konan will have a choice for everything organized by Akatsuki.

The three breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that this method is very good. If you don't expect it, even if you are strong, you will die.

Mortal body, it is not too difficult to wish you to die.

"Hey, there is one more thing we can use."

"What's up?"


"The body of Ōtsutsuki will be of great interest to Orochimaru," Ze said indifferently.



If this news gets out, Orochimaru will definitely try to get Ōtsutsuki's body at all costs, and then there will be another bloody storm.

Maybe Orochimaru is not Naruto's opponent, but Orochimaru is insidious.

Maybe it will bring some unpredictable damage to Konoha Village, which is what they are happy to see.


"I remember that Scorpion had a relationship with Orochimaru.

"Yes, just some research topics."

"Then let Xie reveal the news to him."

Obito looked strange: "Aren't you afraid that scorpions will run over?"

"Run over there? So what, it's not organized by us Akatsuki in the end, it's good to study Ōtsutsuki more, besides, we don't know if this matter will be successful, right?"

"You have a point."

Obito and Jue nodded: "Then let's do it, let's arrange it.

"Don't worry, you haven't told me how Konan is doing."

"Eat well, drink well, and sleep well. Except for doing some simple tasks every day, everything else is fine. You really don't have to worry about this."

I'm not worried about a ghost.

The stronger the sound/power, the more worried he is. Who knows what happened, but now it seems that Naruto didn't do anything.

After thinking about it carefully, Nagato felt a little relieved and nodded: "Take care of this matter as soon as possible, our time is running out."

"rest assured."

Jue and Obito looked at each other and smiled silently.

We care more about this matter than you, and we promise not to mess it up.

"I'll go talk to Scorpion."

"Then I'll go find Nadeshiko Shizuka."

"Actually, Itachi was originally the best candidate, but it's a pity that he doesn't agree with us, which is very helpless."

"You can use it, it's not necessary."

"makes sense."

The two gradually drifted apart, and finally parted ways.

"Why do I feel familiar looking at this bird?"

Naruto came to the balcony at this moment and released the so-called carrier pigeons. Looking at the huge body, the heroic body, and the handsome appearance, Naruto and Nine Tails fell into deep thought.

"Isn't this Bi Diao?"

Nine Tails suddenly handed over the camera and pointed to a flying Pokémon in the team and said, "It's exactly the same, that's right, it's Bi Diao." "

Naruto twitched, of course I knew it was Bi Diao.

The point is, isn’t the messenger pigeon that came out suddenly? You call this a messenger pigeon? Don’t you have a million misunderstandings about the carrier pigeon at this time?

It seems that being a messenger pigeon is not a big problem.

The Ninja Ninja is also very developed, and it doesn't matter if there is a bigger Bidiao.

"So, what are you going to use it for?"

"Message someone."


"A man Sasuke would very much like to see."

"Have you asked Sasuke?"

Nine Tails jumped in his heart, good guy, you are still ruthless, is this the meeting between Sasuke and the real Itachi in the future?

"I asked, but he didn't answer."

"Uh, so you think he's acquiescing if he doesn't answer."

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

Naruto pouted: "Don't you think he would be happy to meet Uchiha Itachi?"


"Let's go, Bi Diao."

Naruto put a message on Bi Diao's paw, bound it well, waved his hand casually, Bi Diao didn't move, and looked down at Naruto.

"Hey, didn't you tell Bi Diao where Uchiha Itachi is?"

"Cough, I forgot, but I don't know where it is."

"Go, go ask Tsunade."

"How would she know?"

"Just asking, nothing else."

Naruto jumped out of Hokage's office window with ease, and went straight in.

Tsunade looked at Naruto who got in very calmly: "Naruto, what's the matter?"

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, there are problems every time she comes, she has gradually gotten used to this, Shizune snickered aside.

Life is really good for her now.

[You successfully aroused Senju Tsunade's helpless emotions, tripled the critical strike, and obtained the water of spiritual energy. 】

"There is a question, do you know Uchiha Itachi?"

"Why did you ask him?"

"Just ask, I need his place."

"It's for Sasuke."

Tsunade was thoughtful: "It's really not a big problem to come back. I think they will let go of each other's regrets when they meet."

"Future Sasuke and present Itachi."

"Although I don't know your purpose, it's definitely not easy to imagine."

Tsunade glanced at Naruto, this guy is actually a good-for-nothing master, if you expect him to do nothing for nothing, it's just a dream.

As for the friendship with Sasuke?

Don't be funny.

This Sasuke is not that Sasuke, and even the Sasuke Naruto of this world would not do this.

"Ahaha, you really love me."

"Although I don't know what you're going to do, I do know roughly where Uchiha Itachi is right now.

