I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 127 Duplicates, Akatsuki Organizes Siege Of Uzumaki Naruto!

Kakashi is creepy.

If this conjecture is true, then the people behind it are really exhausted, so Deidara is definitely not the only one.

There should be someone else.

Kakashi looked down, and suddenly saw a hunched strange ninja appearing in his sight. This ninja was so strange that he looked like a dummy.

At this moment, he raised his head and smiled strangely at Chiyo: "Do you want to know how Third Kazekage died and where did he die?"

Chiyo's pupils shrank suddenly: "Is it you?"

"That's right, your opponent is me."


With a flick of the scorpion's wrist and a random pull, several puppets appeared, enveloping Chiyo and little Sakura.


Only the shivering Sunagakure ninja and Naruto remained.

Looking at Scorpion and Deidara with interest, Naruto smiled slightly: "It seems that this is a killing round against me.

"It's really a good plan, killing two birds with one stone."

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"We don't know about this, we are only responsible for blocking Kakashi and Chiyo."

"Naruto, don't move forward."



With a chuckle, a ninja wearing a whirlpool mask suddenly appeared on the sealed land. He was also wearing a black red cloud cloak, fluttering in the wind, but his voice was unusually brisk.

"Do you want to watch Gaara die?"

Kakashi was silent.

The purpose of coming out this time is to save Gaara, who knows that this is a trap for Uzumaki Naruto.

It can be said that the person behind the calculation is very clever, including everyone in Konoha Village and Sunagakure.


This time, even if the mission fails, Naruto cannot be involved.

Naruto turned his head and glanced at Kakashi, with a bright smile: "Don't worry, they Immune to Death me, I went to play a game with Tsunade before leaving."

"I won."

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, then he still had a shocked and angry expression on his face, and shouted: "What nonsense, does that thing count? It's just a joke, let's go 29.

"At your speed, they will never catch up."

"So, Uzumaki Naruto, what's your choice?"

Obito tilted his head and looked at Naruto. Based on what he has known about Naruto over the years, he will never shrink back. Of course, there is nothing he can do if he shrinks back.

The calculation this time is a surprise in itself, if it is not included in the calculation, it will be fine, at least the One Tail tail beast will be in hand.

This is better than anything.

So, Uzumaki Naruto, my teacher's child, how do you choose?

Obito watched Naruto silently.

He has also been in love with Naruto for a long time but has never met. This time it can be regarded as meeting in the form of Chakra spirit.

Naruto is very similar to the teacher Namikaze Minato, but also has the shadow of Yukina Uzumaki.

[You have successfully aroused Uchiha Obito's reminiscence emotion, the critical strike is 50 times, and the distance of the Flying Thunder God is slightly increased. 】

Naruto looked at Obito in front of him.

He knew that this was not the real Obito, and he didn't have any anger in his heart. There was only one, causal connection, and there was an end to it after all.

step out.

Naruto made a choice to save Gaara.

Temari is one of his future wives anyway, Gaara is also Temari's younger brother, this one needs to be saved.

And most importantly, he still wanted to see how Obito and the others calculated him.

He is very curious about this.

"Hehe, it really is Uzumaki Naruto, I admire his courage.

"Since this is the case, then there are five seals here, and only five people can tear them off together to unseal them, so you need four more people."

"And these four people have come."

As soon as Obito finished speaking, four figures flickered towards him, and they were Might Guy, Tian Tian, ​​Xiao Li and Hyuga Neji.

"Naruto, how's the situation?"

"Mr. Kakashi and the others have already fought against the enemy."

"I saw."

Neji nodded, and said in a deep voice: "In both places, the Chakra in their bodies is huge, and the battle is fierce."

"Then, the game begins, Uzumaki Naruto.


Obito laughed heartily, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

"what happened?"

Might Guy and the others looked at Naruto, Naruto told what he saw and guessed just now, Might Guy was silent.

"Are you sure you still need to go to rescue in this situation?"


