[You successfully aroused the anger of Hatake Kakashi, the critical strike was ten times, and you got the full set of Supreme Edition of Intimate Paradise. 】

Naruto: "..."

This stuff is expensive.

Kakashi Sasuke and the others are devastated, idiot Naruto, is there really danger in the village?

This should be very unlikely.

Although Naruto has a crow's mouth, there should be a limit to the crow's mouth. How can there be problems in such a big village.

This is absolutely impossible.

Naruto shrugged, indicating that I was just speaking casually.

Dazna on the side was thoughtful, walking along this way, Naruto's mouth seemed to have opened, and he couldn't help smiling and said: "Don't you ninjas have Water Style Fire Style? Does Naruto count? Mouth?"

Kakashi and the others immediately looked over.


Good image.

That's right, it's the mouth.

But Naruto's mouth is a bit strange, good spirits don't work bad spirits, Naruto usually says some auspicious words, but they just don't come true.

However, once this guy said bad things, he basically realized all of them.

Mizuki in the early days is now jokingly called the old king next door.

Now Za Bu Zhan and Bai.

Then he just said that Konoha Village is also in danger?

I'm a dangerous dick.

Kakashi's face was pale. If there is any danger in this Konoha Village, it is not a joke, maybe it will be a big event.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Kakashi shook his head.

【You successfully aroused the panic in Hatake Kakashi's heart, nine times the critical strike, and got Chakra+1】

Naruto grinned.


Dazna suddenly stamped his feet, pointed to the front and said, "That's my house. There are only two people in my house."

"A daughter, a grandson."

"It's okay, just be pretty."

Naruto waved his hand carelessly: 'I don't care. '

Dazna remained expressionless.

You don't care, I do.

Where did you learn this at such a young age?

Dazna couldn't help looking at Kakashi, Kakashi shrugged, he didn't know either.

Naruto’s behavior in the village was normal according to what Third Generation said before, but after getting along with him for a long time, I realized that Naruto sometimes said things like a little devil, and occasionally he would kill people for life.

[You successfully aroused Dazna's inner worry, the critical strike was five times, and you got some silver taels! 】

[You have successfully aroused the speechless emotions of Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura. The critical strike is ten times, and you get Chakra+1, Speed+1, and water of aura. 】

Naruto smiled lightly.


Now the probability of this attribute being exposed is quite high. If this continues, he will not even need ninjutsu in the future. He can raise his fist and say: 'This punch is my skill for more than ten years. Can you stop it? '


It's that arrogant.

"Come on, I'm going to build a bridge when I get home."

There was a smile on Dazna's face: "Thanks to you, I have the opportunity to build that bridge, and then I will call him..."

"Naruto Bridge."

Naruto suggested from the side: "I think it sounds very nice."


Several people's faces darkened, and Dazna was even more speechless. This person is really shameless.

But thinking that Naruto contributed the most on this journey, and it is true that they have helped to get this opportunity, Dazna couldn't help but nodded: "The name seems to be good."

It's just a name, nothing more.

Naruto was delighted to hear this, and thought silently in his heart.

If someone passes this bridge in the future, will he feel emotional after hearing the allusion of this bridge, and if his mood fluctuates greatly, he will contribute a critical blow to him.

This is persistent.

"It seems that I have to change my strategy sometimes."


Naruto was taken aback suddenly.

He didn't want to make a move before, but should he make a move this time with Konoha's collapse plan?

Under the eyes of everyone, he burst out with great strength, saved Konoha Village, and suppressed all enemies in one fell swoop. Isn't this a feat?

So how big are those people's mood swings?

This is a big wave of crit attacks.

At that time, his own strength will definitely soar.


"What a genius idea."

"No, some people can't be saved, wait until they are almost dead."

Naruto calculated silently, thinking coldly in his heart.

He has seen it all these years, some people are really too much, and some people Naruto is afraid to go shopping, but he will still sell it to him.

But some people have no grievances or enmities with him, but they insist on finding a sense of existence by themselves, making them appear to have a sense of superiority.

What is this kind of person doing to save him?

Are you against yourself?

Therefore, you have to watch the timing.

"what's on your mind?"

Kakashi leaned on the railing, watching the rough sea and the sea breeze blowing, which has a special flavor.

"I'm thinking of going back to play with Hinata and the others."

Kakashi: '...'

I can't talk today.

[You successfully aroused Kakashi's speechless emotions, tripled the critical strike, and obtained the exclusive version of Intimate Paradise. 】

Naruto touched his nose.

It's this again, but a little differently.

"This thing seems to be reusable."

Naruto planned in his mind, intending to surprise Kakashi one day, and then let him contribute another wave of critical strikes.

The abacus in his heart was crackling, but his face was calm, and he said with a smile: "We will go back soon, right?"

"Yeah, I really want to go back."

"Let's go after this Naruto bridge is built. I'm going to train Sasuke and little Sakura now. Do you want to go?"

Kakashi gnashed his teeth at the words Naruto Bridge.

Never seen such a brazen person.

How dare you use your own name to name it? It's really shameless and envious.

"Go, of course."

Naruto's eyes lit up: "I want to see it too."

"Then let's go."

Kakashi waved, and Sasuke and little Sakura hurriedly followed.

They also don't want to hold back.

Especially Sasuke, who thought there was not much difference between him and Naruto, but looking at it now, it is simply too big, which is a great blow to his self-esteem.

He didn't want to be doing nothing.

In the grove, Kakashi pointed to the trunk in front of him and said, "Today I will ask you to climb the tree."

"Well, it's a nice place, Grove, a nice place to do business."

"What's up?"

Little Sakura asked subconsciously.


Kakashi hit a chestnut...

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