"This is his letter, you want to send him a message, do you need Ninja?"

"No, I have better ones."

Hearing Tsunade tell about Itachi's current location, Naruto took the letter again and smiled confidently: "Look at my house."

Tsunade and Shizune followed the prestige, and suddenly saw a very handsome big bird looking at them with sharp eyes.

The two clicked, this bird is so majestic.

[You have successfully aroused Senju Tsunade's admiration, tripled the critical strike, and gained the power of the strange power technique to become stronger. 】

[You have successfully aroused Shizune's amazement, doubled the critical strike, and obtained a slightly stronger Shadow Clone Technique power. 】

[You successfully aroused the panic in the porpoise, ten times the critical strike, and obtained the postpartum care of the sow. 】

……… Ask for flowers……



Even postpartum care for sows has come out, which is okay.

Shaking his head, Naruto smiled at Tsunade and turned away.

"I'm really looking forward to the meeting between the two brothers."

Itachi's choice may not be wrong in his opinion, but in the eyes of many people, this person is a psychopath and cannot understand.

Tsunade didn't think he could understand either.

But this is someone else's business, someone else's choice, and has nothing to do with her.

This is the matter of the two brothers Sasuke and Itachi, as for what Naruto wants to do Tsunade is unknown.

"Come on, this is Itachi's breath, probably, this is Itachi's appearance, and location, go."

Naruto patted Bi Diao on the shoulder.

From the moment he brought it out, Naruto knew that it is normal for carrier pigeons to know some positions in the ninja world, so Bidiao clearly knows the current structure of the ninja world.

This is Bi Diao, which has always had a big pattern.

It works, and Naruto is at ease.

Bi Diao glanced at Naruto, then spread his wings and soared into the sky, and disappeared from Naruto's sight in a blink of an eye.

"So fast."

Nine Tails was speechless, his expression was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

[You have successfully aroused the excitement of Nine Tails Kurama, the critical strike has been multiplied, and Kurama Mode has been obtained. 】

"What's wrong with you, why are you so excited?"

"That's Bi Diao."

Nine Tails screamed: "Bi Diao has appeared in this ninja world, so what Pokemon can't appear in this ninja world."


"You think too much."

Naruto didn't bother to pay attention to this excited Nine Tails, but he was lucky enough to get a crit strike, and he was able to get a crit strike every time.

He is very busy now.

Naruto took out several small bags from the side of the door on the first floor. These small bags were full of seeds, and Ino thoughtfully put labels on them to let Naruto know what kind of plant these seeds were.

That way they don't mix together and make it difficult to tell the difference.

Naruto nodded in satisfaction, and stepped into the small space of Nine Tails.


Most of the space in the small space is still empty of soil, Naruto doesn't care, he just sprinkled some seeds in, but not many, it's only been a long time, it's impossible to grow so fast.

There was a piece of soil that grew some Chinese cabbage.

This is where Naruto sprinkled the aura soil, and it didn't take long for these ordinary green vegetable seeds to grow.

"In the future, I don't need to buy vegetables anymore. I can just plant some here and let Nine Tails take care of it. Anyway, it is idle when it is idle."

"Well, it's such a happy decision."

Naruto clapped his hands, turned around and went out to pull Nine Tails in.

"What, I'm playing the eighth gym.



Nine Tails was taken aback: "What work?"

"Grow vegetables. 11

Nine Tails is confused, what are you talking about? You asked me to grow vegetables with Nine Tails, have you ever thought that this is a waste of energy?

Naruto glanced over, Nine Tails' expression changed, he put the handheld aside, and said seriously: "Tell me, how to plant it."

"These are the seeds of some plants, the seeds of flowers, and you sort them out and plant them.

"Don't worry, the water pipe of spiritual energy is enough."

"Of course, your shrunken body."

Nine Tails suddenly Ichiraku: "Okay, wrap it on me."

This matter is not simple.

"Well, do you have any request?"

"This is the planting requirement brought by Ino, you can follow it."

Naruto handed over another book, which recorded in detail how to plant, how to plant, very detailed.

te: "..."

[You have successfully aroused Nine Tails Kurama's inability to complain, the critical strike is five times, and the aura soil +1 is obtained. 】

"Well, can't I do it, anyway, it's easy for me."

Nine Tails took over and started researching.

Eat Naruto's, drink Naruto's "It's really a bit unreasonable not to do something.

"Go to work."

I'm a great tail beast, Nine Tails Kurama, and it's not a piece of cake to do these things....... Fuck!

so tough?

Nine Tails looked at the book in front of him, his eyes straightened, and his heart began to gradually collapse


So much to ask for and fell for it.

Uzumaki Naruto, I can't stop talking to you.

Nine Tails howled, wanting to cry but no tears....

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