"Well, let's help you, we have exactly five people here, it's really a good calculation.

"Naruto, be careful."

"The same to you."

Staring at Tiantian, Naruto smiled sassyly: "Then, let's begin."

"Tear apart the conspiracy and save your teammates."

Might Guy laughed: "My big disciple, let me, my teacher, help you sweep away the darkness today, youth requires blood, is Li ready?"

"everything's ready."

"Then, let's begin."

The five people moved in unison, and all took out their radios. In this case, if they want to tear off the seal tacitly, they can only use radios.


"Hello, I'm Might Guy, and I'm ready.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, and I am also in place."

"I'm Neji..."

"I am Tiantian..."

"I'm Li......

With five people in place, Naruto smiled slightly: "Then three or two days



The next moment, the five of them tore off the seal in front of their eyes, and the mysterious power surged in it, and they began to copy the power of several people, ninjutsu, physical skills and everything.


In the next moment, a copy of each person appeared on the opposite side.

"Is this me?"

Naruto curiously looked at Naruto in front of him and felt a little speechless, why does this feel a bit like a battle platform.

Tian Tian felt the same way, and was stunned for a moment.

Then there was a slight surprise, and the two faced each other instantly.




In the five places, except for Naruto, the rest of the places all erupted with terrible aftermath of the battle.

Tiantian even turned on Sage Mode directly, but the other party also turned on it directly, which shocked Tiantian, and couldn't help sneering: 'It's a good clone. '

"But my real strength every day doesn't depend on this."


Stepping back every day, with a thought, several ninja balls appeared in his hand.

The replica was taken aback, looked at Tian Tian stupidly, and shut down.

What's this?

why i didn't

Why isn't this in my ninja bag?

This unscientific!

"Your ability to reproduce is too weak."

"Look at the fight!"

Tiantian smiled coldly, Tiantian in Sage Mode was very violent, with a flick of his wrist, the four ninja balls caught between his fingers struck the replica body in a graceful arc.

Seeing this, the clone didn't dare to neglect, and took out 1 Kun Wu Resist.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The ninja ball was blocked, and before the clone could be happy, he suddenly heard Tiantian's cold voice: "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

next moment,


An astonishing explosion sound suddenly spread around, smoke and dust billowed, and everything was crushed by the sudden explosion.

The instant explosion directly exploded a mushroom cloud.

Under such terrifying power, even if the clone turned on Sage Mode every day, it couldn't stop it, and was directly torn apart by this terrifying explosion.

This is the terrifying effect that Naruto has played for Tiantian in the past two years, and Tiantian has been thinking about creating ninja tools.

It can be said that even if Tian Tian is not standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, he is still among the group of strong ones.

And she was only 16 years old.

"Naruto, here I come!"

Tiantian raised his head and called out to the radio in a low voice, then spread his body and hurried towards where Naruto was.

As for her teammates, Tian Tian believes that they have enough strength to break out.

"Uzumaki Naruto, today is your death day."

Figures appeared in front of the replica Naruto, and surrounded the original Naruto. Naruto was surprised to find that the members of the Akatsuki organization were almost all there.

Except for Konan, Nagato, Deidara and Scorpion, even Itachi and Kisame Kisame are here.

"You really think highly of me."

Naruto touched his nose, a little flattered, this day's lineup is simply terrifying now.

Shinigami or the evil god? Forget it doesn't matter, Hidan's strength is mediocre, but if he has a strong teammate, it's terrible. ,

Obito needless to say.

Itachi is also, Hoshigaki Kisame's strength is not bad, and there is an absolute support by his side.

Look, I am really valued absolutely.

"Hmph, Uzumaki Naruto has no one to rescue you today, your teammates are all overwhelmed, and Sunagakure's people are also hugged by us.

"Today is where your bones are buried."

"That's great, originally Nine Tails was the most difficult to catch, but now we have counted, and we were overjoyed to get Nine Tails and One Tail at the same time within a few days.

