I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 239 If You Want To Fight, Then Fight!

"Orochimaru, are you ready?"

At the same time, in the Akatsuki organization base, Nagato looked at Orochimaru with a cold voice: "If you are ready, let's start."

"Okay, let's start. Anyway, my machine Naruto and the machine Nine Tails Second Generation have also been built. It's time to let the whole ninja world tremble for us."

Orochimaru smiled darkly, feeling really excited inside.

He has no interest in conquering the world or anything, but he is very interested in studying these weird things.

He wants to understand the world.

Want to know the truth and essence of this world, but also want to know the secret of Chakra and the formation of ninjutsu and so on.

For this, he can do anything.

This is his hobby and his biggest goal in this world.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started."

"As you wish, Chief!"

Orochimaru said something casually, and started his operation.

On the side, Jue watched silently, and Obito also watched quietly. No one knew the excitement in their hearts, and no one could understand.

"It's finally about to start, Lin, I'm here to see you, the world without you is really boring, the whole world is gray."

"Mother, I finally have a chance to rescue you."

Black Zetsu was also thrilled.

Nagato was even more excited, Konan, Yahiko, although one of you died and the other betrayed, I didn't.

I am still moving forward with the goal we set at the beginning.

And the moment finally came.

"Only by experiencing pain can one know the true meaning of peace."

"Bloom, dark before dawn."

The rest of the people also looked at Orochimaru excitedly.

Orochimaru calmly took out a remote control from his ninja bag and pressed it lightly.


The ground shook, and a huge mechanical Nine Tails came out from the ground, roaring upwards, the sound vibrated, and a berserk aura swept over.

"So strong!"

Obito was shocked, but also excited.

Damn, Uzumaki Naruto, I don't think you will die this time.

Feeling this terrifying power, Black Zetsu and Nagato felt certain in their hearts. With this power, they didn't believe that Uzumaki Naruto could turn the tide.

By the way, there is also the mechanical Naruto.

Several people looked up at the vortex Naruto standing coldly on top of Nine Tails with their arms around each other.

What kind of strength will bloom when these two machines are combined into one and transformed into the fairy fox mode.


Several people were calm in their hearts.

They also have cards.

"Then, it's time!"

Seeing this scene, Black Zetsu was also determined in his heart, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and decided to start the final mission, the final goal.

"let's start."

Nagato also looked at Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu has no talent in ninjutsu, but he is really second-to-none in learning.

Because he has a lot of points, learning calendar.

It is so awesome to win more with less.


Nepenthes grinned, took out the computer in front of them and began to operate.


All ninjas with some strength are making preparations, because they all know that the Fourth Ninja World War is about to begin.

They felt incredible about this, but also very sad and indignant.

Obviously, life is much better, and few people want to fight at all. What kind of organization do you want to openly start a war with the ninja world?

Have a sick mind!

This is what they think in their hearts. They really feel that the brain circuit of Xiao organization is not normal.

It's still dawn, it's still dawn.

You're pure darkness, for peace? How fucking funny.

Everyone was trembling with anger, and everyone was laughing angrily, but there was no way, the higher-ups informed that the war was indeed about to start.


Some people noticed their mobile phones, some people noticed their computers, and some people noticed (cjfe) their TVs.

At this moment, almost all electronic devices in the ninja world were hacked and began to broadcast a person's face.

And this person: Nagato!

"Good morning!"

Nagato watched the video, with a faint smile on his face, and said in a simple language: "As you wish, the Fourth Ninja World War has begun. I initiated it. Prepare to fight.

"This time will change all directions of the ninja world."

After speaking, the video screen went black.

Black Zetsu smiled: I am not fighting alone, I have many clones. "


"What the hell, who is this arrogant."

After seeing this scene and hearing such arrogant words, many people's lungs exploded. Who the hell is this person?

Could it be that he is the leader of the Akatsuki organization, is it really going to war this time?

Many people are silent.

Even though he knew in his heart that this was a foregone conclusion, Dang still felt a little unbelievable that it all happened so suddenly.

Suddenly they were confused.

This is not right!

"The war has begun."

The Five Kages meeting started again, and Gaara said bluntly: "Electronic equipment is not safe, and the other side has experts."

"I know!"

Tsunade said in a deep voice: "I don't think there is any need to worry about this. After all, this is also the ninja world. Chakra is supreme and ninjutsu is supreme. My Konoha Nara family has a deep understanding of this, and it can replace electronic equipment."

"I approve of that."

Fourth Raikage Ai sneered: "Electronic equipment is still not safe, and the safest thing is the strength in our hands.

"Since the war has started, let's just make it public."

Onoki had a headache, why did things develop to this point.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have cooperated with the Xiao organization in the first place, and now it has caused them to grow so huge.

Tsunade's beautiful eyes flowed, watching quietly, interjecting occasionally to discuss some details of the future.

This is a big war, and once the war starts, it must be earth-shattering.

They don't know what kind of cards the Xiao organization has, but the so-called mechanical Naruto and mechanical Nine Tails will definitely appear.

Everything has to be ready.

They cannot fight ambiguous battles.

"Okay, let's publish."

for a long time,

After discussing with several people, they decided to announce and challenge.

If you want to fight, then fight!

"Tsk, it's really amazing."

Naruto, who was still swiping his phone, couldn't help but admire the hacked phone: "This is definitely the masterpiece of Black Zetsu."

In the line of sight, the crit flickered continuously.

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