I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 300: The Great Demon King Attacks!

"I have to say that this Uzumaki Naruto still has a brush, and the martial art he created seems to be similar to the scattered cosmic practice in my memory.

"So this is in line with the universe."

Big Devil Piccolo muttered, but he didn't care.

My own talent is already good, and being separated out seems to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du. Practicing is like eating and drinking.

this is not

I am already very powerful now, and I will definitely be able to kill that Uzumaki Naruto and conquer the world.

quack quack!

"I have to say that the second pulse of Ren Du mentioned in Uzumaki Naruto's book is very interesting."

The Great Demon King Piccolo shook his head, thinking about leaving the ninja world.

"Great Toad Sage, what's wrong with you?"


In front of the Great Toad Sage was a super big TV, and beside it was a super big computer screen.

Times have changed.

Mount Myōboku also had to keep up with trends.

I used to sleep all the time, which was not interesting, but now I can see some changes in the ninja world in real time, which is really interesting.

In addition, he has a good relationship with Naruto, and some things thrown by Naruto actually made him a little younger.

At least it's easier to move around.

"It is said that there is a game called Ninja Glory recently released, have you played it yet?"


Fukasaku Shima and the two old immortals shook their heads: "It's Hamamaru and the others who are playing, but they are often abused."

"It's fun to see them having fun."

"I also enjoyed watching it, but it's a pity that I'm old and can't move, otherwise I really want to try it.

Fukasaku was speechless.

"The current ninja world is really changing with each passing day."

Great Toad Sage sighed: "I'm almost behind the times."

Thinking back to those days, what was Ninsi like?

Looking at it now, the changes are really big.

"I only predicted that Naruto would be the savior this time, but I never thought that Naruto would be so powerful.

"Yeah, we don't know how strong Naruto is now."

Anyway, since the era of martial arts began, the depth of Naruto is beyond what they can perceive.


It seems that it was still in the ninja era before, and I can't feel it.

This Naruto, is really strong and a little too much.

He suppressed an era by himself.


Even women like Hyūga Hinata who are related to Naruto are very powerful.

Some time ago, Fukasaku Shima and two toads went to the ninja world to play together, and saw Hinata smashing a mountain with an Eight Trigrams Air Palm.


It's outrageous.

"Great Toad Sage don't you sleep?"

"What are you sleeping on, I just woke up not long ago, it seems that there is a green-skinned monster who wants to conquer the world.

Cough cough cough!

Fukasaku Shima and the two sages coughed violently.

I'll go, who can't think about it.

[You have successfully aroused the challenge emotion of Piccolo, the critical strike is 777 times, and the Kamui space expansion has been obtained. 】

Naruto rolled around like a carp, a little dazed.

what do you say

Piccolo is born?

Count the time.....

It seems that Wu Taidou has also learned to come out of the mountain with that water.

This is really, a surprise!

The two will meet soon.

Thinking about it feels exciting and very interesting.

As for taking action against Piccolo himself, hehe!

If this world leaves, everyone will have to turn around, and he is not a nanny, so there is no need to wipe these people's buttocks frequently.

Think about it too, if everything depends on him, then this ninja world doesn't need to grow.

Just wash and sleep.

How can a planet break out of the planet without the thought of fighting against heaven and earth.

In the future, if there is no deviation, it will only become more and more serious, and the enemies that appear will become stronger one by one.

Do you really count on others to fail?

Think too much!

Thinking of this, Naruto lay down again, all these years were nothing more than a small fight.

Only when the alien arrives will he rush out of the solar system and the universe.

It's so exciting just thinking about it.

Through those breakthroughs again and again, he grew from a little ghost to a godlike existence in just a few years.

And it continues to break through.

This is the son of the universe, so terrifying.


Monkey King may not necessarily be the son of the universe, but more likely the son of the great universe, the son of the era or something.


It's pure speculation.

But it must be outrageous, otherwise looking at the growth of Monkey King, it would be so terrifying.

"If they grow up and give themselves some critical blows, wouldn't my strength also grow very quickly?"


"look forward to."

Lying quietly on the sofa, the TV host played a short clip of his magically modified version of martial arts.

Holding a mobile phone in his hand, he was watching videos.

Naruto felt like he had fallen.

The current life is the life he dreamed of, and it will definitely get better and better in the future.


The ground shook, and a qigong swept across, causing huge casualties.

"Hahaha, vulnerable, vulnerable!"

The Great Demon King Piccolo roared loudly, with a ferocious face, as if he saw that he had conquered the whole world.

Piccolo swept all the way, and wherever he went, there was no single enemy.

Martial arts have only been around for a few years, and Piccolo is extremely talented. So far, few people can defeat him.


"It's really too weak!"

"How can you be so weak, you all go to die."

Piccolo laughed and pushed horizontally all the way, quite like I am invincible.

"Teacher, this man is too hateful."

In a room, Jiraiya was alone and drunk.

Because he was entangled by the former village head of Nadeko Village, he simply escaped, but he still did not escape from the clutches.

To use Naruto's sarcasm, it's like beating swallows and getting pecked all day long, right!

it's good now,

Belly punched!

Just ask you if Jiraiya should stop from the brink.

I'm old and happy, I don't know if it will be scrapped in the future.

"It's not bad, the strength is good."

Jiraiya glanced over.

Following Naruto, there are naturally many.

Coupled with the purchase of Warcraft meat every day, his strength is not weak.

If the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament were to be held now, it would definitely be a riot of demons.

What Satan is simply weak.

"But don't you think he's gone too far? No, we're going to stop him!"

"I want to go to you."

Jiraiya changed to a comfortable position: "Your teacher is old, and Naruto's words can't always wipe your ass for you young people.

"A lot of things still need to be solved by you."


"Because he's done enough."

Wu Taidou was silent.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same... Four....

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