Jue looked at Naruto indifferently.

Except for Itachi, everyone else grinned and smiled, as if they were sure of victory.

They couldn't figure out where else they would lose.

Just a copy of Uzumaki Naruto is already powerful enough to confront Naruto head-on, unless Naruto opens Six Paths.

But never mind, Naruto no longer has the ability to activate the Six Paths mode.

Then what are you afraid of, go!

[You have successfully aroused Uchiha Obito's joyful emotions, the critical strike is 300 times, and the physique is +3]

[You have successfully aroused Kakuzu's joyful emotions, the critical strike is ten times, and you have obtained an excellent aura area. 】

[You have successfully aroused the emotions of absolute joy, the critical strike is 500 times, and you get a pot of spiritual wine. 】

[You have successfully aroused Hidan's bloodthirsty mood, hit 30 times the critical strike, and obtained a spiritual tree seed. 】

Naruto's eyes moved slightly, everything else is easy to say, just the last two...

【Spiritual Wine!】

[Wine made entirely from spirits, a sip can cleanse the body, increase lifespan, and rejuvenate. 】

[One sip adds ten years of life, only the first sip is effective. 】

[Note: Don't get drunk. 】

Naruto's heart was shocked. This is a good thing that increases lifespan in the true sense. The first two times were nothing more than a little lifespan, but this time, one sip will directly increase ten years.

So scary.

The most important thing is that the effect of this wine is a bit strong.

It can not only increase the life span, but also cleanse the body, beautify the skin, rejuvenate and so on.

The end is terrifying.

Naruto immediately thought of Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Silently putting the 360 ​​into the space, Naruto looked at another one.

[Spiritual tree seeds. 】

[A flat peach seed, according to legend, the immortals in the heavens felt very good after eating the flat peaches. Except for some spiritual trees, this seed is one of them. 】

【Thirty years to bloom, thirty years to bear fruit, thirty years to mature. 】

[If you often water it with water with aura, it may reduce the time

between. 】

[Note: This method has no effect on real flat peaches and other spiritual trees, please don't waste them. 】

Naruto:  …

Life is a hundred years in a hurry, and you only bear fruit once. Fortunately, you can water it with the water of spiritual energy, otherwise it will have no effect, and you will send people away first.

Withdrawing his gaze, Naruto looked at Obito and the others, and finally fixed on his duplicate body.

he is curious,

Can the so-called clones really unleash their full power?

It just so happens that I still seem to have a lot of abilities that I haven't used, so I can give it a try here.



A figure flashed and appeared in front of Naruto.

Tiantian looked vigilantly at the members of the Akatsuki organization who surrounded Naruto almost heavily, with a dignified expression.

"It seems that this time it really is a conspiracy against you."

"You solved it so quickly?"

"Well, that's the case with this replica."

Obito and the others stared dumbfounded at Tiantian. How long has it been? We only chatted a few words. How dare you tell me it’s resolved?


Suddenly they thought of the astonishing explosion just now, and their faces suddenly darkened, feeling a little out of their control.

This day is even more outrageous than the information given.

For a moment, several people looked at Jue with a hint of blame.

You said what is the use of you, Naruto is powerful. We know that the information collected by talent should be updated in real time, and it is only natural that it cannot keep up.

But you can't say that even Tian Tian's talent is so terrifying, you can't collect it, can you?




It's outrageous.

He is also in the fog now, completely unaware of how Ming Weiwei broke through his clone and rushed over.

But it's certainly not easy.

[You have successfully aroused extreme depression, tripled the critical strike, and obtained excellent spiritual water. 】

"Come on, let's fight!"

Naruto pulled Tiantian behind him, looked down at the jade hand being pulled, instantly understood Naruto's thoughts, and backed away silently.

"It seems that Naruto is very confident."

"Sure enough, he is still so powerful."

While thinking about it, Naruto has already stepped forward, and an astonishing golden light shines......

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